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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. It's a direct translation. นมเปรี้ยว It's drinking yogurt. Dutch Mill, Yakult. That sort of thing.
  2. Thai driving licence. Copy front and back.
  3. Lost in translation. That's all. Nothing to pick holes in. If you can't get used to it, read the Thai press.
  4. You didn't see it. It was posted after your post. The article isn't even slightly misleading. Veterans can be of any occupational background. Even teachers.
  5. You are obviously referring to a different case. So, that's two cases you failed to post about for balance. https://news.sky.com/story/labour-mp-says-opposition-frontbencher-still-in-post-despite-being-reported-to-police-for-alleged-sexual-assault-12895013
  6. No. Because you used a specific case of one specific political party. For balance, you could have included the current and ongoing investigation into a Labour MP for sexual harrassment. You didn't and that speaks volumes
  7. Correct. It's political. As can be seen by the post below.
  8. 555. That's a good one. Brit food has lots of flavor, if cooked correctly.
  9. An expert v you. Are you an expert? What do you know about mental health? Like I said in my previous post. Most posts on here are speculation. Reports on all parties involved, including the media, will likely be published in due course. Expert reports v posts on a Thai forum for expats. I know which ones I'd like to be used in any case I was involved with.
  10. Most of this thread has become pure speculation. Whether you read The Sun or loathe The Sun, watch BBC or hate BBC, trust the police or not, believe people have mental health or not, posters are doing nothing more than speculating and posting links to news stories that are not doing much better. Let everything take it's course. For the accused to get better, if you believe he is ill, so he can explain himself. Let the BBC or police or The Sun offer more information or withdraw information and apologise, Maybe the victims, parents, lawyers will make more statements. There will be more reporting on this and the bigger, or smaller, picture will be on hand. Until then, petty and political comments are inane.
  11. Regularly? I don't think so. A few years ago? Page 3 girls had to be 18 from 2003 and the feature was stopped for good in 2015. Hardly " a,few years ago".
  12. I've never suggested they could. However, if it comes to light the parents lied, the child would be a victim of lies.
  13. Not like you to jump the gun. Let's face it, you are letting politics get in the way again. There seems a lot more to this than meets the eye. I'm leaning towards mother and step father spinning The Sun a yarn. The Sun say they've seen evidence. Time to let the investigation take it's course.
  14. They do. The report says 80 branches are closing. It doesn't say "All" branches are closing. The branches that are closing are obviously not viable due to under use. Banks don't close busy branches.
  15. I agree. However, the majority of people do have access. Sadly, as in most situations, the minority will need to change their ways.
  16. It always makes me laugh when people suggest a wage increase because business owners are so rich, especially a 100% increase. Businesses have a business model they work to. If they are forced to increase wages, thus losing profit, they will raise prices to cover the extra payment.
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