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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Abhisit should be resigning very soon! Even the images on the military and govt TV stations are very favorable to the Red cause.

    What are you smoking he will come out a winner today , so you think setting off bombs and threatening to derail the BTS is giving the reds a winning edge ? go back to sleep.

  2. Getting very rough at the gate at 1st Army HQ. Reds now pressing the troops and attacking them by shoving pointed spears at them. Troops protecting themselves with riot shields are holding and showing incredible restraint. Live video on channel 9 now.

    Now reds with lots of clubs hitting troops...this one is getting ready to pop...

    where are you seeing this, can I see it online?


    Channel 9, Thai PBS and TNN have the best live video at the moment.

    Also saw Jatuporn (non-violence red) making an announcement from the stage about 30 minutes ago that they will take BTS and derail the trains if a move is made. Apparently, BTS is now shut because of his threat.

    Jatuporn's comments should not be taken lightly that in any country would be treated as a terrorism threat and should be here.

  3. Many saying it's over. It's complicated, but not over for Abhisit. Losing some face and not having full control of your troops is embarassing, but it's not the end of the game. It appears that Abhisit's side has lost control of an intersection and a TV station. Not the end. He could bring in competent brass (to replace incompetents), and take back control. The fat lady hasn't yet sung, though Thaksin is probably singing a happy tune right now.

    I agree with you Abhisit will come out the winner.

  4. The only person that has lost is Abhisit.

    - He banned the TV station PTV, yet it's back up against his will.

    - He issued nearly 30 arrest warrants for red shirt leaders, yet they're seen on national television chatting and even laughing with high ranking police offers.

    Talk about losing face.

    Talk about using a light hand and letting them get more violent,

    but not provoke world news violent attacks on them.

    Kid gloves even with some tear gas.

    The violent ones were in RED.

    Talk about how corrupt that police general is...

    He was seen on the job ignoring his duty to act.

    A light hand? You're hilarious!

    The police and army teargassed and smoked themselves, because the wind was blowing in their direction. Even the TNN News reporter mentioned it and couldn't believe it. After that, they ran away. And it ended with the police chiefs negotiating with the red shirt leaders, which Abhisit has ordered to be arrested "on sight". However, the police weren't following his orders, clearly, as they were chatting and laughing with the red shirt leaders.

    So really, the "light hand" is more like "no hand". Or do you have another explanation?

    He may have given orders to arrest but you forget to mention where he said he wanted no violence, what else could he do? I bet you would be sqawking if they did use violence and shed blood.

  5. I thought Abhisit was a good honest and democratic man...looks like I'm wrong. Any democratic nation allows freedom of speech, all the red tv is doing is broadcasting live from the red stadium, never said anything about the reliability of the speech being broadcast. If you shut down every biased tv station there would be no TV.

    Obviously you haven't been reading this forum '

  6. "Leaders of the tens of thousands of supporters of ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra"

    The domestic media ongoing attempt to diminish this Democracy movement to being an exclusive Thaksin thing never abates.

    "I want to warn those who want to crack down on democracy protesters"

    But they are Thaksin followers.....I am confused?

    "several senior government figures to be airlifted to safety".

    The Red Shirts are speaking loudly about weapons being found in the Parliament and Suthep's car.......

    "Tourist chiefs and business leaders have urged the demonstrators to end their action"

    They are from the Amataya. I wouldn't expect anything else.

    "......forcibly entering government buildings is not an appropriate means of protest."

    Number one, who cares what the US Govt. says. Their double-standard in the way they treated the Honduras coup from the Thailand coup makes their pronouncement meaningless.

    "The Red Shirts say the government is illegitimate because it came to power with army backing through a parliamentary vote"

    Right.....so lets get off this self-serving nine-month pedestal and get serious.

    "The mainly poor and rural followers of Thaksin"

    Where do the thousands of Bangkokians who support the Reds, and all the monks fit into this demographic description. Or is this narrow demographic description designed to be discreditting. You be the judge.[


    You must be a red shirt supporter with a serious lack of IQ - those thousands of red shirt supporters in Bangkok are Isaanies who happen to be in Bangkok as motorcycle taxi or some taxidrivers, cleaners etc. cheering their mates from home.

    The red shirts have nothing at all to do with democracy since they are being paid to demonstrate by Mr. T and have been paid in the past to vote for him in the first place. If anything, they are the poison that causes democracy not to work here.

    The government came to power with army backing because a coup had just stopped Mr. T from turning Thailand into his own private country with him as president for life - get your facts right - facts do not lie - if you do not understand his financial manipulations - example - the government under him buys land for 2.4 billion baht and than sells the same land a few weeks later to his wife for 800 Million - if you do not see anything fishy here , well move to Isaan because there they don't seem to ........ of well, lets stay polite ...

    Well said

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