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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. Just reading the headline 9and not reading the article) I thought this must be from the telegraph. It's such a pain being right all the time
  2. Eaxactly. large cash deposits into a bank account are a red flag and should be investigated.
  3. He was SIXTY-TWO! That's not old - that's the new middle-age
  4. PLEASE this is the plot for transtlantic tunnel hurrah by Harry Harrison a brilliant author: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel_Through_the_Deeps
  5. Well it DID change colour - it was bright blue then went a dingy brown - thanks! Bigger then the geckos I see in the house..... Yep but like I said it turned brown - thanks!
  6. I tried Google Lens but says it is from Patagonia or something - did it walk from CNX airport? 🙂
  7. So, yet another moron added to my ignore list. I don't really give a toss but what annoys me is these cretins appear on my twice daily new letter and it's basically click bait - I don't know the that OP is on my "jerks to ignore" list. from the email I get. I have repeatedly complained about this but have been ignored. I've a good mind to demand a refund on my subscription 🙂
  8. My apologies, I stand corrected - the link posted (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/what-to-do-after-a-british-person-dies-in-thailand) Does NOT say it is your responsibility to inform DWP. Well not "you" - you're dead - but your next of kin one assumes 🙂
  9. Sorry but how are they going to hear about it? In the UK maybe - but the embassy here would have to notify them when they are informed (by the police presumably) and another poster submitted instructions that the UK embassy WASN'T going to do it - it was the responsibility of the next of kin.
  10. Happened to me too - went to a new dentist in the UK (having had a checkup less than year ago with a different dentist and told everything fine) and he happily gave me half-a-dozen UNNECESSARY fillings. I was 15 and the treatment was free.
  11. AFAIK they don't - the UK embassy should be informed but I don't know if they pass it on. BUT if you don't send the form back coz you're dead this is a bit of a giveaway
  12. Shopping around 🙂 I just asked for standard and not "express" service - which seems to take about the same time - OK it was 270 and not 200
  13. FYI I think the first time I used their "special" service (> 1000 baht) which took a week - the same time as the 200 (actually maybe 270) service
  14. With EMS fromthailand post you can track it "every step" right up to delivery - as pointed out 200 baht, That's how I sent our last Proof of Lives
  15. I don't think you know how financial transactions work - how are "they" going to identify ME (or actually my [Thai] wife who is the main user of the credit card) as a resident of Thailand? Dosing rods?
  16. Good luck with that. I'm a Brit but after Barclays kicked me out I don't have a UK bank account. How are they going to trace me - black magic? Dowsing rods?
  17. If this talk was from TRD I would believe it - instead it is from a bunch of tax lawyers drooling at the thought of doing tax returns for all the ex-pats. Not worth the OHP slide it was written on.
  18. Beats being a Mastermind contestant - chosen subject the bleeding obvious
  19. GOSH are they? Well I never! Thanks for pointing that out! FYI other "toll-frees" in other countries are often NOT toll-free from Skype but the Uk ones are. But thanks for watching
  20. Skype I've found is reasonable - and if it's a 0800 number in the UK the call is actually free! (well it is for me YMMV)
  21. Despite blocking this moron, he STILL appears on my twice-daily news letter as "clickbait" to drive up the AN ad ratings (based on number of hits)
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