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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Where can we see pictures of the terrorists as the govt. described them who shot the red shirts? My staff said she saw in a Thai newspaper. Dressed in all black with black masks. This is some sick stuff here. I wonder who hired them. Their is motive everywhere you look.

    The red leader Sae Daeng has already admitted they were his. Thaksin needs the violence to overthrow this government. Martyrs do most of the work for Thaksin as no government in Thailand seems to last long after violence on the streets.

    Arisman, Sae daeng, Nattawutt, Jatuporn, Veera, Dr Weng, etc have all called for violence for quite awhile now ... why? Thaksin needs it.

    Reds on the board here have stated that the Reds won when they got Abhisit to agree to talk and then agree to dissolve parliament early. Why didn't the reds take that "win"? Simply because Thaksin cannot have an organized government in place that stands for the rule of law for that long. Thaksin MUST get the government replaced before the charter is ammended (via referendum) and before next year's budget is set, and before the military reshuffle.

    Lies Lies Lies.

    Nobody has "admitted" to this. If they did they would be in prison.

    Sae Daeng merely commented that there might have been some but he does not know who they are.

    So please, do not lie.

    He is also not a core "red leader".

    What a load of crap you speak what is your problem ?

  2. Where can we see pictures of the terrorists as the govt. described them who shot the red shirts? My staff said she saw in a Thai newspaper. Dressed in all black with black masks. This is some sick stuff here. I wonder who hired them. Their is motive everywhere you look.

    People dressed in black means nothing. Photo's can be "photoshopped".

    Given how the media spin and propaganda works did you not expect some "plants" to be walking around with guns ready to photo'd so they can put the photo's into the media if things went wrong ?

    Prior to the evenings deaths I was watching www.uddthailand.com and the Red Guards arrested a few men who were not red shirts, who were mingling with the crowds and who were said to be "government plants" to cause trouble.

    Perhaps if the government had not blocked the signal more people could have seen the arrests of the "plants" in the crowds, but hey, why have free and fair media when you can abuse state controlled media to say whatever you want them to ?

    Photos's can be photoshopped but it was video showing the men in black '

  3. i've just finished watching the video titled "Thai Army Opens Fire On Protesters, Protesters Hurl Grenades," and i have to say that the title is a little misleading. Nowhere in the video can you see the armying OPENING fire, you see and heard them respond, by firing into the air, which as the commentator says 'if they ae firinging into the crowd there would be alot more dead people hear'. This vidoe speaks volumes about the restraint of the army and how they tried to play by the rules. The actions of the reds - well watch the video, listen to the commentary and work out for yourself if the army really does open fire on the protesters.


    one example of the thai army firing into the crowd can be seen at 1.25 in this video aired on French tv

    in fact there are two examples, one just before 1.25 and one just after it

    Not accurate --- what you see is someone that is probably army discharging a weapon. what you do NOT see is who or what he is shooting at. The french channel seems to say that this occurs just after the grenade attack. Sae Daeng, a red leader, has claimed responsibility for the grenade attack.

    yes of course, people just shoot at nothing while wearing military uniforms, not a random i might add, but obviously amongst other soldiers :)

    One standing and one crouching, firing directly ahead and from the reporter that was there firing directly at the protesters but hey i guess you had a better view from chaing mai than the person that actually filmed at and reported it.

    is there no end to the nonsense that you can spout in defence of the murderous abhisit?

    Wait and see if there is video evidence of what they were shooting at first ,as we all know there were people shooting and throwing grenades from within the red shirts crowd.

  4. They are Terrorists no other word for it .

    Ok...and that's where your limited world ends?

    Every terrorist is fighting for a very specific ideology and behind every terrorist mission there is usually a defined agenda. Where do these terrorists come from? What is their ideology? What is their agenda?

    My personal assumption is as stated above these "terrorists" are Seh Daeng's mercenaries.

    Anupong blame terrorists for tragedy


  5. From reports most of the reds are there because they are being paid by Thaksin also there are reports id cards have been taken off them so they cant go home , or if they do they probably wont be paid.

    The PM has done a remarkable job under the circumstances.

    The problem is Thaksin the criminal and his bunch of Red Leaders .

  6. Nuttawut:

    " M79's were fired at the soldiers, but not by us.

    Bangkok police chief: Man in black fired grenade launcher and troops then fled scene."

    More of their "fake reds"? This particular lie is becoming more and more tiresome.

    Two different stories being told, who to believe? This is where an independent media can step in and fill in some facts unfortunately we don't have that here.

    I notice you don't speak about all the other weapons that they had '

  7. If the Reds had not armed themselves with a M79 launcher , sharpened bamboo sticks , grenades , petrol bombs , other arms , or they didn't make threats to derail the BTS or take over government buildings there would have been no deaths.

    The PM has been in a tough position he begged to the reds to keep talking but no they want blood . He has done a good job under the circumstances and I can feel his pain of seeing thai people killed and injured.

    I hope he can get through this and continue to lead , for thailand to improve and catch up with other world countries they need a person like him.

    Bring in the Red Leaders as soon as possible and catch that criminal paying the money too the reds and the situation will improve.

  8. THE NATION: Thaksin said he's deeply saddened by what happened, asking reds to decide by themselves whether to go on rally.

    translation from Taksin-ese: bleed on, I don't feel a thing

    Good one Thaksin you sit back there and have anothercoffee and cake while you come up with another bright idea of how to get back at the government , you dont give two hoots about your reds it just about money to you, come back to thailand and face justice.

  9. This Thread should not have been opened as it is in Contradiction with the aim of what the Nation has written in "our darkest day".

    Yesterday morning, before any incident, I have underlined that Army should stay in its barracks because Army is a symbol of National Unity and should not be used against any fellow citizen- only reserved to external threats.

    Young soldiers with several rounds of rubber and some (for warning) live ones, can confuse easily in the heat of a battle. Once everything begins to degenerate, everybody is warming up and the situatiion is escalading on both sides.

    The decision to engage army (reluctant initially to be involved) is the key to this tragic saturday.

    People engaged in a battle are loosing restraints it is well known: this kind of situation nearly always is degenerating.

    The real responsability belongs to those who have created the situation, not to the fighters.

    ARMY should have never been involved in this action.

    Its people with limited knowledge like your self that have started this bloodshed it is a waste of time replying to your ridiculous post get back in your box and use your brain and do a bit more research.

    What do you know about my knowledge? Yes I am not an English native speaking and my English is not always correct if it is your criticisms...

    As other posters have told you it was the right way to handle the situation by using forces . What would you do hit them with your handbag ?

  10. This Thread should not have been opened as it is in Contradiction with the aim of what the Nation has written in "our darkest day".

    Yesterday morning, before any incident, I have underlined that Army should stay in its barracks because Army is a symbol of National Unity and should not be used against any fellow citizen- only reserved to external threats.

    Young soldiers with several rounds of rubber and some (for warning) live ones, can confuse easily in the heat of a battle. Once everything begins to degenerate, everybody is warming up and the situatiion is escalading on both sides.

    The decision to engage army (reluctant initially to be involved) is the key to this tragic saturday.

    People engaged in a battle are loosing restraints it is well known: this kind of situation nearly always is degenerating.

    The real responsability belongs to those who have created the situation, not to the fighters.

    ARMY should have never been involved in this action.

    Its people with limited knowledge like your self that have started this bloodshed it is a waste of time replying to your ridiculous post get back in your box and use your brain and do a bit more research.

  11. can we have more details on where these casualties took place? i understand we have limited reports with the Army in the street murdering journalists but can we get an idea what is going on in each area right now?

    where is abhisit now? too embarrassed to put his face on tv?

    Your comments are out of place "

  12. I agree --- this needs to stop ----

    The Reds need to get off the street. Their leaders need to be arrested for sedition and inciting insurrection. Their speech from the red stage was certainly recorded and it is clear. There is no valid defense for their actions.

    The police and army may have to move in and that will be awful but it needs to end NOW.

    If the Army stands down and Abhisit leaves the country, things will calm down in a few days. Obviously, bringing in the Army was wrong. Those who made the decision must accept the consequences.

    So in your opinion the army should have let reds run rampant ?

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