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Everything posted by mania

  1. Seems fair enough to say there is life before birth so why not life after death? The shell/body /vehicle ...exists at first empty & then is inhabited by what ever you want to call it life/soul/etc etc. Why wouldn't that also be allowed to leave someday when the vehicle can no longer run?
  2. Pretty much the only way he would have returned in the first place
  3. ???????? This must be bizzaro world because since the coup it has been Thailand's journey into the twilight zone The fact that their coup constitution with the military appointed 250 BS senators has even now once again sealed Thailand's fate with more of the same & is just adding insult to injury
  4. Public Pools
  5. If your phone has wifi calling the Thai sim works outside of Thailand without roaming on or being charges roaming fees My wife's TruMove sim works in USA on wifi calling Same is true the other way round...I use a AT&T sim in Thailand with just wifi calling no roaming or charges
  6. All Bangkok Prisoners please raise your hand if you could use more Oxygen & a room Cooled By Fans......Ok Thank You we will get right on that ????
  7. Well of course most enjoy SS .. but the truth is SS was always a tax & most (if Lucky) receive way more back than they ever paid in. Which is why none should be 100% reliant on it as it cannot be guaranteed to continue forever. As to supposed benefits ....there are many for citizens living in country. Of course as you say less for Expats but that is basically the same as any other country & in fact still better than many US citizens abroad for instance get COLA upgrades to their SS while other countries freeze those out of country from getting cost of living adjustments to their form of pension/SS . US citizens abroad even got stimulus payments which is quite funny when you consider "stimulus payments" were given to stimulate the US economy ???? But yes living abroad is... as it should be ...mostly a get it your dang self service life . Besides so many left claiming they escaped a Nanny State so they shouldn't complain they don't get looked after abroad ????
  8. So if tomorrow the USA said...We have zero allegiance to those who live in xxx & we are stopping any SS payments to those ex-patriots..... you would be fine with that right ???? PS; I am not claiming allegiance to any country but I do accept the fact they do offer both patriots & ex-patriots alike many benefits
  9. I think most of the world would say it's Broken ????
  10. Thailand 250 Junta appointed BS Senators just chose a prime minister.
  11. There is precious little enough and as it is. Land should be for the living to use not for planting people in wooden boxes So for that reason I'm going with cremation
  12. Yes of course & that is what I am saying about that $500 policy for a 80 years old...meaning yes good if he doesn't have many preexisting exclusions, Believe it or not some folks are lucky that way...yes not the majority I am the person who also said that is understandable because if you were the owner of a insurance company you would not sell fire insurance to anyone with their house already on fire would you?
  13. Seems pretty understandable/reasonable No insurance company wants to sell fire insurance to someone whose house is already ablaze ???? At 80 years old $500/month prem would seem a good deal in most places As long as it is not riddled with exclusions due to preexisting problems. After all at 80 the Insurer knows this is going to likely cost
  14. Hopefully the Mods will move your question to either https://aseannow.com/forum/121-insurance-in-thailand/ Or https://aseannow.com/forum/23-health-and-medicine/ As you will likely get more answers but... Also you will find much info in those sub forum sections on insurance This topic does come up often & the takeaway seems to be buy from International based not Thai based companies for a more stable price & coverage. First given your age you may find it tough to find Thai based & if you do they will likely price you out of it in a couple years I am your age & have recently been looking at Cigna Global
  15. It does not matter where you are or how "they" are.....You can only do you You going to do what? What you know is "right" or use others behavior to justify joining their club?
  16. Could be true & it seems they got it but....Now it is your turn as you now have something to work out/pay back Their wrongs did not entitle you to also do wrong
  17. I guess if your under 65 you can get a quote If over 65 need the Switch Care policy If over 71 need the International Exclusive policy
  18. Always funny to hear the fish on a hook asking this question ????
  19. Bottom line?,,,,,, All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others A proclamation by the pigs who control the government in the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell. The sentence is a comment on the hypocrisy of governments that proclaim the absolute equality of their citizens but give power and privileges to a small elite. Thailand is exactly an animal farm bizzaro world flipside Prayuth & Prawit can do anything they choose....tear up constitutions, overthrow democratically elected governments, install 250 BS senators Puppets They have their coup/junta govt to carry on by any other name but, it is still exactly what it always was. SOS Thailand SOS different day
  20. Oh similar to becoming a Thai Police officer then? ????
  21. How nice ???? Will Anutin Charnvirakul be greeting them at the gate again?
  22. Actually I have had both types (with & without) meaning a stress test with & without echo The one with echo I had was brutal They work you very hard (recumbent cycle in my case) for much longer/50% than a tilt treadmill test like I have had in the past Then after the physical stress section you have to immediately lay down while they do echo tests & asking you to take deep breath & hold X seconds etc All of that while you are still in a oxygen deficit state so yes IMO brutal ???? But it did give a lot of good data This was done in USA not in Thailand but I am guessing it is also available there
  23. This whole new reality in Thailand is just a regurgitated supposedly polite form of yet another coup/junta Face it Thailand with the 250 BS Coup/Junta placed senators you will never have a say in how your country is run This whole vote system was a farce from beginning to end, Sadly the young protestors know it & while they try to be polite themselves they know it will never work in their favor. As the Thai Rap against dictatorship song says " My Country Have" Turn on subtitles & see.....They know what is what
  24. There is no future ????
  25. This is good news for all the students taking up space in Thai schools ????
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