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Posts posted by chrgrims

  1. be sure to get an official receipt. Intel doesnt honour their warranty on SSD drives without an official receipt, even after they accepted it was faulty and given release of model it was impossible to be outside of the twelve months.

    not sure i understand that answer. are you saying the crucial c300 can be found in pathip? you know intel doesnt make the c300?

  2. when i worked for the government in norway (outreach team for homeless, hiv positives etc) we sometimes visited people in prison. yes, it was a job, so its different. but still, i would consider it again if i knew the boss and wouldnt get hit by something later for it (e.g., why u visit him?, u obv must be a bad person too etc).

    So be careful, but do it if u want. personally i believe that a human has value no matter what he has done. so, if s/he is not dangerous at a specific time (little chance of getting harmed in prison as a visitor), i wouldnt mind talking and relate to the person.

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  3. when i went to that shop i thought i was in some really far off small department of a much bigger chain. not true? oh well, sad if so. they did get my sub from another sister shop close buy though, so there should at least be one more close there that is bigger. 

    hey, oberkommando, why dont you visit mr balance in panthip? or have you done so already?

  4. i visited that piyanas a few weeks ago and bought a paradigm sub. nice shop. they didnt have any dynaudio there though. so if you want to audition those, i guess you must call in front so they can get them to the shop. they do have the oppo disk player in stock though.

    BTW: does anyone know where i can get rockwool insulation material (or similar) in thailand? i need it for making basstraps. 

  5. Some more links:


    probably the best site for information related to audio engineering. some very rare and classic things there, for example recording sessions with Michael Jackson, interviews with the best producers in the world etc.


    very good site about home theater etc

    home theater geeks (http://twit.tv/htg)

    netcast about home theater and much more!


    about pc's, essential if you ever want to make a HTPC. very good forum too.


    learn about electronic music!


    great site for information about music and new media etc.


    one of many new sites that are used by aritsts as a distributor. Part of what makes the new music business so different from the old.


    similar to soundcloud.com.

    happy surfing, chr

  6. hi,

    I am setting up a studio where i am producing lots of tracks recently. But I need a collaborator who can play the piano, good at creating chords from leads already created, serve as a partner for listening and feedback. If you can compose music from scratch, thats great too, but not needed as i do that. An example of a working project would be to take an idea already in a rough arrangement and adding a choir for the middle part where there is a lead vocal or synth already. I have high quality sound libraries and synths. your only concern would be to create the harmonics. If you have own songs or ideas, thats good too, but not a requirement.

    ATM, this is not a paid job, so i think its better to post here than in classifieds. MOD: please advice if needed.

    As this project is in the start, its hard to say where and how the main bulk of work will be centered over time. The goal is to create a unique brand on the net for HD music for advanced listeners, but not excluding the "normal" consumer. The idea is that with the right package, intelligent music can be made, marketed and be a profession even in this day of MP3's. Stage performances would probably be a center point later on, as this is likely to be one of the methods where income can be created in the future of the music business. My background in Europe is production of electronica mixed with world music and ambient. Besides that i have a special interest in jazz and classical, so those genres will be important (mostly in combination with some electronic foundation). I have produced many albums alone and with others in the past. I have worked with some of the most respected labels and producers in Norway. Links and more detail in PMs, as needed.


  7. Taste of the Wild is made by Diamond Pet Foods.. They have a very poor record for QC and have many recalls in the past ... Most dog owners I know will not go near a Diamond product.

    can you tell us where to get better dog food in thailand? and dont say fresh food, thats not what this thread is about. i am using a mix of fresh and kibble, and dont want to do only fresh.

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