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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. We had prefects, yes. Didn't command much authority though. Didn't have 6th form at our senior school. Only up to 4th. Lower 6th and 6th was at college at a different site. I like your use of the word "playground" at senior schools. ????????????
  2. We had teachers and "dinner ladies" around in junior school. Not in senior school.
  3. We never had teacher patrols when I was in grade 7, 8, 9 or 10 in UK. 11 and 12 is sixth form. No teacher patrols there either.
  4. Not as yet. Maybe not doing well in some areas. However, to say it has "failed" is impossible. You claimed to be well educated. How can you possibly think Brexit has failed when it hasn't finished? Strange theory.
  5. It could be said you are getting there. Seeing as your new, best buddy is Nigel Farage.
  6. Those with better education can think critically. Learn how to digest information from many sources, not just the ones they agree with politically.
  7. https://www.ft.com/content/af5820bf-0af6-4228-8223-4cb79cc5a6d6
  8. I was using the terminology used. Obviously the category will be explained as "open to athletes...... ........" referring to other categories.
  9. I didn't say you could. Jeez, I wish people would keep up before posting inane comments
  10. Oh dear. I'll say it again. Transgender women can compete in open categories. They have had medical treatment and transitioned. A transvestite is a man who has no interest in being a women but will sometimes dress as one. Examples, Grayson Perry and Eddie Izzard. They would not be permitted to enter into the open category. However they are dressed.
  11. Transgender women can compete in an open category. Transvestites would not be able to.
  12. You clearly have no knowledge of the subject a hand. That subject being transgender. Not transvestite.
  13. Neither do I. Just having a conversation on an open forum. The point is not about sport being "open" to everyone. It's about different people's perception of "fairness". The old saying " you can please some people some of the time.............." springs to mind.
  14. I think you've missed my point. Firstly, I did say this will not only effect cycling. Secondly, your final paragraph mentions " keeping pace" with changes. That is my point. I can see the need for more changes as transgender groups splinter into more specific groups. Similar in a way to Para sport. More and more categories being created as people complain of unfair advantages in their current catagory.
  15. Will one "open category" be enough? I can see, further down the line, people complaining. Maybe women who have transitioned to men wanting their own category. Those transitioning not wanting to compete with those totally transitioned. Not only cycling but many sports.
  16. In 21 years living in Thailand, Durian is the only food I have refused to sample.
  17. Yes, if schools are lucky enough to have a dedicated computer room and/or a Native English speaking teacher, the grant per student from the government will often not be enough to cover this. From memory I paid about 500baht a term. Rural schools might ask for donations from time to time butcher generally totally free.
  18. That's fine by me. However, by ignoring, you are missing out on learning something from someone with 21 years experience on the matter both as a teacher and parent. I believe it was the 2017 constitution that passed the law of 12 years free education. They did not stipulate grades although most took it as 1 to 12. Some parents in rural areas, where schools generally offer education from pre kindergarden to grade 9, used their 12 years free education to cover those years. The government then pushed it to 15 years to cover Kindergarden and one year of pre kindergarden for those that wished their kids to go to school at a younger age and continue to grade 12.
  19. It does vary by school. I was a teacher in Thailand for 21 years. Some schools give a lot of flexibility. Others not so much.
  20. Incorrect. Thai students study free upto grad 12, 18 years old.
  21. The report says " Germany has gone into recession". That is present perfect tense. Not future. It has happened. I'm not having it both ways. It's quite simple.
  22. I haven't mentioned IFo. The figures I read, with regards to German recession, came from DekaBank.
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