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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. An opinion of the committee. No one will ever actually know for a fact if their opinion is correct. That is another opinion. Again, something no one can call as correct or not. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
  2. I remember telling some Thai folk that most streets in UK don't have a house number "13". They thought that was strange. Every country, many people have their superstitions. Why not just let them get on with it?
  3. I didn't disagree. I pointed out this topic is about a named ex prime minister. Not someone who has been officially ranked in an imaginary league of best or worst. Just a fact. That's all.
  4. I guess, due to the lack of a link from a credible source, that's just a personal opinion.
  5. That sounds more like medical negligence. I know of a few people who have very successfully transitioned.
  6. You say " gender cannot be changed" The subjects in the OP, just as everyone else around the world, have been proved (almost definately) to have gender defined in the brain. The majority of us have been fortunate enough to have genitalia to match the brain defined gender. So, you can't change the brain. Something else must be changed.
  7. Depends which reports you listen too. On the day she and Boris resigned, it was reported she already knew she had been removed from the list.
  8. It didn't have to be. Remaining in the union kept the monarch as head of state of Scotland by default.
  9. "We?" I believe it's up to he next generation. The process in 2014 was a " once in a generation" opportunity.
  10. I didn't ask you to. I've read what you wrote. I've asked what it means.
  11. Why is this even news? I worked in a school 7 years ago that allowed teachers to dress according to gender identity. As for students, they were lenient towards hair style and make up but not uniforms.
  12. Indeed they can. However, there us a post on here confirming those responsible were non blacks. I'm interested to know how they know. That us relevant to this discussion. I'll await the response from said poster.
  13. I'm just trying to get proof from someone who has already confirmed it. Maybe you can confirm it's " likely", or is that just a personal assumption?
  14. Or your lack of proof to back your statement that non blacks are responsible.
  15. When my wife applied we were asked for proof of living at same address. Utility bills, bank statements, council tax statements....... She did apply in UK, as she was stuck here on a visitor visa and applied under temporary rules due to Covid19 travel restrictions. Maybe that made a difference, I don't know.
  16. Are they lying? Surely that's to be discovered with the law suit. I was replying to a post that suggested colour had been confirmed. I cannot see that. I was hoping for confirmation.
  17. I can't see any reference with regards to colour of those causing the problems.
  18. Sorry. You seem to be getting confused. Your previous post, the one to which I referred, suggested 3 people should be banged up. I asked you to elaborate. You have offered dome drivel but no actual facts regarding laws broken which result in a custodial sentence. I then suggested you should defend those who have not been charged, as you are with Sturgeon. You have failed on both counts. That's it. In a nutshell. No need for further discussion.
  19. You tell me where it is. You are the one who suggested people should be banged up. Please give us a link to the charge sheets.
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