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Posts posted by Bosse137

  1. I just brought home my new Isuzy V-Cross,which had a sunscreening film put on its windows by the carcompany.I did not notis at first,that there is some text on the front window,just in front of my eyes,that is,in the middle of the window.After I saw it,it became very irritating. Also on one of the sidewindows is a larger text,also not so visible at first glance.Is this normal? My reaction is to take the car back tomorrow and demand to have this fixed,one way or another.Anyone has some knowledge on this subject:please let me know!

  2. Whoau!!! What a list! Does such a person exist,of either sex...My woman of 20 years is by far the best I met in my life,but she could not come even close to your demands.It is of course your right to deside what you demand from a GF,I´m just saying,that I think you have to look in heaven for that one.Good luck with that!

  3. cigar7 You got a good advice already from post nr 5,she rents her own place and no problems...About young girls/women being with old men for money and not for love,I do not get what the fuzz is about.So what?!Who cares?! As long as there can be a functioning relationship,I for one do not stay awake at night,trying to find out which it is...On the contrary,too much feelings have a tendensy to mud the water..

  4. In my case,I use to check all the moviechannels to see,which movies,if any,I want to record for watching at a convinient time.It is easy and quick,no need for putting on the computer and search bit by bit.The new format of the magazin is no good for me,and I emailed them to let them know it.Of course,they will not give a dam_n,I know,but feels good anyway to do it...I also wanted to know about the new "series",named "Capital City",if and when it will be send ,but so far,no answer!!

  5. Well,as some of you point out,life is more comfortable now in Pattaya.And is so even in my little Isaan village...But I did not come to Thailand for comfort.My mothercountry has among the highest livingstandars in the world,so I could as well have stayed there, if that were the case.On the contrary,It was the charm of living the simple life in simple surroundings,plus the girls,that attracted me.I didn`t even think of mobils or internet or the many other things some of you seem to have missed.I was happy just to be alive,to go dancing in the disco and flirt with the ladies in the night and then walk along the beach in Jomtien in daytime,where I used to find some spot a km away,where I could sunbath naked.(Crazy thing to do,now I look for shadow and keep my clothes on..) And to me,it WAS a happy time!! But times changes and we with them.Now I am happy for totally different reasons,and even if I am not religious,I thank God almost every day for my life.Sounds like a contradiction,but that`s how I feel.

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  6. "Do you remember Pattaya 20 years ago"? Who can forget it!? Spend my best 2-3 years there 1989-1992 ! Marine disco every night,Jomtien in daytime.Every day was like waking up to Christmas Eve,when you were a kid. But of course,by and by I got a bit fed up with it,and wanted a change in my life.Had the good fortune to meet my GF,and ever since,we have a good life in Isaan.Now and then I have something to attend to in Pattaya,but I do not like it any more:just stay over night...Perhaps it`s not only Pattaya,which has changed,I have grown older and have another take on what is fun...

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  7. jbrain.Yes,that is correct! Almost could not belive it myself in the beginning...Guess it helps,that I have a net around and over the pool,the blue type.It takes away some of the sunlight and also insects. Another thing;I did not mention in my first post,that I do not have any tiles,finds that unnecersary,since the purpose of the pool is to give me a chance to exersice,not to show off.

  8. jbrain. Could be a good idea with the PH test,thanks.But in my case,I have a source of underground water,coming from 55 meter below and very clean.Takes just half a day to refill the pool,no problem and only at the cost of electricity...For test;I swim every day and as long as the water seems fresh to me,everything is OK.About the clorin,I use it only about once a month and only one small bag,that I spread out manually.After emptying the pool,I just scrubb the floor;done in one hour.

  9. Hello! I do not have much experience in construction,but I build my pool myself.25x3 meter,about 1.40-2.oo deep.I put up dubbelwalls of the ordinary cementblocks you find everywhere,with some 10 cm between them.Then I filld this gap with betong,which I mixed myself,after having ironrods stuck down plus some horisontaly as well.If you use CPAC,the preassure can be too much at once....For the floor,with such a small pool;better mix the betong youself and sloop it.At the deep end,have a PVC with a gadget you can open/close to go through the wall. As for cleaning;I put in some clorin myself,buy them at Global House in small bags( /70 Baht I think)Change water every 3 months,it stays almost perfect that long.All in all,did not cost me much except some work,but it was fun!!Good luck!Oh,I forgot to mention.You must use a liquid to mix into the final cement when you puts the walls,so to keep the water from penetrating them.

  10. I was once introduced to a relative of my GF`s,who I was told is an english teatcher. Unfortunately,I could not understand anything of what she tried to tell me "in english",and when she realised that,she explained to my GF (in Thai),that at least her pupils did understand her when she spoke english....

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  11. IsaanAussie,nice of you to try to help with some ideas! When it comes to rubber,there really isn`t much you can do in terms of rationalisation.There is obviously no fruit or oil to use,you can not cut anything from the tree.Should be how you "manufacture" it.But many farmers sell "cup lump",which I found is the far best way (Jim does not agree,I know..)Doing that,you do not need any machinery and it is easy and quick to harvest,so you do not need much,or any,labour,except you self.Especially since the cost of labour is,COMPARED TO OTHER WORK,extremely high (100 plus/hour),most small time farmers do the work within the family.And if you still want to "process" it,the machinery is not that much;anyone who wants it,has it already.Unless you a new to the business.What actually can be done,is to try to protect the trees from the rain,which isn`t easy.Although there a ways,not perfect,but we have managed to get extensively more that way.Takes time and effort,but gives better result than blocking roads! By the way,for 1-2 years,we had record high prices on rubber.What did people do,did they save for worse times to come? Nope,they made downpay on new cars,bought MC:s for their small children and so on.So,when the times are good,consume like crazy and when they are bad,close roads and demand others to help you out!

  12. Yes,it is the rainseason now,and has been for quite some time,Where I live,we also have not been able to tap our trees often.Does thar give me the right to go out and block some mainroad?? I know,that many thais think,that is the Thai government who decides the price of rubber on the world market,who controls demand and output. Output,yes,to some small degree,since it now,together with two other rubberproducing countries has decided,to withhold 300000 tons from the market,but I don`t think it can decide how much China,EU and others want to buy! The government has already put in 15 billion Baht,and plans to add another 30 billion.Do some small farmers have problem? Sure,no doubt about that! Do many other groups of people in Thailand also have economic problems? Certainly! They also have to eat.Even if they do not even get the promised 300 baht minimum wage....Perhaps they also should block some roads.! Coming to think of it,perhaps we all should join in and block roads,that would solve the problems once and for all,wouldn`t it?! At least we would have something to do while the rain is pouring. Seriously though,I think all this is more of a "social security" issue! And how to take care of that is too extensive a task,to even try to go into here!

  13. Regarding the price of rubber,there seems to be different opinions,and I will not voice mine.But when it comes to occupying airports,roads or whatever,I guess the people who do this want to get attention to a problem,real or immaginary,want other people to care about them and their situation.So,how about them selves and their care for others...?Obviously does not exist! They don`t give a dam_n,that their selfish action hurts a lot of people.So.sorry,no symphaty from me!

  14. kennedy: Perhaps I expressed myself a bit wrongly;i did not necerssarily meant you,when I wrote about the bills,more a general observation.From what you say about your wife and son,they seem to be hardworking and good people! But to say something "in general" again,I have found,that most people are honest,untill they are really put to the test! Even siblings,daughters and sons,sometimes fight about who can get the most money,and don`t care about,who will be hurt in the process.... Anyway,about the business;10 years ago,I think it was,building huts and growing mushroom was the big craze for a time.It ended after less than a year,so I guess it did not pay off.But there are different kinds of mushroom,so who knows.... Regarding lemon/manau,it can be rewarding,but only for short periods at times.That said,it can be fun,just to see things grow,better than staying in a hammoc all day,doing nothing...

  15. I don`t think anybody expects you to do any actual work.Normally,what is expected is,that you make the investment ! After that,if the investment pays off,they keep the profit.If not,you keep the bills.Which you have to do anyway,whatever the outcome...

    Regarding "beeing the boss and not take part",I have a different experience.I have found,that people respect very much what I do,and see me "as one of them".Does not mean,that they don`t care about my instructions,quite the opposit,since they know,that I am familiar with the work and they can not cheat me!! Good luck!

  16. Well,did you get the refund or not?? Guess you did,finally.. I had a very similar experience,although I can not remember the details.What I do recall,is that it took months,from start to finish! Various excuses,"manager not in" and so on. I too,got the distinct feeling,that asking for my deposit back,was a most unusual thing.My guess was,that they never "filed" it,but instead used it for their own purpose.Shame om me to think something like that;whenever did something like that happen in this country?! Anyway,to cut the story short(er);I finally got the money! Probably because I bored them to death with my many visits and I am convinced,that the manager finally put up the money from his own pocket,just to get rid of me!!

  17. If I wrote the Thai word for "mother" wrong,I am in good company! I got it from one of my books,"Essential Thai" by James Higbie.FYI,there is no "high tone" in that word!It is a "Low class consonant" with a "myayk" over it,indikating a FALLING tone!No wonder Thais do not understand,when spoken wrongly.... Anyway,thanks for the conversation,this has to be my last word on the subject.

  18. Yes,posters change words ,even other people`s words,which is obvious from your post,in which you changed my attempt to wright Thai in roman letters. I wrote "mae" You changed it to "mare".It made me laugh too;I think it is the word for a female horse? Whether that is bar girl Thai,I haven`t a clue.But I take your word for it,guess you are familiar with that sort of things...

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  19. Well,Tommo,Perhaps I should have used the thai words for mama;mae,but I assumed that people understood anyway.I do not know where you live,but around here,it is used regularly! Amongst others by my 49 year old "wife" to older women...Regarding the word "Papa",some people,who needed some favor from me,called me that. Hard to think,that they meant to be disrespectful,especially since their bodylanguage accentuated respect! I guess,that because in many western countries,old people are seen as burdens,put in homes and beyond expiredate already when they reach 40-50 years,some people expect that all other countries have the same sorts of values (or lack of..).That`s why they conclude,that Papa and similar words are insults..Never mind,you can go on getting angry over imagined insults if you want.However,now you have been briefed,your choice!

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  20. Personally,I do not like to be called "papa".But after 20 years here in Isaan,I know,that it is meant respectfully!! In the same way,as people here can call a stranger "mama",or an older gentleman "uncle" and so on.The point is,that since most people respect older relatives,especially their parents,to call somebody with the same word as they call their relatives,is a sign of respect;not the other way round!! Why don`t you just check with your Isaan gf/wife and wise up!!

  21. cardholder,you took the words out of my mouth... My "wife" of 20 years and me can talk in 2-3 different languages to (yes,"to",not "with" ) each others,but still lots of surprises and missunderstandings most every day!But we have learned to live with it,especially since most everything works out well...Another thing is,that she use to talk to me from another room.Nowadays I use to murmur something in respons and do not care about what it was she wanted to communicate.Seems to work;sometimes she actually goes to where I am and tell me again.Just a tip to others ...

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