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Everything posted by mania

  1. What the F*@# ? Tourist comes to Thailand Tourists hires a boat & says he wants to go spear fishing Thai boat captain takes him here & he fishes...posts video about his catch now HE? is in jail? Whats up with this bizzaro world of Thailand Everything always upside down backasswards The Thai who took him here & probably said many fish here should be in jail not the tourist who does not know the lay of the land nor the laws
  2. Lot of truth there congrats on knowing the important differences ????
  3. So many Thai's so little patriots There is only one way these rats will ever be removed Once the Thai's realize this they may grow a spine If not? Then the people get the government they deserve
  4. Ah now it makes a bit more sense why folks like Anutin drive the covid fear factor so hard in Thai people
  5. You may be interested to read this from AARP about stents I thought it was interesting https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2021/heart-stent.html
  6. Classic & so similar to other "exercises" in Thailand. Thailand will do a GF experience for anyone, but eventually this loose military will pay when they lose one sponsor or the other
  7. No none at all. As I said she handled it easily
  8. I think it is flooding like crazy right now isn't it?
  9. My niece never had any jabs & had covid twice. Both times it was little more than a head cold she creezed right thru it. She is roughly 45 yr old But like you I know tons of jabbed folks & all had covid...some easy version some very hard
  10. Ive had 1 jab the J&J The only reason I took it is at the time it seemed like none would ever be allowed to fly into Thailand again without it. If I could now suck that <deleted> out of myself I would
  11. Nonsense It is always the snowflakes on the left that say such things The whole time Trump was president they whined & whined. Every day the MSN slaughtered his every word Even on this very "Thai" Forum daily threads about Trump Yet now even by your own words Biden is a total 0 a poor performer with an approval rating lower than anything previous Yet do you hear the right whine daily? Does the MSN persecute him?? Really I could care less for either side but the left always makes comments such as yours yet they are the total babies incapable of a civil war. Instead they throw tantrums & knock over statues or loot, burn & trash their own neighborhoods as seen many times.
  12. Oh Puleez! Man up & call it what it is ! A boot on the throat of free speech A law to crush any dissent Crush any truth any opinion not approved by those making these laws But crowds of thousands at Moto GP at Buriram in October or Talads etc no problem right?
  13. As long as they as teachers realize what this is teaching the kids So later in life if they think someone is doing wrong they should also hit that someone
  14. I don't see the Medicare statement as ambiguous...If you live in the USA you file yearly tax returns stating so even if you have no income Living in the USA is quite clear on those tax returns as it qualifies you for certain deductions etc etc That aside most also have other things/proof that clearly shows they live the majority of the year in what ever place they live As for trying to ride that "reimbursed if the foreign hospital is closer than a USA hospital" good luck finding anyone who has done so. https://www.medicare.gov/coverage/travel-outside-the-u.s. If you really claim to live in the USA & "visit" Thailand it will be on you to purchase travel insurance either thru Medicare/Medigap (A 50k policy) or a private company Private is quite affordable...I usually stay 3 months a year at our Thai home & my 100K USD coverage costs me $201 That is 100K USD with a $500 deductible thru IMG Patriot International Good Luck
  15. Hahah nice weather if by that you mean HOT ok But nice weather does not happen in a place with Thailand's air quality (yes partly due to its neighbors too)
  16. As other have said of course seeing a cardiologist is a good idea. They have small monitors now that they leave on your chest for 14 days & tells a lot That aside you said "heavy drinking" So you may also look up Holiday Heart Syndrome
  17. This is the 1st US Speaker of the house of reps to visit Taiwan in over 25 years She could give two sh!ts about Taiwan She does this strictly out of spite in the hopes of once again starting a undeclared war "peace keeping mission" Because there is money to be made supplying tools of that trade & she wants hers
  18. Which is also why someone like this gets extradited & someone like Red Bull Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya is still free & nearly reaching his get out of jail free in 2026 finish line
  19. The Thai citizens themselves will need to remove this POS the same way the people of Columbia got rid of the drug lords that kept control of the politicians
  20. Thailand used to do the same thing Make folks pee test in Bangkok & if it came up positive you had to buy your way out. Didn't matter if you has arrived from Amsterdam days before where pot was legal etc So basically Thailand should not be too upset ????
  21. I have never lost a home to fire ...Yet I still buy home owners insurance
  22. Yes problem with self insure is it is a single bullet that may or may not be big enough Then your empty either way
  23. Actually buying International is not always about coverage out of Thailand but sometimes Thailand insurers like Sheryl mentioned are sketchy https://aseannow.com/topic/1267088-how-do-you-cope-with-skyrocketing-premiums-from-health-insurers/?do=findComment&comment=17504692 Also I was quite surprised that price for price the international insurers (meaning not based in Thailand) had better coverage
  24. Maybe repatriating expats could do like Elon Musk & grab one of these for 50k USD then just find a cheap lot to hook up ???? All you add is bed & couch/TV Heck it is as big as a condo my wife & I lived happily in Chiang Mai for quite a few years
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