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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Impossible to say. As we have discussed several times on this thread alone, there are still issues to be dealt with. As an example, you yourself, have mentioned a myriad of times that there are many laws to be changed. Thus, Brexit is unfinished business and cannot be deemed a failure. Even if your newest bosom buddy Nige says so.
  2. Forecast. Assumption. Facts. 3 words for you to look up in the dictionary. Once you know and understand the meanings, you'll understand my point. If you don't, you are in denial.
  3. However, it is a forecast. Including, by your own admittance, "assumptions". Oh dear.
  4. That's a forecast. JohnnyF has been posting up to date figures. IMF made some forecasts about UK in recent months. Look what happened to them.
  5. I agree. You're going round in circles.
  6. Notes, Mac did say " Nearly everyone". 90+% is "Nearly everyone". " Multiple supermarkets"? Another exaggeration for effect.
  7. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2023-united-kingdom
  8. No. Not everyone. No one said everyone. You really do like to exaggerate for effect, don't you?
  9. Seeing as personal experiences are considered valid now, I would have to say that in neither Morrisons nor the pub I was in last night did I hear anyone mention Brexit. Even on the walk home I didn't. Widely and openly discussed you say. Really?
  10. The link you posted mentioned many reasons for possible shortages. Neither your link or your search for a mystery product proves there are shortages due to Brexit alone. I went to Morrisons yesterday to get some doughnuts. Those that are baked in house. There weren't any. They'd sold out. Was that because of Brexit or just that they are a popular line and they'd simply sold out? You still haven't told us what you couldn't find. Your reluctance suggests it actually had nothing to do with Brexit.
  11. There weren't any shortages. You found what you were looking for. No failure there.
  12. To be fair, in this case you are correct. Chomper seemed to think the fact a secret product he wanted to buy wasn't avsilable where he was was proof Brexit was a failure when in fact it was available just down the road.
  13. 5555555. You don't like it so you dismiss it as a prediction. The best ( funniest) post so far today.
  14. I don't recall that bit. You still don't see it, do you?
  15. OK. You seem to agree with Nige. Happy you've crossed the centre line. What reasons he gave do you agree with?
  16. No shortages, surely. If there was a shortage you would not have found what you were looking for. Seems your first post today can be filed under talking %$#@@$ for effect.
  17. Like I said, personal experiences keep media scaremongering in check. If only Chomper had divulged what he couldn't source, we could have pointed him in the right direction.
  18. It's so obvious but you can't see it. Take a break, go and sit in a little corner, write a list of why you think Brexit has failed. When you've done that, compare your notes with the article on Farage. You are miles apart. The fact you keep referring to what he said is laughable at best.
  19. No need. It's not out of the bag. Brexit is ongoing.
  20. I wasn't aware it had even started. Other than the idiot panic buyers during Covid.
  21. No. Just sour grapes. Just as I've said many times before. Brexit is ongoing. Cannot be called a failure. Simple English language. I believe Farage was suggesting the Government have failed to do what he would have liked them to. However, seeing as you have constantly shown your disdain for the man, I'm surprised you are siding with him. Next you'll be saying you'd like to go on a train journey with Portillo. ????????????
  22. Of course it relevant what you couldn't find. Then it will be possible to know why you couldn't get them. You say your personal findings are consistent with the link you provided. Therefore, the secret items you couldn't find were short supply because of many factors. Yet, you initial post blamed it entirely on Brexit. I call that fake news.
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