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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Probably one of the greatest fears Thaksin has is the Thai population as a whole gets so tired with constantly hearing "Thaksin this, Thaksin that" is that they just begin to block him out of their minds--and not only the people who don't like him but also many of the people who do like him. Some may say that would be good for Thaksin as it may make it easier to get amnesty for him, but the opposition party will always put-up a fight against that and quickly bring it back to the forefront of peoples minds.

    The longer he stays out of Thailand and the people finally figure out their lives are continuing on no worst, no better than if Thaksin was still in power they just may hope that Thaksin would just fade away. It's almost like a long running Soap show, but even those shows lose viewership after a while--whoops, I just made a good point against my augment since Thais so love their Soap shows.



    These kind of statements is keeping Thaksin alive in Thailand. This criminal is using the money of hard working Thais for his own benefit. PT will keep spending until Thaksin is back or the country destroyed.

  2. If somone is going to lenghts to record a conversation they surely could find a better on than this.

    This will die a death anyway, as people don't want the judge issue brought into the public again for scrutiny;

    You say that there are better conversations AND that people don't want to judge a conversation brought into the public again for scrutiny.


  3. And Thaksin's poor supporters who were made to do terrible things are still suffering from the consequences.

    From the conversation between Thaksin and Yuthasak it becomes clear that there must be amnesty for Thaksin first before the protestors receive amnesty. They are basically held hostage by the guy they were helping to return to Thailand. Amazing.

    • Like 1
  4. The next level of stealing has started. Now the government has a good reason to sell at a huge loss because it needs money and space. A perfect opportunity for Thaksin to start making deals.

    I heard that Thaksin's cousin Surapong was in Malaysia and somebody else was talking to Iran.

  5. whistling.gif A well thought out and coherent plan for infrastructure development COULD benefit Thailand and help it's economy grow rationally.

    However, since this is Thailand the terms "well thought out" and "coherent" are not part of the plan.

    The "urgent need" to implement a plan without thinking seems very suspicious to me.

    What's the rush to spend so much money quickly?

    Especially spending so much money so quickly without first considering the plan details or especially releasing details to the public?

    Makes me more suspicious than ever.


    Suspiciuos - borrowing very large sums of money, "off balance sheet", outside the normal process of parliamentary scruitiny, and then spending them without following the process laid down by law, or showing any kind of plan or accountability. Awarding key contracts to a supplier whose financial status is questionable, facing serious perfromance questions in their own country and who was happy to welcome a convicted fugitve criminal fraudster with much aplumb and publicity.

    Why whould you be suspicious? Seems like normal PTP activity and modus operandi.

    As Yingluck would say; "people should stop politicizing everything" clap2.gif

  6. Robby nz, on 11 Jul 2013 - 11:42, said:snapback.png

    Elsewhere it has been reported that the Govt says it has recently signed a deal to sell 5 million tons of rice to China and wants to speed up delivery.

    Could that be what the 80,000 B was for, a 20% deposit?

    The also say they have scrapped a rice deal with the Ivory Coast because of a change of Govt there.

    Would seem more likely the Ivory Coast scrapped any deal because of the 20% rotten rice they were sold last time.

    The best bit about that lie is that I don't think there has been a change of government since the rotten rice was discovered and this deal scrapped. Local elections, yes, but national, no.

    You are right Bluespunk there has been no change of Government in the Ivory Coast only local body elections, there will be no general election till 2015.

    So if that bit of the statement was a lie what are the chances that the 5 million ton sale to China is also a lie?

    It gets more and more difficult to believe anything this mob says when they come out with a statement that only takes a simple push of a button to disprove.

    Correct. And now that it seems that they have the army on their side we can expect more arrogance from this mob.

  7. Elsewhere it has been reported that the Govt says it has recently signed a deal to sell 5 million tons of rice to China and wants to speed up delivery.

    Could that be what the 80,000 B was for, a 20% deposit?

    The also say they have scrapped a rice deal with the Ivory Coast because of a change of Govt there.

    Would seem more likely the Ivory Coast scrapped any deal because of the 20% rotten rice they were sold last time.

    What a coincidence. It is reported that Thaksin will be in Beijing this weekend.

  8. Asked if she would ask Yuthasak to step down after the leaking of an audio clip that was suspected to feature a conversation between the deputy minister and former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck said, "How can you ask this question? Don't you have any consideration for him? He [Yuthasak] is standing here."

    Yuthasak is the guy who (most probably) is paid to get Thaksin back to Thailand. He is making deals with the army on Thaksin's behalf. Of course Yingluck is going to support him.

    Be ready for a turn of events. Thaksin lovers should be happy because it seems that Thaksin has the army in his pocket. Thaksin has so much stolen wealth that he is able to offer very large sums.

    With all the money Thaksin has stolen and is still stealing, he can buy (almost) EVERYBODY in Thailand.

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  9. I seem to remember the PM asking the Thai people to report corruption when and where they see it. Now someone has done so they are the subject of a witch hunt.

    Great Point ! Didn't the new cabinet also swear to fight corruption ?

    Maybe there was rider to that oath " unless it involves us, family, cronies, friends and anybody else we don't want investigated ".

    I think they swore to fight corruption already 5 times!!


    But they don't seem to be taking it that serious..

  10. "The premier will hold a press conference, in which she might be asked about the audio clip featuring two voices that sound like Deputy Defence Minister Yuthasak Sasiprapha and Thaksin discussing the country's political scene and the promotion of top brass who are pro-Thaksin."

    ........ and the PM might either refuse to answer or just walk away......

    or smile

  11. When asked about the rumours of a possible military coup, the premier replied that Thais should look at other countries suffering military coups and see if it is truly beneficial. She added that she believes nobody would want to harm their own society.

    It's actually hard to say if her brother caused more harm as pm in Thailand than de facto pm outside Thailand.Either way the body count continues to rise,society remains divided.the folly continues...

    My thoughts exactly, Thaksin with his greed and selfishness, has caused untold harm to Thailand has been

    Yes and Yingluck is obviously supporting her brother Thaksin. Creating a lawless country with corruption at its highest level ever OR having a coup...

    I think I know what harms this beautiful country more.

  12. Is that all you have to do, get a very small proportion of the population together (probably invited) to meetings?

    Should you not be doing actual on the ground investigation to determine the environmental and social impacts of these things?

    Looks like he is trying to do the minimum he thinks he can get away with.

    But someone is watching and this time it isn't big brother.

    Leaving himself open for more legal challenges and action from the people who will be affected.

    Spot on!

    It's no coincidence this guy was chosen to head this controversial THB 350,000,000,000 project. He has a track record of being corrupt. He can do big corruption deals and Thaksin knows that, in fact many know that.


  13. Ms. Thida said the Ammart (feudal aristocrats) Regime has the upper hand because of high coordination between different factions to campaign against the the government, while Ammart-allied media, Senators, political parties, and military commanders are likewise united in "forcing the democratic side to retreat from the victory" gained from the 2011 election


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