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Everything posted by mania

  1. Hear Hear ! And the truth is if they cleaned up their own house the other so called foreigner problem would be resolved thru that action. But if instead they just hammer foreigners visa requirements but do nothing about the lawlessness or law for hire bypass routes nothing will ever change
  2. I think you are correct because a year before Covid we were told by folks that work in low places that not only was there talk that the visa financial requirements would rise but Health Insurance to some degree would become mandatory as part of the process of extension but as you say Covid pretty much paused the world. The health insurance was actually in motion or being talked about for some time now & actually started way back when a youtuber who was living in Chiang Rai had heart bypass surgery thru a big online go fund me campaign. That was almost unheard of back then & was kind of an eye opener for Thai's It was as if up to that point they thought all foreigners in Thailand were flush with $$$ Right after that guy's go fund me & operation (he later died) suddenly there were articles about how the average Falang was living on sub 40k baht a month as if that was shocking to them
  3. ^^^ From that article linked in OP^^^ Not exactly reassuring is it? This was always the problem with Thailand or any country that doesn't really allow a foreigner a sense of security .....which our home country allows foreigners like my Thai wife. My wife moved to the USA in 2007 got a two year temp residence visa/green card...after those two years she was granted a 10 year permanent green card. Only one year into that 10 year visa she was allowed to apply for & granted full USA citizenship. She now has dual citizenship. Something I was never really able to qualify for in Thailand. In Thailand same as some other places that sense of security will never be known. The goal post could be moved at any given moment. The fact that it has not moved in X amount of years is not really much of an assurance for those of us with homes or fair sized investment in Thailand But it is what it is as they say.....TIT ????
  4. Could be their additional 30 pieces of silver for the betrayal buying them some favors ????
  5. Whats up with Naked Germans in Pattaya lately?
  6. 101% she got this "Elite Visa" <sic> as a perk in exchange for the glowing review
  7. True we never know but.... Unless your fortunate enough to be maxing out SS benefit amount or have big income from elsewhere you would not be liable for Part B if returning to USA. Instead you would qualify for Medicaid who would pay both your Part B & also part D
  8. Yup that is him & I agree He makes out like they didn't want to do a go fund me but everyone tells them what a big help they are hahah all they do is drink & travel yet cannot pay their bill & yes I had the same thought about parking her in an apartment next to their friends & expect others to care for her same as they now expect others to pay for her care ????
  9. This raising the financial requirement is not a surprise if it does come true. Malaysia did a big increase awhile back What does not help is all the Go Fund Me pages that constantly pop up We do not actually hear about all of them but they are out there Yes even among the so called self insured "I have money" folks ???? There is a new one right now with a popular Youtuber from the USA who brought his mom over to live. He bought her a small Chinese electric tuktuk style cart which promptly flipped over on her & now they have a Go Fund Me to pay her 15k bill for a new hip. ???? These do not go unnoticed by Thailand & truthfully seems most of this kind of talk started back when another YouTuber did a go fund me for a heart bypass & later died These folks tell Immigration in not so many words that they cannot in fact afford to live in Thailand
  10. ***Moved response to main article in General News section*** https://aseannow.com/topic/1302335-retirement-visa-overhaul-in-the-wind-gangs-run-out-of-town-tim-newton-today-august-2/
  11. Thailand needs a hero Thailand needs a Punisher for hire ????
  12. Looks like that quote site for April will only allow birth dates back to 1958 so 65 age max Cigna does seem to allow https://www.cignaglobal.com/quote/pages/quote/PersonalInformationLiteV4.html They quoted me 13k baht a month for 35 million baht policy
  13. There is a YouTube channel Peter Santenello I was watching as he was traveling thru the heart of Appalachia. It seems Coal mining has made a comeback due to increased energy needs with all the electric vehicles coming online. So I was thinking the same as you or worse as in may cases the fossil fuels cannot keep up with the creating electricity demands so now their back to burning coal at many power plants Sometimes you wonder if we're all being played Gas burning Cars got to a point of being super efficient small usage of fuel. Now this change which in effect is demanding more fuel to be burned to generate electricity to the point that they have returned to burning coal to produce this "clean" electricity?
  14. So they dont leave snail trails on chairs
  15. As always Thank You for your help & info! ????
  16. A commercial license has not just type of flight but all to do with ratings for type of plane your flying & how your flying it...meaning visual flight references or instrument flight etc etc If you are rated to fly single-engine land airplanes, you can fly any of them, so long as they are less than 12,500 pounds and not turbine-powered. Although it is possible to get correct training and certifications for all types of add-ons
  17. Oh No AA is gone? I use to get International policy quotes from Wim at AA & was hoping to do so again this year
  18. Cut him some slack...Maybe he is happy to try & improve his English skills Thai's are not embarrassed to ask about money but you can say not much to that & be done with that But the other questions seem fine.
  19. Soon if not already...Thai citizens will feel like Cambodians... ‘Why would I vote?’: Cambodians quietly question election’s value
  20. Hopefully owner is held 100% responsible for medical expenses + Trauma
  21. Actually they can leave it as LOS but add a "B" LOSB = land of small brain or LOFE= Land of fragile ego
  22. We already know your married to your hand ????
  23. And yet folks like yourself consonantly tell well fit in shape folks what their doing wrong with their diets or workouts ????
  24. And that is basically what that is ...."A Story" Because it is common sense that just not eating meat & running means squat in the bigger picture. Maybe before he became a vegan jogger he was a fat cigarette smoking lump ???? That aside Nutrition is much more complex than a single thing even if Vegan, or Keto etc etc ,,,genetics is much more complex than that....How they were raised is much more complex & many other factors Maybe your fat 70 year non exercising pal had great genes of parents that cared during his formative years yada yada yada ???? Athletes of all ages drop dead more often then most know. Inflamed muscles is a simple thing for most to understand yet "such a great diet, he dropped dead so young. " Then an athlete drops dead of heart failure regardless of diet or age.........Oh right the heart is a muscle isn't it ???? "The heart is a muscular organ made up mostly of cardiac muscle" They do fail....often
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