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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Rightmove were one of my sources. No methology needed. A poster made a comment that I've proved to be false, with the help of Rightmove. I believe those properties for £600pcm or under are in the real world. Is there a Blackpool in a parallel universe?
  2. I wasn't aware being hung drawn and quartered was the punishment for overstay. I believe it's deportation and a ban on re entering. If I was a judge I would gave mo choice in the case innthe OP. The law she broke is punishable by death. Judges can't change the law.
  3. I was replying to another poster. My reply was specific to his ideas. Just as yours was here: "Do you believe Britain’s poor have enough access to care? How would driving up care costs impact the poor in Britain who need care?"
  4. What is your wife's job? I ask as if she is involved in health care, either NHS or private, she can apply for part refund every six months. This can be done online at Gov.uk. All that is needed is payslips to cover the 6 months she is applying for a refund for.
  5. There has always been people who don't want to work in care. With the mass increase of those needing care, the UK workers who feel the work is not below them, are more thinly spread.
  6. Money can't cure laziness. People get more benefits than they would earn eith your plan. Cut benefits, make it more difficult to live off benefits long term. Use the money saved to offer higher minimum wage to get people to work. No need to raise taxes. Win win. But wait, you'll still get people who think cleaning and care jobs are below them. Once again, foreign staff working in care are not cheap labour. There are salary requirements attached to their visas. Hourly rate currently higher than minimum was.
  7. Have a look. 30 properties for rent in one town at under £600 pcm. That's on today's prices. Prices last year, as we know, we're lower. All it takes are some simple searches. Just need to sort through. Nice properties currently available in my home town at under £600 pcm. All your research has done is come up with average figures. We've agreed they distort the real picture.
  8. The executed woman knew the laws and the punishments. She broke the law, was found guilty in court and punished accordingly. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.
  9. I believe you stayed in Blackpool. A quick search brings up 30 properties with at least 1 bedroom, in Blackpool under £600 pcm. Not forgetting rents have risen since you were there. You didn't search hard enough, just like many people.
  10. Once again, you twist what I have said. I don't have a narrative. I say things how I see them. It there were no properties for £800 a month in all cities or even most cities in UK, I eould agree with you. My searches suggest differently. I've agreed there are issues of housing prices in UK. Twice in fact, this now 3 times. I just believe they are being exaggerated by the media and social media. So many people these days won't get off their a%#especially and do the footwork. Too busy searching on thier phones whilst sitting on the sofa. Nice to see Dundee has prices under what you quoted.
  11. Caribbean, Indian, Sri Lankan, Nepalese, Thai, Filipino, Colombian? Those nationalities make up 90% of care staff where I work. They are very happy with the salaries they receive.
  12. The hourly rate to meet Tier2 visa requirements is higher than minimum wage. The staff from overseas are not cheap labour. The residential home where I work, and others I have worked at, could not operate without staff from overseas. All staff receive the same hourly rate at induction. £11 per hour if you have care certificate qualifications £10.90 if you are yet to complete it. When staff are needed, advertisements are put out on all the major job sites. Generally speaking, 95% of applications are from overseas.
  13. So, we've now gone from " major issues in the UK housing market" to " most cities". I'm not sure what cities as I've just pick 5 random cities on the list of UK cities and found the accommodation you say us impossible to find. Mortgages threefold, you say? The example in the OP, based on interest rate rises in the ast 12 months, wasn't even double.
  14. No. Not extrapolating. I do research subjects before I post on here. Not just my own observations, unless you call researching housing prices, both rent and purchase, and salaries in different parts of country as personal observations. I've already agreed with you that London is a different kettle of fish. Always has been.
  15. I don't believe there to be major problems and have never said so, in that respect we don't agree. I believe there are problems but they are exaggerated. Too many people rely on and believe what they see or read in the media or social media instead of getting out and speaking to those who know, namely estate agents. They see the average figures used and just give up thinking about moving. I still, after 2 years, get regular emails from agents offering me rentals and sales. Some of which have been on the market for weeks. All affordable housing.
  16. All good in theory but you are using average figures again. Rent in a decent single occupany property, ie one bed flat, I'm using this as an example as you have used a single person in yours, is a good 40% less than your stated average figure. The £142k price was an average. As you’ve been using them. There is a nice 1 bed flat just down the road from us for 110k and that's not the only one at that price. You are right. Averages do distort reality.
  17. I don't recall saying there weren't problems. I did point out that mortgage payments being 30% of salary, as in the example, is nothing new. I also pointed out that using average house prices exaggerates the issues faced by first time buyers, who are those most likely to be facing decisions about what they can and can't afford to buy.
  18. Using average figures distorts the real situation and scares people. Propaganda. I've already explained in my town there are 84 properties within reach of a couple on minimum wage at 3.8 times their salary. Using the same property website, taking the first 50 properties when listed "highest to lowest" and the first 50 when listed "lowest to highest", the average figure is £750k. This mainly due to properties in the affluent area peaking at £2.6 million. Many people seeking housing right now would fall into the first time buyer bracket. Lottery win aside, they are not looking at properties £1m and above. When reporting about those wishing to get on the property ladder, average prices of properties that estate agents describe as "ideal first time buyer properties" should be used. The figures in my home town then go from "average property prices £750k" to "average prices of properties ideal for first time buyers £142k" This is not the most expensive area of UK but far from the cheapest. SW England.
  19. Your figures are high. Too high. I know where you got them from as I've seen them before. Nothing more than propaganda. In the real world those figures just don't fit. London is a big issue, I'll give you that. Then again, most capital cities around the world have the same issues.
  20. I believe the case in the report is under investigation. In my post I was referring to the bigger picture. Humans that have been trafficked often have visas.
  21. Trafficked humans often have visas. I believe you are getting confused between human trafficking and migrant smuggling. An easy mistake to make.
  22. I believe @placeholder mentioned a connection with a powerful person in the victim's home country. A link to the report: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66260064 A quote from the link : "Terri complained to the care company but it threatened to stop her work and cancel her visa. She says other carers she got to know also warned her that the firm's owner had political links in her home country. "That makes him very dangerous where we come from - you don't want to go against someone like that," she told us."
  23. Yes, it is. https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/human-trafficking/human-trafficking.html
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