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Everything posted by mania

  1. I personally had forecast I would make around 7 million USD this year but, Like Thailand TAT I think I am not on schedule to be proven correct ????
  2. Oh come on! These are the same guys that tried a few years ago to stop Bangkok flooding by backing up some motor boats & revving the engines trying to hold back the waters Yet these same nimrods will now design weaponry for something as sophisticated as an F35? Truth is more likely they will try to buy weapons off Aliexpress (aka China) USA better throw this deal into reverse pronto
  3. Here in the free world we have great beers like these Stouts 14 & 9 % ABV ????
  4. Oh big surprise there! Given they have been spoon fed BS from the likes of "Anutin the cement worker" daily Meanwhile rest of world is chugging along thanks
  5. Maybe if Junta gets voted out but the problem is this tunnel goes till November elections & you can almost guarantee so does Thai pass & insurance scame
  6. Of course Thai's will always buy the chance to win 6 million baht They themselves call it buying hope But this whole online lottery deal has neglected the fact that many normal Thai's made their living selling the tickets (yes some gouged prices up 20 baht but most sold for 80) So has this new govt idea of going direct & keeping the change yet again put more Thai's out of work?
  7. I thought we were talking about Bangkok?
  8. No we do not wear masks here but we are not in Thailand at the moment. Thankfully our as well as most if not all of the western world has accepted Covid for what it now is here. Look even in Italy one of the most hard hit by Covid has just completed the Giro D' Italia 2022 with hundreds of thousands if not more spectators lining the streets all unmasked. What is sad though is to see many Foreigners here on this forum have adopted Anutin's & Payuth's sky is falling mentality. At least Anutin & Prayuth had an ulterior motive in keeping streets empty till elections These brainwashed foreigners though have no excuse for such simple mindedness
  9. Silly Rabbit, It is actually business as usual since the jets actually cost half of that ???? Purchases such as these are just to generate Purchase Orders to line the generals pockets as they continue to feed at the Public Trough Meanwhile elderly Thai citizens are expected to make ends meet on 600 baht pensions per month This country really needs a hero
  10. How sad was that to watch? ???? This useless government can think of buying fighter jets, tanks, subs etc etc etc & why? For what? None will invade Thailand as there is no prize to be had. No oil, no gold no nothing Yet their people have squat Sad beyond words
  11. Truth is Dr. Tedros is probably saying that was an unfortunate sna<deleted> for you when you couldn't get into Switzerland previously as your snake oil vaccine was not recognized
  12. Ah the new "sky is falling" hysteria to keep student protests quiet & hopefully lock the country back down till the next election<sic> is done
  13. That does happen & I have seen it but, In this case it seems not That tray of jewelry is what she wore & was not excessive Looks like one pair of shoes each ( a male & female pair shown) Other than that what? some sun glasses & a bag? When they bust those trying to import for free or buying for rich friends it doesn't look like this Instead it is like 4 of same bag, 3 of same watch etc etc If they are now going to extort tourists if they can find they have in their possession more than 20k baht/$600 USD of designer items it sure throws a BIG wrench into their constant whining about how they want "Quality Tourists"
  14. Cue Anutin to now make his announcement that he will allow "Thai's" to first be allowed to wear no mask with Foreigners perhaps later being allowed to also remove them ????
  15. That is actually quite backwards My wife came to the USA on a tourist visa. Got 3 months entry at gate in US We decided to marry & she got a 2 yr green card followed by a 10 year green card In her third year in the US she took the US citizenship test passed & has been a dual citizen ever since Try that in Thailand PS: She got a SS# & work permit almost immediately because one thing about the USA if you want to work they are happy to oblige as they will likely get tax off you
  16. Thanks! Do what you like as we & I imagine most others that use to stay in Thailand a few months a year have moved on My wife & I just returned from a great trip around the Pacific North West of the USA Beautiful ! Clean! Safe driving! .***NO MASKS! *** not on the planes & not anywhere in the PNW it was so nice Neither did anyone ask if we were vaccinated or to see our cards Prices were also better than ever with exceptional foods & tourist locations that not only did not dual price but did not even charge Made us realize & wonder why we did not do this more often instead of always going year after year back to our old home of Thailand to eat cheap unhealthy foods & take high risks on the road + long plane rides
  17. Meanwhile in the rest of the world we are enjoying ourselves without mask/fear/rhetoric Even Italy who may have been the hardest hit initially is currently hosting the Giro ...no masks thanks ????
  18. While folks should deserve a living wage this is not reality If Unions pump up the daily wage like they did in the west what happens next? We from the West already know Of course the companies made to pay the higher min wage now raise prices. So the workers in reality went nowhere The unions rinse & repeat the same cry all day long. Poor workers are underpaid Guess what ? They never gave a hoot about the worked only the fact that they would gain 2% of those wage increase in Union dues It is a dog chasing its tail while the Union alone profits Instead workers need to realize every menial job has a pay ceiling that's life If you want more don't cry that the menial job you have has a ceiling instead educate yourself & move on to a better paying position or better yet start your own business ????
  19. Even Italy who probably was one of the worst hit by Covid has dropped masks except mainly on public transport https://www.wantedinrome.com/news/where-you-need-to-wear-a-mask-in-italy-from-1-may.html
  20. How about the Thai returnees that are bringing their falang husbands along? ????
  21. Always period. There is never a time when colds/flu's etc etc are not circulating. Anyone who has raised kids knows that one Its like asking if any sharks are swimming in the ocean today ????
  22. Or could be you have been on this forum only 283 days yet have 1812 posts You have no time for sex
  23. According to a 2019 report by the Federal Reserve, 22% of American adults (63 million) are either unbanked or underbanked. They dont want to hold it all in singles ????
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