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Everything posted by mania

  1. It is a pity most here do not have 40 minutes for something this good. The other replies came 6 minutes after posting so you can see their attention span 😉 But yes the video was quite good & informative...better than the debate 555 😅
  2. Our rudderless Government Being told Biden is unfit to run yet is president now? Or? Trump assassination attempt Our Half War with Russia Much more & worth the listen...Remember this man is a Democrat & he (Eric Weinstein) is terrified
  3. Seems like in this thread of 28 pages most seem concerned about what "Might Come To Pass" if laws are passed. But very few seem worried that a law that was already passed as of Jan 1st 2024 has been in effect & will be tallied Dec 31st 2024. As it stands some may actually already owe Thailand taxes due by March 2025 on income brought INTO Thailand during 2024 "What is the new tax rule in Thailand 2024?New conditions, effective from 2024, were amended to state regardless of the year the income is brought into Thailand, it is subject to personal income tax. The tax rate is progressive, ranging from 5% to 35%. However, the department provided exceptions to mitigate the impact on taxpayers."
  4. Well actually........I am not an accountant & basically a "bob in the village" & it was very easy & profitable to file in my case. Because back in 2012-2016 the savings interest rates in Thailand were good ...especially in 2013 That aside the reason to file was claim back the taxes they took from the savings when ever it went over 30k baht a year. But foreigners could claim it all back as we are not Thai citizens But yes we filed taxes claims/returns in those years very easily. They actually did most of the work themselves at the counter. I guess the getting of the Tax ID# was probably harder than actually filing. But even getting the number was a matter of an hour once sent to the right office. Once interest rates dropped we stopped yearly filing no problem.
  5. I may be wrong but the law that has to do with that March 2025 law was already passed & in effect since Jan 1st 2024 So by right what they are saying is the Tax returns that are due March 2025 should include any taxes owed for inbound taxable monies sent into Thailand between Jan 1st 2024 & Dec 31st 2024
  6. Thank You that was the best thing written so far about all this taxing requirements! Very Helpful & a lot of truth there too.
  7. Thailand wants tourists & show beautiful beaches but do nothing to control dogs owned by none. Why does Thailand have govt funded teams that rush to grab a snake but no such dog control? Both can bite & cause death
  8. I was referring comment to the comment " When will these foreigners in Thailand open their eyes" the photo of the rider showing he is a Thailand Pro Continental Team rider ... meaning he was not some random foreigner out for a ride in a strange land That aside of course as you said folks need to be alert but again for you also...Do you see the picture? Is it not clear to you he was struck from behind??? That aside again what needs doing is treating criminals like criminals. When someone hits someone in traffic an investigation needs to be done. Stupid excuses like brake failure need mechanical proof. ..drunk driving needs stiffer penalties... leaving the scene of an accident needs automatic jail time
  9. Actually it is you that needs to open your eyes Team Roojai is a pro Thai cycling team based in Thailand. They are a UCI continental team. This is one of their riders. Yes they have some team members who may not have been born in Thailand but they know better than you what a Thai road is. 😉
  10. The Joe Biden / Kamala Harris administration has been using DOJ, TSA, FBI & probably every other three letter branch as their personal attack dogs Here is another recent example of Harris using the TSA to go after Tulsi Gabbard after she spoke out on how dangerous a Kamala Harris presidency would be. Matt Taibi's take on this also interesting to hear
  11. Just curious but have you ever tried using Bangkok Bank NY to transfer from your US bank to your Thai bank ( If you have Bangkok Bank account) *** I know it got more difficult for some if their US bank may not provide the International ACH thorough their internet banking*** But was just wondering if it was an option for you
  12. This posted on Forbes today is the reality of this Candidate for President & how little she knows. At least Joe had teh dementia excuse
  13. Who voted for Kamala Harris to be the Democrats Presidential nominee? Nobody that is who...SO who cares if this is her first mistake...She IS the mistake to the Democratic process....No Democrat voted her to be their Presidential Candidate
  14. This from a country that just denied all the Democrat voters a choice for the Presidential candidate. Instead they stuck the lame VP in there without anyone actually voting her in. The USA wouldn't know democratic process if it bit them in the butt
  15. Saw this YouTube today A Pacific Cross Policy in Thailand Still sounds a bit iffy but may have possibilities for some. Also link provided is description to apply shows costs & they were not bad in my case
  16. corporals like this one are eventually a victim of friendly fire if ever on a real battlefield 😉
  17. Does not really seem a good alternative to the Cat O married to Thai visa since that one is only 400k on deposit & no need to leave once a year or get an extension every 6 months
  18. I am not charged except my monthly $25 to use unlimited talk & text without wifi in the USA & when in Thailand I connect via wifi calling (Apple Iphone) & receive no additional charges. Been doing so for many years now Of course in the USA I am only charged my flat $25 a month to connect using the cell towers. (calls within the USA) But what I am saying is wifi calling while out of the country incurs no additional charges for roaming or international calling which I think is nice because yes while in the USA they DO charge to send international texts / pictures etc which of course I never do. Yet while in Thailand I can call USA send texts, pictures etc etc no charge (using WIFI calling) So I do not think in my/AT&T case it is the same
  19. Actually both ACE & ARB meds are also Vasodilators that open your blood vessels which is basically what the drugs you mention do also
  20. Happy to report my AT&T always works great from Thailand & is free (no additional charges for calling from Thailand using wifi calling) . I also have the cheapest AT&T base plan which is $25 a month unlimited talk & text. Have had it for 8 years now. What is extra nice about it is I also receive calls from the USA while in Thailand for our three months a year stays. It caller ID's them as usual & it appears to them I am still in the US. Only downside if of course some folks call in the middle of the night 😅
  21. You actually can call from your home cell number/sim if your mobile has wifi calling When I am in Thailand & use that method it works well & of course it is free
  22. Boy I remember your Hillary Campaign too! Telling everyone here to get used to it & it was a done deal. Hahah Strike 2 incoming 😉
  23. https://www.facebook.com/reel/2725357324285964
  24. Actually he created a PAC (Political Action Committee ) Which in essence will be supporting the administration he feels is best for America. Which in this election yes will be Trump's administration. He just doesn't want to be dragged into saying he supports a person .....which is logical because in fact it is not a single person who will keep America well
  25. Found it an interesting listen
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