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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. 2020? Too far away in time. Let's concentrate on the F1 race in 2015 instead :-)

    18 months away and they still don't even know where they are going to have it never mind all the planning and infrastructure they will have to build. It won't happen same as the expo.

    You will be surprised. I you have money to spend, somebody will build it for you.

    Hey, this country can absorb a loss of (spend) 10,000,000,000 USD on the rice scam within 2 years. Surely they can adsorb 100,000,000 USD needed to host an F1 race. Only 1 percent!!

  2. Ouch that has got to hurt. Not so much a loss of face but more like being hit fairly in the face with the back of a shovel.

    Why, it appears they were not bothered about hosting it, so why any loss of face?

    So why apply to host it?

    Anyhow, that's makes it easier for Dubai to be selected.

    -Russia already has the soccer thing in 2018

    -Brazil soccer 2014 and Olympics 2016

    -Turkey a bit unstable at the moment bit still have a small chance

    So Dubai it will be (most probably). I am fairly sure they are happy Thailand didn't get it (want it whistling.gif).

    • Like 2
  3. Does RR come in pink? One of our politicians likes pink cars. Do they have a medicine cabinet, for ear medication?

    Perhaps the car could be sent in pieces to avoid the tax and those two fine items added to it.

    Save a lot in tax.

    Yes it would be cheaper to buy an assembled in Thailand Rolls. thumbsup.gif Any garage around the corner can assemble one of these low tech cars.

    It has been done around 9,000 times the last decade I believe.

  4. Yes I'm glad you called it an 'uprising' because that's what it was. The army was therefore justified in their use of deadly force when these rebels started getting violent. It was NOT a 'peaceful protest' as all the red idiots like to say.

    No I feel far more sorry for the rural North-easterners who are looked down upon and have been disenfranchised by the establishment. The red uprising was well overdue and it sent an unmistakable signal to the establishment & army that enough was enough. After 80 years of coups to support the rich, the power is now firmly with the voter and the army won't dare to use their heavy-handed tactics again.

    Rich Teacher:

    Ok so you don't feel sorry for all the people who's lives was terrorized by the Red thugs. Neither do the Reds and their leader including master leader Thaksin. . I am not surprised

    The Red uprising has put the most corrupt and one of the richest person in Thai history in control of Thailand. Fact that Thaksin has

    sponsored this uprising is not relevant I guess .

    Soon Thaksin will have achieved his goals. The creation of a bankrupt failed state. Maldives comes to mind if I think about a place the Shin clan is going to retire.

    The poor setup against the rich to help the super rich.

  5. I do hope there's another coup and the reds come out to protest again. You should be there with them and when the bullets start flying, I'd sooner it be you getting hit then some poor downtrodden and uneducated idiot.

    Once it comes out in the wash that the previous (bogus) administration were responsible for both the MiB & CW arson, AV & ST will be strung up in Ratchaprasong. I'll be there cheering.

    I was down there last time and certainly felt in no danger whatsoever from the red shirts. Very welcoming & hospitable lot. Shame the army attacked them at night, against all international conventions, and effectively turned the protest into a civil war.

    Maybe you are one of them. That could explain why you felt comfortable.

  6. I do hope there's another coup and the reds come out to protest again. You should be there with them and when the bullets start flying, I'd sooner it be you getting hit then some poor downtrodden and uneducated idiot.

    Once it comes out in the wash that the previous (bogus) administration were responsible for both the MiB & CW arson, AV & ST will be strung up in Ratchaprasong. I'll be there cheering.

    I was down there last time and certainly felt in no danger whatsoever from the red shirts. Very welcoming & hospitable lot. Shame the army attacked them at night, against all international conventions, and effectively turned the protest into a civil war.

    I live in the area and I haven't witnessed what you describe. It was total anarchy and the Reds where in control of downtown Bangkok for over a month. They were shooting/looting and burning down buildings all the time. Millions of hard working normal people were living in fear.

    Don't you feel sorry for them?

    • Like 2
  7. Of course Democrats welcome this stuff it is they they draft it yet do not have the ability to understand most of what they write. The fact is the present government is 'moving and shaking' with action (I know you dems like metaphors and similies cheesy.gif ). Eventually you will get hard facts on the relevent issues and outcomes. Who knows you might even win the next general election and be able to put Thailand back the way it was before democracy arrived in the land of smiles.

    So you honestly believe that this country is in good hands now? Now we have REAL democracy right?

    More PR shows means Takki Shinegra isn't coming back anytime soon. clap2.gif

  8. Politics aside can anyone find fault with much of what Abhisit is saying because I can't.

    Especially sensible seems to be the Dems policy of paying direct to the farmer.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    None of you seem to know what you are talking about. What is Abhist's policy. I've not heard of it. How can he have a policy when he is not in office. If Abhisit's government was so inovative and sucessful why were there so many problems when he was PM. Why were foreign governments so reluctent to recieve him. Why did the Japanese refuse his request for a loan when he was desparate when he'd run out of cash to complete a committment?

    The PTP have many active projects. They are all potentially in the interests of Thailand and its people. Admittedly PTP may fall short on objectives and may be hopelessly underestimating true cost. However untill the costs are known the best oposition is to ask carefully prepared questions in the house when parliament is in session.

    That the Democrats seem fishing for another coups before judicial process on the previous coups is complete is insane. Why? Because Thailand's coups benefit only the coups masters, never the Thai people.

    The PTP have many active projects. They are all potentially in the interests of Thailand and its people

    A few people you mean. That must be the reason 1/3 of the rice pledging money goes do the farmers, the rest goes to handling/storage/trading + financing etc. ALL for the big guys.

    (You haven't heard of Khun Abhisit's rice policy BUT you know that foreign governments were reluctant to receive him, which has nothing to do with the topic and isn't even true. What a desperate statement.) coffee1.gif

  9. There are so many other costs involved G J each one in its self may me minor but when they are all added up they will be a fair bit per ton.

    Then multiply that by 18 million.

    For instance:





    labor to move the stuff

    insecticides, pesticides, fungicides , assuming they are used.

    So how much rice is in storage and how much is it costing?

    That is the key to it, CMK. Only the officials and Government departments in charge know the answer, so why don't you tell us why they refuse to disclose the true figures. Perhaps it's because they are so horrendous that nobody dares to tell the truth?

    Why would the government be the only ones who know? Take an average year rice production and subtract the amount sold so far and multiply what is left by the storage charges. This is not rocket science. I don't trade rice but any rice trader will know what the storage cost is and the amount in storage in Thailand. You make it sound like a conspiracy and it's not. PaddyJenkins stated it well when he said it was income redistribution. If the farmers get the money it's a Robin Hood idea and if the rich brokers get it, it is not a robin Hood idea. In any event it is a wake up call. Moodys is telling Thailand to get it's stuff together.

    I think the government are they only party that doesn't seem to know the situation. Early this week Yingluck and Nathawut where ordering the applicable departments to collect the correct figures and present them to the public (and Moody). After 2 years!!!!!

    Come on CMK, it is very clear that the only ones who are making a conspiracy out of this are PT themselves.

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