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Everything posted by mania

  1. Man I'm sorry to hear that DUS ! Especially since your using a international provider too! Not to mention your actually still quite young & like you say should this continue I can only imagine what it will be when your 65+ You might want to try April MH Int Last I checked with Wim Cell Phone 0971890190 AA Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd. Their prices were better than what you quote
  2. on April 5th 2016 I paid 12,079 Baht for a CT scan with contrast dye of kidneys at Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai So I don't think your price quoted is unreasonable at all
  3. Duh...I guess the income verification then is not faked right. Go for it & like I said if your never involved in anything that causes a closer look you will likely do fine ????
  4. Perhaps your not aware of such but yes they sure are faking it Yes there are visa agents that take your money & you follow all the rules...Have 400-800k in bank for X months etc These agents just do your paper & submit it saving you time & hassles But there also are agents who fake it & everyone knows this as it is common knowledge These agents set up an account & basically use it to allow expats to meet the criteria but the expats never had that 400-800k so yeah it was faked Sure it works as a single IO or their bosses have been paid at the trough of your fees but......... Anyone that thinks this would fly if you suddenly became a "person of interest" in any other case while your in Thailand other than your yearly renewal has not been long in Thailand, but soon maybe although not in a place they like...Unless of course they can again feed this next trough
  5. Well we need to remember they stacked the deck as soon as they overthrew the elected government They added/appointed 250 senators mostly military Knowing in all future votes they could only win Take away those 250 junta appointed senators and the result would be 6 votes of support, 207 against, and 9 abstentions.
  6. True & ultimately this is the only way change will come Meaning it will have to be the younger generations as the older generations have been conditioned & beautifully broken Sadly it may come down to the youth testing the generals willingness to shoot/kill their own At that point the only hope would be that another country takes pity on the situation & steps in slapping this toy army into its rightful place But unfortunately that type of rescue these days only happens in countries like Libya, which had something the rescuers wanted for themselves. Thailand like Myanmar or even Somalia etc has nothing of any real value any other country wants so there would be no rescue
  7. Capital One has a really cool feature called virtual cards I have like 17 of them now You just go online to your account & generate one against a card you have It gives a new 16 digit acct number & exp date as well as secure code Then you use it for say a company you use often like electric or cable or a shopping place you frequent That card # can only be used at the place you first use it at If anything goes wrong (unlikely since can only be used at that one merchant) just cancel that virtual card & it does not affect your actual card + the fact it can only be used at the originating merchant/charge I just keep a memo with the numbers so I don't need to go back online to get them each time Been using about year & So far has been flawless PS: Capital One has no Foreign transaction fees
  8. Anyone with a brain not see this coming? Next Anutin will declare covid has gotten so out of control voting in person will be seen as too high risk
  9. I think they might have a faulty crystal ball
  10. Oh it was saved of course...Saved by Prayut into his personal savings These deals paid to a private company are just paper generators for diverted funds At the end of the day most of this Junta should be hung for Treason the crime of betraying one's country, or overthrow the government.
  11. Thai Rak Thai .....not so much when baht can be made it seems
  12. Not really as your home is where you live Where you travel is not your home Trust me we would all love to have medicare in a foreign country ????
  13. You would actually do better to just buy travel insurance I usually buy 100k USD coverage for three months runs me $201
  14. Stickman had an article many years ago It was called "When Somchai pulls the trigger" Basically about this subject
  15. Because You live in the U.S. and the foreign hospital is closer to your home than the nearest U.S. hospital If you live in the US that is your home
  16. They fear monger the Thai citizens into a total mess then complain when they go to the doctors for the slightest sniffle If the doctors want a break get rid of Anutin completely Educate the Thai's when to actually seek medical attention instead of flooding hospitals needlessly
  17. Translation = Prayuth has asked to find a way to disallow any public gatherings before we steal win another election ????
  18. What is also not so funny about their love of multi copies & forms for everything is their lack of protecting your data once they have it in triplicate Have you ever been given a note by Immigration ? I have & it seems they take these forms & eventually? use the blank backsides for scrap paper to hand out notes on. These notes are usually quarter sized meaning a full sheet is cut into 4 notes Anyway the worst part is I flip the note over & there is a pic of a Japanese National's passport for all to see with PP number & all Made me wonder how much of my banking & personal info is handed out to strangers on the back of notes
  19. This will continue for some time yet. As you say you cant shut the world down for 2 years & expect it just resumes Another thing many dont realize about pilot shortages it is not just lack of pilots but pilots that are no longer current with required amount of flight time per year either in the air or simulators to remain current In our area just today a pilot was telling me that due to the extra strain on simulators that were previously just used by a few to stay current the sims broke down so now many cant fly even if the airlines need them There were also many pilots not able to stay current as even training centers closed during pandemic
  20. Yeah right probably have the most colds too Meanwhile it was the same in Italy & Spain at their grand tours & is the same all over America both north & south But best you stick with the "Superior" Thai mentality as you have been assimilated ????
  21. But of course if folks were renting condos where you own one in Thailand for 12,000 baht a month & you saw folks were poor you would rent yours for 4,000 because well your not greedy...come on
  22. Meanwhile in the free world we were having a blast on Alpe D' Huez yesterday ..see all the masks? 555
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