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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Did you read the OP's comment below? Sangkha is approx 160kms from Ubon. Hardly " not too far".
  2. There is no point replying. You have your, incorrect, assessment in your head and you are not going to change. I did ask you for evidence they stole Windsor Castle and Tower of London, as examples. You didn't reply.
  3. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind. You just don't get the simple theory of the Sovereign Grant. I've tried to explain but you won't accept the fundamental concept.
  4. Oh dear. You clearly do not check before you speak. Income tax is in the link. Inheritance tax is not applicable as Charles inherited crown possessions as he is the next monarch. He can't sell what he inherited. Look at the link again. 3 billion pounds in 10 years. Easily pays for the renovations to Buckingham Palace. Less than money paid on renovating council houses. Are those living in council houses privileged? It would be logical for you to provide evidence that the likes of Windsor Castle and Tower of London, as example, were stolen from the British people, in order to back your claim.
  5. You obviously didn't read the link. The monarchy are net contributors to the UK economy by circa 200m per year. 200 million isn't alot of money?
  6. I don't have a boy. The inquiry was released. That was sufficient. The rest was a waste of time. Just egos on steroids.
  7. The vote was inconsequential. The only result being the removal of Boris's parliamentary pass. So what. The whole of yesterday's parliamentary session was a waste of time. The 300 non voters did the correct thing by avoiding getting involved in the knife twisting charade. They must have had more important things to be getting on with.
  8. And the opposition didn't want to waste time by pushing and pushing for an inquiry and inconsequential vote, did they? Did I hear Starmer say " let's not worry about it. Boris has resigned as PM and MP. Let's leave it at that and get on with more important things, like the economy". No, I didn't think so.
  9. The Monarchy does not cost the country a lot if money, as you claim. Have a read. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance
  10. Slightly incorrect. He was recalled to prison for approaching and trying to chat to young women. Not young girls. The recall did not mention anything about hanging about outside schools.
  11. No. Bellfield is on a "whole life tarriff".
  12. A change of heart. Good. I hope your PM included an apology.
  13. Really? @Daab unlikely you'll find anyone whilst in a Muay Thai hotbed. Why not expand your knowledge and skills by going to the local Muay Thai gym?
  14. On a previous post the OP mentioned the young lad attends school, meaning he will be registered at an address local to the school. Each local "Anamai" clinic will have a full list of all addresses for their catchment area. If someone from that address has been to the clinic before, there will be a file for that address ( our local still only has hard copy files but are looking at computerising soon). Each time a family member goes there, I guess with house book, they will then be added to the file. My name is in the file for our address, I believe my wife showed copy of my passport along with her house book. My name is in our house book as father of our daughter. This was enough for them to register me. I have never been charged for any treatment although I did make a donation when I'd had a course of 3 chiropractic treatments.
  15. Really? You obviously haven't read Stevey's recent posts. It is my understanding he is currently in UK. Not inconceivable for an expat in UK to check with those who have knowledge on this forum.
  16. Indeed he did say that. However, he has also made it quite clear it is a joint decision. My wife would not have moved to UK if she wasn't married to me. That's not to say it was my decision and she moved against her will.
  17. You clearly didn't read tge whole OP. He quite clearly gives his own reasons for moving. Also mentions he likes Korat.
  18. Yes, if you interpret what I said correctly and not twist it. Let's face it, if things had gone the other way you'd have been all over the idea he was let off by bias in his favour. Myself, from a neutral point of view, am saying bias cannot be proved or disproved. Opinions are just that. Put the evidence in front of supporters of Boris, a different result would have occurred. That's politics. Plain and simple.
  19. What? I've already seen it. That still does not prove, nor disprove any bias either way. It's still based on the opinions of the committee.
  20. The best school is right outside your front door. I don't understand why people want language lessons while residing in the country of that language.
  21. Indeed. Based on their opinions. Still waiting gor you evidence as requesting in my previous post.
  22. An opinion of the committee. No one will ever actually know for a fact if their opinion is correct. That is another opinion. Again, something no one can call as correct or not. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
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