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Everything posted by mania

  1. Thank you Mike for posting this! I found it so useful I put it in a PDF Thanks again
  2. I am more hopeful that this next species watches already from a distance. But if we threaten the universe with nuclear rubbish hopefully they step in & take the warmongering kids toys away from them. Tell them..."You have gone too far...Again.... so again we are stepping in & send you back to the caves from where you came" 😅
  3. Sad but true in some form. The reality is Biden is a shell of a drugged up old man but, those around him who feed him xxx are the ones responsible
  4. Good Night this topic is 7 hours old & there are two posters with over a hundred posts 56&53 between them 🙄 Amazing ...Talk about no life 😅 Go outside look around kiss a girl or whatever you want 😉
  5. I don't think so but you never know. The way I have heard it described is it is a multi entry visa meaning two entries over a 5 year duration of visa validity. So that is only one year in country over five years duration.
  6. Actually way back when this taxing was first mentioned I pretty much thought it was all about Thai's & closing a loophole many of them use to work abroad & hold their savings there a year then sending it all home tax free. When you consider all the farm workers abroad & other lines of work it made sense.
  7. Actually when you think about the need to live in Thailand >180 days the year of funds imported to be considered a tax resident that does in a sense create another loophole for someone like you mentioned. Meaning many times a person makes trips to Thailand fall in love with it as a retirement destination & while not living there yet starts to get ready to do so. Meaning setup bank accounts, buy a condo etc & yet is still often is not a tax resident. They will be going back & forth a few times before the big move. So I wonder in that situation since they are not a tax resident...at least not yet. Then move the next year all good? Again just wondering as we will eventually see the answers to all these speculative questions
  8. I would hopefully guess it is the same as elsewhere in the world when it comes to filing requirements. No country tax department wants to be buried with Zero due tax returns so some say there is no need to file if nothing owed. BUT...of course if ever questioned it is on you to prove the point (source of any income) or transfers into Thailand in this case In any case I guess we are all hopeful it is a storm in a teacup once finally seen firsthand.
  9. Thank you Mike The Pre 2024 savings would be a hard one for anyone to determine though. I mean in my case at this time I do not use all of my SS so savings builds monthly/yearly. But I imagine at the end of the day taxes in Thailand may be the same as elsewhere meaning it is left to the individual to file. But, if ever questioned we could answer where those funds originated from.
  10. Well I guess it could be looked at that way but initially just knowing if transferring in SS or savings is taxable would end the need to know anything more 😉
  11. Question...So at the end of the day if all monies I bring into Thailand to live on are from US Social Security payments & savings in the USA I need not file anything?
  12. I wonder then if the old TR visa will now be 90 day visa like the old Non Imm O ? Or will they do away all together with the TR Lately the Non Imm O has gotten quite confusing with there being two types... One to visit Thai & one to visit Non Thai The visit Thai needs the 15k USD & non Thai only 1k USD in bank...Odd https://thaiconsulatela.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/non-immigrant-type-o-visiting-family
  13. I think it is pretty obvious he meant US consulate
  14. That could be because as we often say Thailand really likes tourist aka: come spend money & get out but.......... That would be very shortsighted because they can view tourists as customers that come to restaurant Thailand...spend & leave. But there are many restaurants in the world, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Spain, Italy etc. etc. Customers have choices But when you look at a retiree they are the long term customers that stay at your restaurant spending day after day... year after year. I know which one I would welcome more of
  15. Actually I think the financial amount is fine as is & although I know many side step it with agents it is a good emergency fund for the many without insurance. That aside what I am really hoping for is that they just make a longer term extension to visa's available for retirees & for those that are married. Especially long for those who have been married say 10+ years? Maybe a 5-10 year extension? That would be a nice change 😉 Well that & abolish the silly 90 day checks 🤞 I know, I know but I can dream 😉
  16. Funny when I read that I had the opposite thought that hopefully they were going to ease it as every other thing they mentioned was easier than previously. I guess we will know soon enough 😉
  17. It is funny how different people see healthy/sturdy differently I look at him & do not see healthy at all. His face alone has no shape except round. You cannot see his cheek bones at all. His chin just merges into his neck & soon if not already he will have a second chin. Other things too but just IMO he does not look healthy at all. I would guess high triglycerides & lipids. Hopefully he takes note & shapes up. SVT is not that big a deal & easily managed with better diet/exercise & if need be something like flecainide
  18. So if upon seeing this excessive beating going down say 3 foreigners drinking nearby jumped in & pounded those guards with excessive force would they also get off with a Wai & a sorry?
  19. I never saw it any different anyway....meaning every marriage visa renewal was basically the whole ordeal again...same papers...same map to my house...same pics of us... Marriage Certificate, Marriage Registry entry, Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card, home visit (usually) yada yada yada
  20. I do not know but when I got it I asked if I need to renew & they told me it was good for life. But TIT right? 😉 So anything could be possible.
  21. I actually have a tax ID but only because years ago when Thai banks were giving 4% on savings I got taxed & was then allowed to reclaim it at the end of year. (Which was quite easy) But this new deal we have a wait & watch attitude. We are retired but if we sell property elsewhere in the world there is a snowballs chance in hell that we would agree to pay taxes on that in Thailand just because we brought money in to use IN THAILAND. That in itself is a benefit to Thailand & if they don't see it that way then of course we do not have to bring it in & spend it. We surely wouldn't give them 15-30% off the top of it! That would be Nuts 😉 They have no rights to monies we receive in other countries thru years of investment
  22. Wonder how the USA would react if say Hawaii or Alaska declared they were a sovereign entity & say Russia or China provided them with defensive means?
  23. Thank you Sheryl for your updated info much appreciated. This is tough to take as my wife & I have been considering moving back to Thailand as we left in 2017 I am 67 & 68 this year. I know better than to be uninsured even though I am in good health/shape But yes seeing these prices does make us pause. I of course prefer International policy given the track record of Thai insurers. Now seeing your prices I have given them a second look on https://checkdi.com/th/health/main?lg=en I wonder about AXA, Pacific Cross & LMG policies. But again bad track records for Thai insurers when push comes to shove 🙄
  24. Hopefully your conscious when they do ask for it 😉
  25. This is why Casino's make you buy chips.....If you had to keep reaching for another $20 you wouldn't keep betting. But little colored chips? No Problem 😉
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