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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. After their discussions, the two leaders witnessed the signing of an agreement on visa exemptions for diplomatic and official/service passport holders. (MCOT online news)

    Do you need a Prime Minister of a country that is in recession to witness this?? Unbelievable! Thailand is in a mess both politically and economically and the PM goes to Tajikistan. I really can't believe all of this.

    At least she is wearing red.

    Ah ok now I understand. I just read that today is the second reading of the charter review bill.

  2. You might have been unlucky with your HTC One, because it did break down so fast. I have mine for long time now and never an issue with it.

    With regards to loosing your pics - sorry mate, but your own problem and not related to HTC or any other smartphone. You have two options:

    - enable dropbox or any other automatic backup of the content into your private internet cloud

    - use HTC sync manager to backup all content to your computer

    NOT doing backup is stupid and if your phone breaks for whatever reason, don't blame the phone for that situation

    We had the phone 1 week and one week later during our European trip it broke down. We do normally back-up our stuff but who expects a phone to breakdown after 2 weeks..

    The problem is not related to HTC but they didn't do much effort to recover the data too. It's not my fault it broke down. We didn't drop it or anything..

    • Like 1
  3. I bought a new HTC One phone (in Bangkok) early July for my daughter. A week later we went on a European trip. Two weeks into the trip the phone broke down (no more screen). When we came back to Thailand, early August, I went to the technical department in fortune tower to have it fixed. The guy receiving my phone told us that we would lose all data that was in the phone. That means hundreds of holiday pictures will be lost.. We asked him that since it was (most probably) the screen that was broken if they could save the data. Answer: cannot!

    Now two weeks later I called the tel number the guy gave me to check the status of my phone. When I dialed the number i could choose between Thai and English. I chose option 2, English. To my surprise I still had a person on the other side who could only speak Thai... I asked my office staff to talk to her and she said that we had to contact the technical department for more info. She was only the service center.. All she could tell us is was that the phone was still under repair and she doesn't know when it would be fixed "Waiting for spare parts from overseas". We asked the number from the technical department and she kindly gave it. We have tried to call the technical department many times and nobody ever answered. We also checked the online Thai community and many have the same problem. Their phone is under repair but they have no idea when they will get it back. They also tried to call the same number (for the technical department) but nobody ever answered. Now I have to waste another day traveling to fortune tower to beg for an update but I am already worried that I will be send back without any concrete info.

    Please spare yourself the hassle and buy another brand. You don't want to be in this situation; begging to get your own brand new phone back.

  4. After their discussions, the two leaders witnessed the signing of an agreement on visa exemptions for diplomatic and official/service passport holders. (MCOT online news)

    Do you need a Prime Minister of a country that is in recession to witness this?? Unbelievable! Thailand is in a mess both politically and economically and the PM goes to Tajikistan. I really can't believe all of this.

    At least she is wearing red.

    • Like 1
  5. Phongsathon Chantharassami, manager of the Information Centre for Gambling Control Policy, under the Sodsri-Saridwongsa Foundation, said law enforcement was the key to tackling illegal gambling in the country.

    I always thought that the key of tackling (illegal) gambling (addiction/problems) was upbringing and education. Silly me.

  6. In addition, he said, Bt2 billion of the national budget has been spent to compensate and rehabilitate the red-shirt protesters who took part in the 2010 political turmoil, while Bt10 billion was earmarked for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's trips overseas.

    In defence, Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said the PM's trips were not for pleasure but to promote Thai businesses and tourism, which would contribute a lot more compared to the cost of the trips.

    Yes of course Surapong. Those countries Yingluck has visited have no idea what is going on in Thailand. The only information they have about Thailand is what they hear from Yingluck during her trips. When Yingluck visits them, smiles and says that everything is fine in Thailand, they start investing and planning their holidays.

    What a mess.

  7. "she insisted that freedom of expression is her government's priority".

    If that is really the case then put your dogs on a leash. They are making you look like a total hypocrite, threatening to charge and incarcerate people for hitting a like button and wanting access to their private correspondence. If you are really in charge and truly mean what you say then prove it.

    Maybe this freedom of expression is one sided to be used against those who do not agree with government policies and may vote against you. Those acting in the governments name are really making the P.M look like a total fool.

    Chooka, the problem lies in the interpretation of Democracy, the P.M. has been caught out so many times with her two face, about face approach to governing the country, that foreign embassies must kill themselves laughing at the weekend BBQ's

    Ohh come on give Yingluck a break. Do you realize how difficult it is to have 2 agendas?

    • Like 1
  8. Is there a helmet-in Scoopy now? If so I'd go for that - I love the old Scoopy, it's a great little bike. Not a whole lot of room but it comes with a handy hook - something that has strangely been omitted from the PCX, for example. Better standing room for 1 kid, too.

    PCX 150 is a very good bike but suffers from alien headlights and is nearly twice the price. And I'd take a Vespa over a PCX any day. Purely from an aesthetic standpoint.

    Storage-wise the PCX has a huge under seat storage compartment - day to day that's less practical than the old hook though. Because you have to open the seat every time you want to carry something. Rented both a PCX and a Scoopy on this year's summer vacation. PCX is a way better ride of course, doesn't even compare.

    The only reason to get a Fino would be aesthetics. I think it's finally fuel injected, but still.

    Click - I rented that also, did not like it at all. I am not sure why but ride comfort was crap. Much preferred the Scoopy.


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  9. If somone is going to lenghts to record a conversation they surely could find a better on than this.

    This will die a death anyway, as people don't want the judge issue brought into the public again for scrutiny;

    I don't agree. This is one of the best conversations one could have wished for. This conversation has done a terrible amount of damage to Thaksin.

    It is now clear that Thaksin is trying to make a deal with the military (yes, the evil trigger happy military that shot innocent Thaksin supporters according to Thaksin, the red shirt leaders and their fancy mouthpiece Robert Amsterdam).

    Anybody surprised why they haven't invited the ICC to investigate what happened in Thailand in 2010?

    If I would be a hard core Red shirt I would be very confused. It's all about Thaksin smutcakes. And you know that.

    Its politics, everyone knows what happens behind closed doors, its nothing new- all political parties the world over courage favor, try to influence people etc

    If it was such a big issue, why has it largely been forgotten about already, and dismissed by the army already?

    I have no idea what you or how the ICC etc has any relevance to this topic

    ICC is given as an example that Thaksin and his propaganda machine are telling the poor red-shirts that they are going after the army etc and in fact he is making a deal with them.

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