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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Was she and hubby saving up for a personal contingency plan just in case their push for independence worked? ????????????
  2. A contradiction on your views as to how people should conduct themselves with regards to other posters. Quite intriguing.
  3. To be honest, I didn't even know the news until I saw it here and, thus, didn't know the timing of said news. The post I quoted said " what a day yesterday was" followed by " I switched on the 9 o'clock news". (AM orPM?). The grammar and tenses of the sentences suggest the same day. Yesterday being over, I wrote in the past tense.
  4. If you asked 1000 random people in UK, US, Australia......and more, the question " name 4 countries that border Thailand?", how many would answer correctly? If you asked "name 4 countries that border Brazil?", how many would answer correctly? The most difficulty I've had in explaining historic or geographic facts is the concept of Great Britan and United Kingdom. Who was I trying to explain to??? Americans. That's not to say all Americans don't understand, it's just an example.
  5. The phrase " what a day yesterday was" speaks volumes. No, it didn't make my day. I have a life, a family, friends and things going on that far out strip anything about things I can't control about people I've never met.
  6. I posted what I was told. I even suggested that if processes are changing to make things easier in UK, that is a good thing. I've mentioned nothing about batteries or 2014. You made that up.
  7. Cost? That is the question the OP is asking.
  8. Actually, in that part of the article he used Present Perfect Tense. That spans from when he bought his EV up to present day, or at least the time of writing. Besides, you asked for specifics to UK. I provided 2 abd asked questions. You, surprise surprise, fid not answer.
  9. To quote the link in the OP: "notwithstanding our poor electric charging infrastructure". To whom does "our" refer too? "the government has proposed a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030". To which government is he referring?
  10. No need. Already filed. Thanks for the chuckle. Predicated, expected, usual but funny.
  11. Regardless of your opinion, and it is just that, those countries have higher inflation which is unrelated to Brexit. Not the top. You are mistaken.
  12. Previous posts on the matter suggest otherwise. I believe it's in the region of 2% less at best and many %%% more at worst. Anyway, thanks for confirming Brexit is not to blame for inflation. Good call.
  13. I would imagine people in distant countries are also discussing cost of living rises. It is a global issue after all. What are people in those countries blaming?
  14. Excuse me. I posted that the 30 baht health care scheme covered accidents. The OP disagreed. I responded. You replied with a question asking if I was a farmer. I'm happy to respond to that should you decide to quote a post of mine regarding farming. If you look at my post timed at 23 hours ago, you'll get your answers. Any further questions, please quote that post and fire away.
  15. The post to which someone disagreed was regarding health care. He later apologised for being wrong. Therefore, I'm not sure why you asked your question. Had you quoted a previous post of mine, your question could have been valid, but inane, as I've already posted my experience.
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