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Everything posted by mania

  1. Of course it can be done in one go from bank via wire but.. Anything over 50K usd will need explaining as to how you got the money. If it were 3-4 million I would suggest that route as it is easier no questions asked sending say 1.5 million baht out at a time. You just say repatriating money as reason If your a foreigner & sending all 20 mill out at once then that means showing your FET slips that shows you brought it into the country If you made it in country then you need to show source Same if you brought in less to buy home & later sold it for more
  2. Two hours on a indoor trainer is a bit much. You don't like getting outside? In your OP you said "I sit on a kind of bicycle at home" In any case...yeah if your sitting on a trainer 2 hours without standing & pedaling your likely rubbing yourself into a rash etc even with chamois cream Yeah about underwear....as I said "Lots of folks indoor cycle in regular shorts & underwear & end up with rashes etc " Not just underwear ????
  3. I was thinking this is a likely problem OP...Do you use cycling shorts? Lots of folks indoor cycle in regular shorts & underwear & end up with rashes etc
  4. No self respecting vegan buys veggie burgers ???? You can make veggie patties so easily using real products without unhealthy processing,sugar,salt etc etc
  5. coconut water is not that high in magnesium One cup of coconut water contains about 56 mg of calcium, 4% of the DV. Magnesium if your active you need more Other things like Quinoa are actually a lot higher.... Magnesium: 28% of the DV a 1-cup (172-g) serving of cooked black beans contains an impressive 120 mg of magnesium, which is 29% of the DV But we like Magnesium Taurate for a host of reasons
  6. Yes but lip service doesn't count for anything in reality. The answer to the question is a resounding no the punitive actions did nothing to stop the dictatorship. If instead countries like the USA or UK or France etc etc said sorry this is a no go. We will no longer be buying your goods nor will we be allowing banking etc to move through our country to yours...Now that would be something for the old guard to think twice about If for instance the recent news ... Starbucks Thailand Reveals Plan to Open 335 New Outlets by 2030 If Starbucks seeing this now happening said... "Oh so sorry we cannot invest in a country that does things like this" That type of response would leave a stain ????
  7. Well he has history on his side.....IE: 9 years dictatorship...anything? Sanctions? Reduced commitment in anyway? Slightest hint of not doing business with this type? No it is the same as Myanmar....none batted an eye because it is what it is in this type of country that has no beads to trade. The only thing they have a slight amount of is location for China to claim as an ally & that is the only reasons other western countries even talk with them Trust me I would love it if the world did step up/ step in ...In both Thailand or Myanmar
  8. Easily & we do. Then again wife & I enjoy our health to perform athletically in our hobbies We started years ago to tighten & although we thought we were fine some tests in later years said more could be done. That is exactly what we did. But truthfully it is not giving up it is realizing what works well for your body & once implemented the changes/rewards are so great you really miss nothing...long for nothing from the past
  9. Sad but true If it had something ...anything.... others wanted then other countries would have stepped right in with sanctions Or worse if they had something others really wanted like the sweet crude of Libya. ????
  10. True but we knew this one was different. We stayed for 2014 & 2015 but then we saw this one was different & left in 2016...in hind sight I guess we had it right.
  11. Magnesium taurate is what I take as it has taurine which has been shown to play a role in regulating blood sugar as well as promote lower blood pressure As well as other muscular recovery benefits IMO
  12. Not just tourists.... We left our Thai home in 2016 as we did not want to support a coup government in any way at all. We had hopes of possibly moving back to our Thai house as it finally looked like Thailand was once again going to be free. ????
  13. Watch out they are not familiar with that kind of common sense/ Logic....you will surely confuse them ????
  14. It probably still is ???? Article said mobile app taxi so a grab,uber etc Taxi & TukTuk drivers hate them & dont allow parking in spots Guy with sword is probably a TukTuk or Taxi driver ????
  15. Didn't read the whole thread so may have been mentioned but The lady boy @44 seconds is that popular & clever actually monk that was always chastised for laughing & joking too much online with another popular monk https://www.prachachat.net/general/news-754960 https://www.thaipost.net/x-cite-news/229652/
  16. Come now.... It is Politics that quit Prayut not the other way round Truth is if he didn't storm the place in a coup he would never have been accepted al all
  17. I doubt anyone can help a depressed person especially one they don't know But if your sincere in all your recent messed up mental state posts then really you should A- Seek professional help B- Get out of Thailand There are some folks who should never have come to Thailand They just cannot handle it & it's form of freedom or lack of limits They just implode eventually Really hope you find help before you join the flying club that helps so many expats exit Thailand via a condo railing
  18. He pretends he is not at war with Russia now? Proxy war but war nonetheless
  19. Better yet watch the actual video without the annoying commentary which is only 6 min long instead of 17 min blah blah blah ????
  20. Very True & sad to say I also was one who once thought I was safe due to my endurance type training most of my life. Now I am in my 60's & still doing quite well but my eyes have now seen many endurance type athletes suddenly have heart attacks or worse drop dead. Plus many other unrelated problems I also have become aware that endurance athletes can have CAD as much or more than non athletic folks due to the tearing down nature of high intensity over time. "Previous studies have documented the higher prevalence of coronary atherosclerotic plaques among highly trained endurance athletes compared with non athletes" Don't get me wrong I think & so does the cardiologist that I speak with that I am better off overall for it (exercising) But I think those who judge their future needs for health care based on the exemplary diet & exercise they now have may be in for a surprise. Yes of course clean living beats a bad diet/smoking/lack of exercise but it is not a impenetrable shield for possible future problems which may or may not be down to genetics or sheer luck. We age & things are subject to wear & tear self inflicted or not.
  21. Has to be a wind up Six pages of yada yada yada but OP only ever made the original post If not a troll then pretty sad state of affairs when a 42 year old man needs relationship advice on a public forum & cannot decide on a simple matter of visiting GF's family or not Ok I'll play along..... My Advice would be for this girl to run from this sorry excuse of a man ????
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