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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. I meant to be done with this thread,but the talk about "common sense" brings me back. There are very different ideas regarding what is meant by this expression.I am certain,that everybody,who has lived here some time knows,that many Thais have their own version.E.g.,put PVC waterpipes 5 cm under the surface,so it gets run over and broke again and again,the way electricity is handled,even by authorities and so on.I for one have no desire to "adapt" to that when I do things! And regarding mowing your own lawn;has it occured to anyone,that perhaps it is not about money,but that some people,my self included,actually like to do these things!I Not everybody is a golffan or is happy to spend his day at the bar,some people like to be hands on taking care of things themselves.I´m not telling others how to spend their time,just want to point out,that there are different ideas about it,each to his own.

  2. So, if the guy stocking the cooler was married to the owner, and had a work permit, that would be ok? Possibly without all the red tape of a Thai Co.?

    Does anyone know for sure? Or are there any for sures?

    Why don't you pose this question here ---> http://www.thaivisa....d-work-permits/

    ///edit// I checked and there is already a similar topic http://www.thaivisa....hai#entry921658

    Thanks,very helpful indeed!! Think I now have a rather clear picture of how it works,so in my case,I better go on and stay on the sideline,as I have had to do for more than 20 years already.And like a criminal on probation report my whereabout every 3 months.Yes,yes,I know;if I do not like it,I can go back to where I came from..Thanks everybody!
  3. ]<snip>And a follow-up question,if the answer is yes,or probably,what about your current "non imm O visa,retirement",do workpermit go alongside thar onè?

    No, no way. Condition of retirement visa/extensions is that you cannot work. I know cos I had a retirement visa/extension and then applied for a Work Period. Next time I applied for my annual extension, Immigration would not accept my application. Had to revert to married to Thai extension option.

    Thanks for your answer!O.K.,that is what I thought,retirement and work simultaniously not logic,but about logic in Thailand......But lets say,that one do not care about the retirement visa,is it possible to get a WP on the grounds of working in your gf`s farm,year after year? But then again,farmwork is also tabu for farang,is it not,,?
  4. My perspective is that it all depends who is around you, and also like one of the members said above, it's basically who you piss off.

    I’ve seen it boil down to jealousy and greed a majority of the time.

    If you are working and generating any type of "income" while "living" here in Thailand, it's always best to have all your documentation in order.

    And if you’re doing life's everyday routines, just like all other cultures, washing the dishes, pulling weeds, taking out the trash, or even sweeping your own floor, this is not going to get you busted by the tourist police or any type of immigration officials.

    They should be ashamed of themselves if they if they were to come challenge you in your own home!

    If you are living at your place of business, and actually generating income while you are there by providing some type of service or "help" without proper documentation, you will get in trouble if they catch you. Behind the bar is a big one around these parts

    Keep it simple, if you want to work get your crap together, and make sure you do what the law requires .Get your work permits visas, and licenses in order

    If you do happen to get in trouble, better have a good phone number of an intelligent Thai friend that can vouch for your actions, and also a little bit of cash set aside.

    BTW: It will help greatly if this Thai friend wasn’t bar related, regardless if it’s your girlfriend or not.

    Be aware of your surroundings at all times, and try to be a good Farang.

    I agree with what you are writing but sometimes it is not that simple,If,for example,your wife has some kind of farming,be it rubbertrees,sugarcane,rice or whatever,and it is difficult to find labourers and/ or the plot is not all that big,she has to do the work herself,right,while you just sit on the sideline,drinking a beer.(Well,not neceserily..) My serious question to you,who seems to have some grip on this matter,is whether you think you can get a workpermit to help her?! Anyone out there,any experience of something like that.And a follow-up question,if the answer is yes,or probably,what about your current "non imm O visa,retirement",do workpermit go alongside thar onè?
  5. About how strict the law is,my guess is,that as long as you "work" with something that belongs to you/your wife,the application of the law is not so strict.Unless,of course,someone is out to get you.But I could be wrong,as stated in some posts.What I want to know is,what is the penalty for breaking this law? Deportation? Jail? Paying a fine? What? Has it actually happened to anyone reading this?

  6. Well,I do not know where you live,but in "my" Esaan village,it is not "a few holidays" a year.Every week,there are partys going on;weddings,funerals (yes,that too is "partytime"),"memories",new house,new car,birthdays of royal family,celebrations of various Buddhist days and so on!! Actually I read somewhere,that Thailand is the country in the world,which has the most holidays.And that is counting only the official ones! And when a holiday comes on a sunday,for instance,then people get monday as "compensation", because they "would be free anyway"...I have no problem with that,but what you said is far from correct! Another thing;Why is it,that you and some other people think,that anyone can just up and leave the country anytime?! Some of us have work,animals, to take care of,and not everyone can afford what you are suggesting,and it is an even greater inconvenience to travel to Bangkok,catch a flight and so on.Especially this time a year!!Finally,yes,some children do respect when you show them,that you do not want to be splashed,but not all.The older they are,the more disrespectful.And try to tell people like some of those here on tv,who have stated,that they like to go after the ones that don`t want it..!PS.Nobody ever tried to rape,assault or harass me,not here,not anywhere else.Except for this Songkran thing,when it is considered ok.

    wow, sorry you have made some lifestyle choices that weigh heavily upon you, but really, is that our fault?

    I think you misunderstand something here: I am happy with my lifestyle choices,it is the choices of some others that I am not so happy with.Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me! Clear enough for you?

    I think that one line sums it all up...

    I'm not happy with the lifestyle choice my next door neighbour's cat has made but I can accept it and don't feel the need to tell her what she should/shouln't do, where she should/shouldn't do it and how she should/shouldn't do it.

    Really!? Even if the cat use your bedroom or citchen as a toilett..If you read the next line in my previous post,"Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me!"That is the line that sums it up!To narrow it down even more for you,all this discussion boils down to one thing: Are you many enough to have your fun amongst yourself or must you force others to participate?As I stated before,you can go on with your playing with water everyday of the year,I do not care,I do not want to stop it,I do not want to change your lifestyles!!!Get it? But please,let us,who do not like it,stay outside your game! That`s all! PS. Give my regards to your neighbours cat,which,by the way,probably doesn`t like to have water thrown at it either.
  7. Well,I do not know where you live,but in "my" Esaan village,it is not "a few holidays" a year.Every week,there are partys going on;weddings,funerals (yes,that too is "partytime"),"memories",new house,new car,birthdays of royal family,celebrations of various Buddhist days and so on!! Actually I read somewhere,that Thailand is the country in the world,which has the most holidays.And that is counting only the official ones! And when a holiday comes on a sunday,for instance,then people get monday as "compensation", because they "would be free anyway"...I have no problem with that,but what you said is far from correct! Another thing;Why is it,that you and some other people think,that anyone can just up and leave the country anytime?! Some of us have work,animals, to take care of,and not everyone can afford what you are suggesting,and it is an even greater inconvenience to travel to Bangkok,catch a flight and so on.Especially this time a year!!Finally,yes,some children do respect when you show them,that you do not want to be splashed,but not all.The older they are,the more disrespectful.And try to tell people like some of those here on tv,who have stated,that they like to go after the ones that don`t want it..!PS.Nobody ever tried to rape,assault or harass me,not here,not anywhere else.Except for this Songkran thing,when it is considered ok.

    wow, sorry you have made some lifestyle choices that weigh heavily upon you, but really, is that our fault?

    I think you misunderstand something here: I am happy with my lifestyle choices,it is the choices of some others that I am not so happy with.Normally they are not my business and I don`t care about it;only when they try to force some of their weird choices on me! Clear enough for you?
  8. OK,Nisa,the parties you refer to,rock concerts and so on,are parties you can chose to go to,or not.If you don`t want to go,you do not have to alter your life for 4-5 days..!And you can chose which party. New year celebration can be noisy,but normally only for an evening,when many people stay home anyway.My guess is,that people with your reasoning also must say,that it is ok with corrupt police,because that is "tradition" in this country.Likewise the burning every year,which cause dangerous pollution and other similar things.It is true,that one can not change this and that one has to grin and endure it,but that doesn`t mean,that one has to like it.The alternativ,so often presented,"go back where you came from",is often not a relevant one.There can be many circumstances that makes a move like that more or less impossible,as in my situation.Still,I sometimes ponder it anyway...

  9. It's a festival celebrated in this country - whether we like it or not. Live with it or get out (for the Songkran period). It's so, so easy. I despise Christmas so I just avoid all Christian countries from mid to late December - problem solved!

    People are assaulted, raped, harassed everyday of the week - not just during festivals. What a lame excuse.

    I can understand why so many adults here also enjoy this time of year - they work numerous hours a day doing mediocre jobs for pittance, it's no wonder they go crazy once a year when they have a few days holidays.

    I travelled out into the country for the weekend and was gently splashed a few times but only after the kids asked for permission.

    Well,I do not know where you live,but in "my" Esaan village,it is not "a few holidays" a year.Every week,there are partys going on;weddings,funerals (yes,that too is "partytime"),"memories",new house,new car,birthdays of royal family,celebrations of various Buddhist days and so on!! Actually I read somewhere,that Thailand is the country in the world,which has the most holidays.And that is counting only the official ones! And when a holiday comes on a sunday,for instance,then people get monday as "compensation", because they "would be free anyway"...I have no problem with that,but what you said is far from correct! Another thing;Why is it,that you and some other people think,that anyone can just up and leave the country anytime?! Some of us have work,animals, to take care of,and not everyone can afford what you are suggesting,and it is an even greater inconvenience to travel to Bangkok,catch a flight and so on.Especially this time a year!!Finally,yes,some children do respect when you show them,that you do not want to be splashed,but not all.The older they are,the more disrespectful.And try to tell people like some of those here on tv,who have stated,that they like to go after the ones that don`t want it..!PS.Nobody ever tried to rape,assault or harass me,not here,not anywhere else.Except for this Songkran thing,when it is considered ok.
  10. w11guy:I wanted to add this:You say,that it is their choice (to throw water),not mine.But then perhaps you can agree,that it should be my choice,not yours or anybody else`s, whether I want to take part or not! Why can it not be enough for you and your playmates to play amongst yourself? But,of course,you already have made it clear,that the real fun is to "go after" people who do not like it.And you call that " that`s life" I can assure you,that I know what life is about and so do many of other people here on tv;we have all have had our chares of what life can be like.And we have come to terms with it.When young children throw water,I do have some patience with that;they don`t know better.But when,what should be regarded as grownups do it,against my will and with bad intent,like yours,that`s a different story.Perhaps somebody`,who don`t like people like you,one day kicks your ass and says,"That`s life!"

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  11. w11guy; Yes,songkran has been here a long time.If you ask some grown-ups they can tell you,what it was all about.If you ask some young people,I guess they haven`t got a clue,except that it gives them a chance to do things,that normally is considered rude!About your advice for those who don`t like to be assaulted,there are lots of Thai people who also dislike the way it is carried out,but they can`t follow your recommendation and leave,for obvious reasons.The same goes for many of us older "farangs",who actually lives here.We are not all tourists,you know.I am certain,that when you grow older,you will no longer find these childish behaviour funny anymore!Nobody says,that the people who likes it must stop doing it.What we are saying is,that keep it to those who do,and do not force others to participate.That way everyone can be happy! You like to give examples,so I give you one: Most people enjoy sex,but not if they have to force some body who is unwilling,it is not so "fun". Or is it...?

    But that's life isn't it? We have to put up with things we don't like sometimes. There are inconsiderate people everywhere at all times of the year, but you can't avoid life. It's only a few days a year so don't see why so many are making such a big deal out of it. Take a holiday to another country of you hate ot so much.

    It doesn't matter what Songkran used to mean. Times change and things move on. Just like Xmas in places like the UK - it's no longer a religious festival and hasn't been for a very long time. Because it once was a religious festival is irrelevant. Those days are gone. Everything changes. If the young people only see it as a huge water festival, so what? Why do you want to force them to give it a different meaning. It's their choice not yours.

    I do not know,whether your problem is reading or understanding what you read,but I clearly stated in my post,that I did not try to force anyone to anything;on the contrary.What I said was,that the likes of you shouldn`t force people like me to participate in your childish play! By the way,about your capability of logic: before you put a lot of weight on "tradition".Now,when you perhaps have wised up a bit,you suddenly states,that it "doesn`t matter what Songkran used to mean".Well,well,I just say;"Splash on you!"
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  12. wellred,never trust a woman`s tears! Most of us,if not all,have had a similar experience,hence the good advice.You have to know when you have to cut your losses,in business and in love.The sooner the better for you,because it will never work! If you want to punish her,the way to do it is to walk out,without any fanfar.Then she has to start all over again to find another sucker (sorry...)who she can cheat on and who takes care of her,if that is the case.It is like quicksand,you only get deeper the more you struggel!

  13. I think that covers most of it. It all depends on your OWN moral standards. When I was 18 I made a pact with myself that I would never lie, cheat or steal ever again. And I would never go after another man's women even if she was inviting the option. I am proud to say that I have kept that vow for 54 years. It isn't so much about how others perceive you as it is about how you perceive yourself.

    You cannot own a woman (or a man) and therefore you cannot steal her, what she does and who she does it with is up to her.

    The idea the she can be the property of any man is just hopelessly wrong.

    Perhaps I misunderstand something here? I have not seen anybody talking about "owning" anyone,and of course it is up to everyone to do what she/he pleases.The point,as I understand it,is thar the partner,who got cheated,also has the freedom to deside,whether she/he wants to go on with the partnership, (for lack of a better word..)or not!!If my wife likes some other man better than she likes me,for whatever reason,no problem,good for her.But then there is no reason for me to continue to hang around... Just saw,that Ian Forbes beat me to it..
  14. there are many aspects to this,but let me cut to the core; a woman would never come to the conclusion,that you figure she would! A woman`s logic function in a different way;it would all be your fault;nothing to do with what happened before...Or,if it has,she would say,that she did what she did,because she know what kind of man you are,now proven.Anyway,she will do it again..And probably,so will you..Oh,it is about "a friend".Guess everybody`s best friend is oneself..

  15. I think anybody who has lived in Thailands "outland" knows,that nobody,absolutely nobody,gives a dam_n about the environment! Whether they are poor or rich,they all have a common goal;to enrich them self.If you put people to monitor,they too want a piece of the cake (kickbacks).The same goes for "education";whether people are educated or not,doesn`t change this behavior,except perhaps,that the educated are smarter when it comes to lay their hands on the big buck.It is sad,but an undeniable fact..

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  16. Write an clear email to dtac....

    I had some problems and they fixed it fast and friendly.

    So did I, but the point is,that you do not always know that you have a problem until it starts to hurt..The notion,that you have to cancel something you never ordered must be wrong! By the way,the friendly people at dtac also canceled my subscription of news from BKK Post!!
  17. Update: I followed the advice to contact call center and ask them to cancel the INN BIZ thing,which they confirmed is a newscorporation of sort.They agreed to do it and I received a message shortly after,confirming the cancelations.Yes,they had canceled my subscription with BKK post as well....OK,no big deal,was fed up with that too,actually! To Wana:If you read my post again,you will see,that it was not only calls from salescompanies,but also from other sources.It may be a surprise to some,but there are a lot of other things you can use a mobil for,other than to chatt on! Modem for your computer,MAKE calls,take pictures,make calculations and so on.It is also a security thing,if something happens to you,especially when you are as old as I am...But the picture was fun!Finally;again,thankyou all for advice!!

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  18. Well,some useful info,thanks! And also some,not so useful...First,I did check the call log,but have not yet been able to contact them;automatic answer.Try again monday.Second,I also tried to reply with sms,but the mobil did not act,when I pressed "send".Third,I searched on internet on their name,but as one poster says,many with this initials.So I have tried the obvious "common sense" actions! Regarding answering the phone myself;as another poster pointed out (thanks!),I was driving at the time.And in bad wether as well.Another fact,which i didn`t mention earlier,since i didn`t think it mattered,is,that 99 % of the very few calls I get,are automated calls from some salescompany,somebody calling wrong number or a relativ to my gf,who cant reach her on her phone.In all cases,somebody speaking Thai,which I am not good at.So my "common sense" told me,that it was better to let gf answer!Regarding "take control of the situation" YipYipYa,I guess you a rather young and also new to this country and perhaps not so experienced with the women here.Sounds good in theory,but be careful,in practis,it usually turns out the opposit way...And to your idea,that Thai,women and logic has anything to do with each other,well.....Thanks anyway,your post is wellmeaning!Finally,I will try the ideas about contacting my provider,although I doubt they will act,and also to find somebody who knows how to fix the mobil,which,in fact,was what I was hoping for when I posted my OP.

  19. Yesterday,in my car,my mobile rang and I gave it to my gf to answer.After some short "uhuu",she closed it before giving me a chans to know /give any comment to whatever it was about.She said,it probably had to do with something to do with my subscription of airtime for my computer via another mobil as modem,and also that I had to answer within 3 days,otherwise cancelation.Not the first time this has happened;that she end the call without consulting with me first.For the wise guys;I do not have any gf "on the side".save the jokes...Anyway,now I get sms every hour from something calling it self INN-BIZO,probaly news.It´s in Thai,so I do not know for sure.When I ask my gf,she doesn`t seem to know either....(She is not as dum as it may look here,but sometimes,you know...) Now the important question;does anybody know about INN-BIZO and,more importantly,how to put an end to these messages??? Have tried different actions,but no succes.

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