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Everything posted by mania

  1. He does well & what he said in "The Game Changer" documentary is basically how he lives now as shown in your vid link Anyone who hasn't seen it...its worth a watch
  2. Try this Link default is sound off but speaker in lower right needs to be clicked
  3. Unfortunately the old power stopped the succession of the new power. Hate to say it but dictator types like these do not go away when asked nicely. They go away the same way they came
  4. Were those figures rechecked after Dictatorship overruled the peoples choice for government?
  5. Two examples of the most useless pieces of rancid Thai political meat ????
  6. You folks & your dictatorship style of governing is doing that all yourselves without the need of any help. Any investment here would be the same as investing in or approving of North Korea or Myanmar
  7. Yeah right Aug 9th better wait till the next dictator is firmly back in office before deciding anything right?
  8. Appropriate they use the back door same as always !
  9. This is why these days ,,, Thailand once a country of fit looking people now resembles other fast food nations
  10. Sadly this was expected wasn't it? It was expected years ago when the dictators wrote a new Constitution that benefited them alone A constitution that would allow them to remain the dictators of Thailand Even this final blow against Pita was long thought out & played/timed exactly as they wanted to play it in the final hour Sadly also anyone expecting a revolution over this will not be happy with the lack of response that is coming Thai's are not patriots willing to water their tree of liberty with their blood No sadly Thai's are like children who have been programmed all their life to be seen but not heard The past nine years should give anyone their proof of that Lastly sad in our own own selfish way that we will now not be moving back to our Thailand home that we left in 2016 after two years of the dictatorship that we knew was different than previous coups. We will not be supporting this sorry excuse for a government thanks
  11. Oh what a shock ! The spineless cretin not keeping his word ????
  12. It tends to be something like that but....better yet remain neutral & not get involved military wise etc etc with any of them Folks that invited the vampires into their homes did not too well in the long run once the vamps get a strong foothold But that aside countries that pretend to be freedom supporters should not tolerate countries like Thailand at all. There should be harsh sanctions already floating at Thailand since 2014 Again the only reason there are none is due to trying to remain an option/ally for some very stupid reason
  13. I wish that were true & they did snub Thailand but... I think the main reason they still do cobra gold & give aid to Thailand is to remain buddies out of fear of China having them as a BF ???? Not that Thailand doesn't play all sides anyway
  14. Koh Tao should just be listed on embassy sites as a no go recommendation
  15. Compare that to what old retired farmers get from the government they fed their whole life When they turn 60 they get 600 baht a month! 70 is 700 bht 80 is 800 baht 90 is 900 baht If you should make 100 you will get a 1000 baht wow per month ????
  16. Thailand & Myanmar similar in how they are governed . One is just more shiny from the outside / better false impression
  17. What is there to say? They should know full well they are a treasonous byproduct of a coup that overthrew a legally elected government They are paid millions of baht per year for their vote...millions stolen from the Thai citizenry Their whole existence was based upon a lie & a cheating of the Thai citizenry they supposedly swore to protect & serve They deserve nothing less than prosecution for treason & there is no way this election should include their vote as they have never earned the right to a vote instead they have been paid for their wrong way vote.
  18. Ah nothing important then ????
  19. Works very well actually for both roaches & ants. It does not kill them but does repel them But the first step is to actually have a clean area that the insects have no interest in...Funny how that works....no food no point in sticking around ???? Then again a simple google would have shown you
  20. You strike me as a possible yes for that ????
  21. Hi your welcome As to the specific name it is "Laminate Stair Nose Molding" I am sorry I am not in Thailand at the moment but if I was I would probably try thaiwatsadu.com & maybe Home Pro or Global House? But I think your best bet will be to find a flooring specific shop. If they sell laminate they will of course also sell the stair nose moldings & of course have a installer person Maybe even try https://www.siamflooring.com/laminate?lang=en Then tell them your in Chiang Mai & they likely have an agent installer Good Luck!
  22. It's funny folks use poison sprays & poison gels to kill bugs in their home never concerned that the poison is on their surfaces...That the gel that works so well is tracked back to nests .....over their surfaces..... ???? Rather curious actually & then we seem to marvel at how these days there seems to be ever more cancer's & illnesses ???? On the other hand I noticed some folks use a simple vinegar & water mix & spray it on "clean" counters & never have roach problems
  23. "Normally / Usually"......all laminate floors used on stairs has a Laminate Stair Nose Molding Meaning that which your wanting to repair is actually a separate piece & can just be changed out by a competent carpenter/flooring installer Which may also be why yours is a different color/pattern from the actual laminate Try to check closely if it is...... If so then The material you want looks like this & is available in different shades & usually available in 78" / 198 CM lengths to be cut as needed
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