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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. meanwhile... Yingluck is packing her bags to go on another overseas trip. clap2.gif

    She has just put some new staff on the sinking ship in order for the captain to run and hide for a few days until the whole thing cools of. But it won't... This has to come to an end.

  2. The rambutan scandal revisited. Will the Thai Government ever learn? Or are they orchestrating a repeat performance?

    And one day there might be a coup and then all the Red/Thaksin supporters will start screaming again. "How dare you remove an elected government?"

    NO government in the world would survive in a decent democracy after they have failed and stolen as much as PT/Thaksin has been doing for the last 10 years.

  3. After the discovery of wide spread thefts.

    2.5mn tonnes at 20 tonnes a truck and they Just noticed that 10% of the stock walked out the back door?

    Oh yes. This is going to be fun to watch them squirm on this one.

    So that makes 125,000 truck loads !!! Just hilarious.

    All this rice is not stolen, it never was delivered to the warehouses in the first place! The traders just claimed money from the government without ever having received the rice from the farmers let alone paid the farmers.

    So in short, the traders received 15,000THB/mt + storage cost.

    So the big question remains, how much did the Shin clan get from the traders. Think about it.

  4. Not that NN really needs help, but indeed he wrote about his encounter with armed militants:


    Several of us, including me, met armed Red Shirt militants during the fighting, and non of us were killed by them, even though in cover of darkness it would have been easy for them to do so. I, for example, was only asked by them not to photograph them (quite politely, actually), and i won't argue with this point with heavily armed people. I didn't either when heavily armed soldiers asked me the same (not very polite) after their unit killed a protester in front of me. Sorry, but i fear that i may lack hero qualities - in those situations my life is more dear to me than my rights as a journalist.


    The only issue I have with this is describing 'armed red shirt militants' as 'quite polite' and soldiers as 'not very polite'. This shows (IMHO) a prejudice against the army and a bias towards 'armed terorists'.

    Anyway, those 'friendly people' also showed up on the 10th and directly or indirectly caused a lot of harm including the death of the Japanese reporter Mr. Hiro

    I am sorry, but they were indeed quite polite. This is nothing but the truth.

    And it is true as well that during the incident described the soldiers were not exactly polite, and neither were they during several other incidents in which they tried to hinder me from taking photos. That doesn't mean that all soldiers all the time were unfriendly - i have also had many good conversations with soldiers, i have also close friends in the military here.

    Have you ever been a witness at a court case ? Have you ever told a court that you have met armed terrorists, the guys that have murdered innocent civilians and security forces?

    If not, I have to agree with rubl: This shows (IMHO) a prejudice against the army and a bias towards 'armed terorists'.

    • Like 2
  5. Thanks for the broader picture, but on April 10th, 2010, the subject of this topic, no police in sight AFAIK.

    I guess you will have to ask officials of the former government why they have only ordered soldiers to take part in the dispersal attempt on April 10. Before and after the incident i have seen police in many incidents doing their duty.

    How can you say the police did their duty if there was total anarchy? I live in the area, I know. Where I come from the Police is in charge of law and order.

    Of course the big question remains; What was their duty??

    Knowing Thailand, how can anyone dare to say that the police does their job!? With a somewhat decent police force, Thailand would be a MUCH BETTER country to live in.

  6. The final footage from Reuters reporter Hiroyuki Muramoto:


    Well what a good job the Grenade didn't travel another 5-10 meters or Hiro would have been killed by that. How would the red leadership have squirmed their way out of that.

    Thanks for posting rubi.


    When I see those terrible videos I always ask myself: "Where were the Police?" Yes I know, they vanished on Thaksin's orders.

    A truly sick situation.

    That is not entirely true.

    It is an urban myth that the police did nothing during the 2010 events. After the emergency decree was declared on April 7, the main responsibility lied with the army (which is part of the regulations of the decree). While it is true that the police was to some decree reluctant, police was nevertheless involved in many clashes, such as on April 28 at the National Memorial a combined police/military force clashed with Red Shirt protesters, leading to the death of a soldier in a friendly fire incident. During the Silom bombings police tried to separate Red Shirts and Yellow shirts clashing, while the military did nothing but inviting Yellow Shirt protesters through their lines.

    The last shooting incident in Bangkok was on May 20th in the afternoon at Samliem Dindaeng, and that was with police and an unknown force. I have followed the police during this incident.

    Total anarchy must be blamed on the police...IMO. whistling.gif The army had to step in because police didn't do their job. It's simple as that..IMO whistling.gif

    As asked in an earlier post, please share some pictures of the MIB.


  7. The final footage from Reuters reporter Hiroyuki Muramoto:


    Well what a good job the Grenade didn't travel another 5-10 meters or Hiro would have been killed by that. How would the red leadership have squirmed their way out of that.

    Thanks for posting rubi.


    When I see those terrible videos I always ask myself: "Where were the Police?" Yes I know, they vanished on Thaksin's orders.

    A truly sick situation.

  8. We need a downvote button. Your occasional upvote from a sympathiser would possibly be offset by a large number of posters calling BS.

    Up to you.

    Now can you answer my question of when and where you had that encounter with the AK47 brandishing Red Shirts?

    Hey, I wrote the previous reply during my sequential reading of the posts. LTFO and stop being a jerk. You read and reply to posts in random order do you? That would make about as much sense as your posts actually.

    1: I could figure out the date, but I am not going to bother, it was long enough ago that I don't give a FF

    2: I don't drive in BKK ever, I leave it to taxi drivers and friends foolish enough to own & drive cars in Bangkok. The location was somewhere around victory monument IIRC (I wasn't really watching coz I wasn't steering) and it was, IIRC, before they commandeered downtown. But as I said, I cannot be bothered chasing passport stamps in an expired passport I no longer have. And certainly not to satisfy a an aggressive little pillock such as yourself <-- ad hominom

    3: Feel free to call me a liar, my 3 friends also witnessed this, and one of them is married to a woman who was physically on the barricades for the Reds. Apparently she called my buddy a liar too when the event was related at home. The Reds are good at maintaining the lie, if nothing else. We are peacful and unarmed - utter F*ing bullshit and enough of us know this to call you on it.

    Call it an urban myth, call it the f*ing Macarena for all I care. I am just posting the facts as they were on the ground that day.

    Sorry, but before the Red Shirts occupied Rajaprasong (eg. downtown) they had no barricades, especially not at Victory Monument as this was far from their protest site. Their camp stretched from Khok Wua intersection (with some at Sanam Luang), over Pan Fa (where the main stage was located), up to Royal Plaza (where many camped). The protest area was open and easily accessible - i drove in there every single day, often several times.

    The barricades at Rajaprasong were only errected after the April 10 incident. The first barricade was erected at the night of April 10 to April 11, after the carnage at Khok Wua and Dinso, where Red Shirts erected a makeshift barricade somewhere around Saphan Khao, fearing an attack by Yellow Shirts and/or soldiers. Soon after the Red Shirts left their Pan Fa protest site and concentrated at Rajaprasong.

    Oh, and by the way, if you would read my posts, you may find that i have always maintained that there were armed militants under the Red Shirts, as i have ran into a group of them during the May fighting, and have publicly said so on many occasions. Therefore there is no need to "call me on it". I just very much doubt your claim of this particular incident, as these armed militants were not operating that openly, only brandished their weapons in the thick of it, and preferred not to be seen, naturally. That is why there are so few photos and videos of them existing, even though each of the hundreds of photographers and cameramen that descended on Bangkok would have loved to get some image of them.

    And again, the timing and location you have given us here makes this claim even more unbelievable.

    Oh, and by the way, if you would read my posts, you may find that i have always maintained that there were armed militants under the Red Shirts, as i have ran into a group of them during the May fighting, and have publicly said so on many occasions.

    Dear Nicknostitz,

    You seem to have a lot of info on the Red Shirt movement and their occupation of downtown Bangkok. Do you mind sharing some pictures of the so called "Men In Black" (armed militants) with us? You spend a lot of time at the protest sites so surely you must have some.


  9. Should check Chalerm's other 50 cars or so. All of them were financed by other business partners too. Not just from Singapore. I didn't know the police or government had such high salaries.

    But you knew they had high society friends didn't you? biggrin.png

    Same as with Jatuporn. He owns a large collection of expensive amulets. He told reporters that he doesn't know its value because they were kindly donated to him by his friends.

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