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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Whenever I have sent stuff via Fedex or UPS, I have had to pay tax.

    Better to send by Royal Mail Parcelforce. Takes a week. I have sent two helmets with no problem. Trackable, and just marked them up as plastic safety hats.


    Use the normal post, wait a bit longer but no custom issues normally.

    If you insist on sending it with express mail, give the items a value less than 50 USD. Than UPS etc doesn't have to declare it.

  2. This is another typical misinformed and selfish dick talking.

    Farmers growing foodstuffs, usually at a loss, or no profit should be subsidised, otherwise no-one eats. You can't live on chewing gum. I grow rice myself, and I've cut back production so we have enough organic rice to eat all Year, because to try and make a profit on larger scale production is futile, and next to impossible. Believe me, if you spend 100,000 baht on growing rice, you will end up selling it all for 100,000 baht, (as long as you don't fall victim to weather and disease), and have no compensation for your labour.

    I long for the day when Thai's wake up and realise there's a bigger picture outside of the uneducated bubble they have been forced / encouraged to live in. Ironically enough, these Southern districts are and always have been staunch Democrat supporters, and possibly why Thaksin and his long term vengeance plan encouraged much of Issan to plant rubber all those Years ago, when he could. It doesn't take a genius to know if you flood the market with a certain commodity, it's going to lose it's value. I would be surprised if his mates would plant anything other than the commodities that are guaranteed to rise (ie, anything apart from rubber), because once you invest in rubber, and plant, you can only use the land to co-plant other consumables for around 3-4 Years tops on the same land.

    It would possibly be worth more if you could eat the stuff, or make fuel out of it - food prices are being pushed up by the fact that the poorer demographics - the sheeple have, or are all still planting rubber, tricked into seeing huge easy profits before anything, and consequently easily tied into subsidised / debt laden tree investment programs controlling their future livelyhoods and choices. Over the next Years there will be an exponential increase in the amount being tapped, whilst their lands are tied up completely and enslaved, so they can all kiss goodbye the thought of an easy buck, aswell as being able to put cheap food on the table.

    Rubber doesn't need so much looking after - certainly not as much as foodstuffs. Last Year, prices were up to nearly 100 baht per kilo for 'key yang', and much more for sheets of the stuff - which means the common man saw the long established tappers everywhere making fortunes - as a consequence, this Year, much of my area is now new rubber plantations - destined for nothing.

    I believe the government is already sat on a massive stockpile of the stuff, and have been buying it in well above the market rates, so where's the possible resolve ? Are they trying to ruin the Country completely, while they still have the chance ? The South is full of wealth, and I doubt you would meet a well established poor rubber farmer down there. Many of them sit on their <deleted>, and let someone else look after and tap the trees for them for a percentage, so what's driving these people, other than downright short term greed ?

    What good is closing down the Country's highways possibly going to do, or do they think building up resentment and detrimentally affecting other people's lives is the way forward ? Black hearted, whinging spoilt children.

    What a selfish post Mr. double standard. You only care about the road blocks.

    If you would be a rubber farmer you would talk different. Especially if you see your fellow farmers receive huge amounts of money (when sitting on their arse) for their rice.

  3. The only way they have a chance in hell of winning anything is to copy Thaksin. Violent insurrection in Bangkok and city halls countrywide, using weapons of war, burning, looting, get Abhisit in some swanky Paris boutique while Bangkok is a sea of flames saying he'll be there to lead from the front bla bla bla. Get the BBC's Richard Head back to give his biased twaddle, and Jakrapob's boyfriend Red Rivers. Cause the army or police to fight back and then winge like a baby. It overthrew a government in 2010, good chance it'll work again. Playing by the law and rules certainly won't.

    Nothing to lose, everything to gain. Failure isn't failure. Amnesty for all remember.

    Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

    If they only had 10 supporters then why would PTP be so keen to stifle free speech, the right to protest and massively over police anti-PTP demonstrations?

    Have you been reading your PTP hand book again?

    PT prepared 39,000 police etc to "control" the people's army rally 2 earlier this month. So if its only for 10 supporters, then it must be another example of miss-management by PT.

  4. Thats all very well but they only have about 10 supporters so it becomes fairly difficult to do. Incidentally they only have about 10 supporters as they are universally despised.

    Dream on, Smutty, dream on. It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised.

    " It is the PTP, UDD, Red shirts and Shinawatra's that are universally despised"

    Really, then how did they get to be elected to power in an election, which is more than your darling Abhisit ever did.

    PT got elected mainly because of over the top populism and brainwashing.

    Don't you see that this beautiful country is in the process of being destroyed through mismanagement , greed and corruption?

    These criminals have to be stopped before its really too late.

    • Like 1
  5. Mr. Nattawut Saikua (H.E. Deputy Minister of Commerce) and Red Shirt leader has been very quiet lately. After telling his followers to burn Bangkok, and after failing to shore up rubber prices in his capacity as Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Mr. Nattawut hopefully has come to the conclusion that actions and results speak louder than words.

    • Like 1
  6. Commuting on my Ninja 650 is a breeze, I often leave PCXs and smaller scooters behind, Forzas don't stand a chance biggrin.png

    Switching to a geared bike is fairly straight forward, given that you practice on a closed road and get comfortable before trying to do so in rush hour traffic.

    0-60km/h of the line you will have a very difficult time keeping up with a Forza 300.tongue.png

  7. The elevated toll roads in Bkk are off limits, and they are marked in blue. There are some short sections that you can use where there are no toll booths and sometimes the locals use them for shortcuts, but you'd have to know the area well. Highways(that also have tolls eg highway 7 to Pattaya) are also marked in blue.(Though the sections nearer to Pattaya change to green) Highways marked in green are ok. Usually you will see a big sign beforehand with a big red X though the vehicles that are not allowed. I think the standard fine on toll roads is 1000B but you get might just get a ticking off. The toll both staff are unlikely to care but they are also manned by bike police in various places and they might not be so easy to brush off. They now mostly use CBR250s and some have Kawa ER6ns though they probably wouldn't chase you.

    The Bang Na - Trat to Pattaya you mentioned. You can't use the elevated section and there are toll booths. The section underneath can't be used by bikes either, but once you clear Bang Na just use it, there will be no police. If you really want to stay legal just use the frontage road that runs along side for bikes and local traffic. Just be careful as eventually you'll see signs for Pattaya or Chonburi, don't take the Pattaya turn off as it will take to onto the(blue) motorway section. You'll just have to make your way through Sri Racha etc A word of warning, the roads under the elevated section are sometimes littered with potholes, it's mostly good but some sections are terrible.

    In the city, some elevated bypasses over intersections are also off limits for bikes but some are not. You have to look for the sign. I mostly use these anyway as most of the time the police don't really care. Just look to see if the locals are using it. If caught pay 200B to the police and carry on or pay the ticket at the local police station to get your license back, probably about 500B. But like I said, I've never seen anyone done for that.

    In Bkk, ground level 'motorways' like the Vipawadee - Rangsit expressway are also off limits for bikes, though I use it often for convenience. There are no toll booths here, but very occasionally police set up road blocks to catch bikes, especially at the weekend to catch all the big bikes going to, or coming from their weekend trips. It's not a good idea to use these in morning - afternoon rush hours as usually the on/off sections are manned by police and as they are usually congested the police will step out in front of you and stop you. The fine here is 200B on the spot or more down the station.

    Apart from a couple of routes to Pattaya, once you are out of the city you can ride on any road you like. The fines here are my experience, maybe you can play dumb or argue and pay a bit less or even nothing, but in my experience just pull out 200B and you are good to go right then and there, I won't waste my time arguing over a couple of dollars.

    Some good info macknife

    The section underneath can't be used by bikes either, but once you clear Bang Na just use it, there will be no police. If you really want to stay legal just use the frontage road that runs along side for bikes and local traffic.

    I have been riding on the part from Sukhumvit Road to Mega/IKEA and to Chonburi on a weekly basis for many years. I live in Bangna and didn't know you you were not allowed to ride underneath the highway. I noticed the sign this morning for the first time in six years. smile.png

    Anyhow many bikes use that road and I have never seen anybody stopped. Also, riding underneath the highway protects you from sun and rain when riding to Chonburi. thumbsup.gif

  8. It's a poisoned chalice as both elections and appointments in Thailand are highly suspect.

    BTW what was the value of showing a photo of 3 attractive PTP female MPs, proof positive they are more attractive than their Dem counterparts ?

    Those 3 ladies must be the PT political heavyweights. It just shows pretty young ladies can be good lawmakers too.

    Or maybe they were rewarded for something..

  9. NickyMaster, feel bad for you.

    I have read the breakdown of HTC One - http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/htc-one-almost-impossible-to-repair .

    So I think the problem is not in Thailand, and not even entirely in HTC, but rather in the specific model HTC One. It seems a special machine is required and the repair process is overly time consuming.

    My only suggestion would be is to threaten them with legal action. As I understand the phone broke by itself and is under warranty. Therefore it's their responsibility to fix it. I'm not sure about the 'fine script', does it state the maximum time of repair process?

    Actually suing them might or might not be a good idea, however I think it will definitely help other users. If some people will sue them, they are likely to tackle the issue by outsourcing more people to fix their phones.

    Thanks blackion. As you might have read, we had the phone for 2 weeks before it broke down. Phone has been in repair for two weeks and yesterday we were told that they need at least 2 more weeks to repair it. So best case it will take a month, worst case...who knows... The screen is broken and as your article stated, very difficult to repair. I am going to ask for a new phone or money back. Which is the only fair and correct option in my opinion. I have also investigated other ways to deal with HTC. One option is to involve a government agency that is responsible for consumer protection. Being in Thailand, this is no guarantee for success. Another option is as you stated, suing them or at least get a lawyer to write them a serious letter for a start. I know that this is going to cost me some money but at this stage I don't really care, I am just very disipointed with their service. A decent company should have offered to replace the product.

    My daughter went back to school last week and now she doesn't have her phone. Really annoying. (Should have listened to my wife. She told me to buy an Iphone...)

  10. Yesterday one of my Thai friends went to the technical department at fortune tower and the people there told him that they had huge problems with the HTC One model. Many phones are under repair.

    The office at fortune tower did not repair the phones and we had to contact the fixing place. They have outsourced the fixing to Loxley Company. We tried to call Loxley and there we got a (recorded) message that if we required info on the status of HTC repairs we had to call the service center.

    Now the circle is round. The service center told us to call their technical department (where nobody answered the phone). The technical department told us to call Loxley and Loxley told us to contact the service center.

    Will keep you guys posted but something is very wrong here. Checking the Thai online community again this morning we found out that many Thai people have been waiting for months already..

  11. It should read, Thaksin seeks 'absolute control '

    However, its a Fait accompli I am afraid, unless a credible and competent opposition bursts from the shadows.

    soundman It was the "Finland Plot" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finland_Plot

    Aided by the Carlyle conspiracy. wink.png

    Sondhi Limthongkul appears to pride himself as conspiracy theorist who likes to use his compassion for conspiracies to stir the people.

    Indeed Sondhi seems to do this simply because he appears to believe that the poorly educated masses will rally to such conspiratorial crap.

    Many countries in their wisdom would not tolerate the spinning of conspiratorial garbage through the use of public media like the press and television.

    The use of conspiratorial propaganda is generally thought to be against every nation's interest in that it engenders fear, instability and panic among the people.

    Ah ok. Just let them have absolute power at any cost because anybody who talks about it is simply spreading conspiratorial propaganda. How dare they accuse Thaksin of any sleazy dirty tricks. BTW, are you working at the CSD?

    • Like 1
  12. You might have been unlucky with your HTC One, because it did break down so fast. I have mine for long time now and never an issue with it.

    With regards to loosing your pics - sorry mate, but your own problem and not related to HTC or any other smartphone. You have two options:

    - enable dropbox or any other automatic backup of the content into your private internet cloud

    - use HTC sync manager to backup all content to your computer

    NOT doing backup is stupid and if your phone breaks for whatever reason, don't blame the phone for that situation

    We had the phone 1 week and one week later during our European trip it broke down. We do normally back-up our stuff but who expects a phone to breakdown after 2 weeks..

    The problem is not related to HTC but they didn't do much effort to recover the data too. It's not my fault it broke down. We didn't drop it or anything..

    As a matter of interest Nicky, did you try to recover your data before bringing it back to the shop? I realize you didn't have screens, but sometimes the rest of the phone is accessible.

    Well, we tried but the phone had a (screen) lock (on) and in order to access the data (plugged to a comp) we had to unlock it, which we couldn't. So unfortunately the phone was not accessible.

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