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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. And you just found this forum? And somehow writes in the same childish way as a certain susanlea/bingnok and sooo many other aliases?
  2. Still don't see the relevance. Who ever mentioned sex? Only you.
  3. Trying but failing to see any relevance.
  4. Trump on Fox News when asked about cat's and dog's. Still saying it's true because he "read it somewhere" Hey Donald ! I read earth is flat. And his cultists see nothing wrong the dumbness of their dear leader. If Trump had not gotten his hands on daddy's money he'd be on the streets of New York scamming tourists or selling fake watches. O, wait...
  5. Yes I started it. Deleted? I rally don't know what they( who we are not allowed to mention) see wrong with my posts all the time.
  6. Central Park 5 just filed suit in Philly againstTrump
  7. I did google it and came up with my earlier post but as this does not fit your narrative you ignore it. just like you ignore all the truth there is about Trump because you are either blinded by his "greatness" or plain stupid.
  8. Another foxnews garbage piece. You got nothing better to do? And BTW why are fox links even allowed on this forum, it is against their own rules.
  9. “While it might be startling to some people, we have students that work second and third-shift jobs to help support their families,” she said. The school district works with these students to go to school and work. Some attend The Academy at Logansport, a new school within the district.
  10. Little high school boy thinks he's funny with his Trump humor.
  11. The once's crying "sicko's" the loudest are usually those that are afraid to come out of the closet.
  12. No. Sorry I did not realize you did Google it but not understand it.
  13. You are gaslighting and (like all Trumpers do) trying to scaremonger. https://irp.fas.org/doddir/dod/m5240_01_fs.pdf
  14. Why even post this ? He's not going to win, you got nothing to worry about.
  15. "You want to pay higher taxes" Typical right wing argument on AN. So all of you are billionaires? Wanting more Trump tax cuts?
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