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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Where do you get your information from? Fox News I guess? So any Russian hit by these (hypocritical) sanctions is a luxury tourist with an umbrella in their drink??? Not sure what you have against umbrellas but Russian citizens are being affected all across the globe for something they have no part in.
  2. So all Russian tourists - normal people with families and jobs - are Russian mafia?? There are some disgusting and terrible human beings on this forum, people with absolutely zero compassion and humanity. The Russian families on Samui are not bombing Ukraine!
  3. Yep, complete lack of morals in that industry.........as you clearly demonstrate by your actions. Did you ban Americans for their illegal occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq?
  4. Hilarious, just hilarious. Let's laugh at the man who just died in horrible circumstances.
  5. It isn't. They are two very different things. Really not that hard to get your head around is it??
  6. You mean like the bilateral Treaty of Amity Thailand has with the US which gives Thais and US citizens equal rights to own and operate businesses in each other's countries? Maybe you need to figure out what things are before making anti Thai assumptions.
  7. One of the best things about the UK in my opinion - the variety of cultures and people that are part of our society. I haven't lived there for a long time but used to live in a Turkish area of London: Turkish supermarkets, restaurants, takeaways, coffee shops, barbers. All great people. Similarly in the Greek areas, Indian areas, Chinese areas, Caribbean areas etc. Sadly the UK is becoming less tolerant and more racist thanks to Boris and co, Farage, Brexit. But the diversity of the UK is what makes it so special.
  8. Most of them probably second generation immigrants and therefore British citizens. An Indian could not turn up tomorrow and get a work permit as a barber. Neither could a Lebanese, Turkish, Egyptian, Spanish or Thai.
  9. I am from the UK but I live here. Managers of hair salons can qualify and this is probably their (illegal) workaround, but "normal" hair dressers are not eligible for work permits in the UK, sorry. Really not sure why everyone has their knickers in a twist as I know of no foreigners who would want to make Thai dolls, mulberry paper, paper umbrellas, buddhas, or so silk weaving. It is simply protecting traditional Thai crafts mostly. And work permit eligibility is pretty much the same the world over. But of course, sorry, no, it is DISCRIMINATION.
  10. Or perhaps it has just become more popular since the year it started? I don't think that level of increase can be put down to an aging society. Congrats to the guy though, very impressive. Just to be alive at that age would be incredible on its own.
  11. Because it is just that easy for most people, right? "Oooh there's a war, think I'll go somewhere else, let me book a flight".
  12. That's all you can say? He is volunteering to put his life at risk to fight for a cause and you can only make a pathetic comment like that? More bravery in his little finger than you have in your whole body... Have you ever volunteered to fight for a cause you believe in, at great personal risk to yourself... I guess not.
  13. And while we're at it let's remind ourselves that most people (pre-Covid) can turn up and enjoy 30 days or more in the country with absolutely no hassle. My wife who I've been married to for 13 years, two kids together, has to answer a very personally intrusive form, provide detailed finances, give a stack of supporting documents, just to be allowed to enter the UK as a tourist. Would you like that to be reciprocated??
  14. Prohibited occupations are as normal as work permits, they go hand in hand. See my previous post where I showed all the UK permitted and prohibited occupations - hair dresser among those prohibited.
  15. Yes, I am amazed at how ignorant some people are of the world. They actually think in other countries you can just turn up and work and only Thailand requires work permits. Unbelievable.
  16. Of course they are. If a foreigner wants to work in the UK they need a work permit and to get a work permit they have to be skilled and, almost exactly like here: To qualify for a Skilled Worker visa, you must: - work for a UK employer that’s been approved by the Home Office - have a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ from your employer with information about the role you’ve been offered in the UK - do a job that’s on the list of eligible occupations -be paid a minimum salary - how much depends on the type of work you do And, guess what, hair dresser is not one of the eligible occupations in the UK either. Seriously what kind of reality do you live in when you think we are discriminated against for needing to be highly skilled in a specialist industry to be granted a work permit? It is normal. https://www.gov.uk/skilled-worker-visa
  17. Tell that to Deloitte whose audit this is article based on. Pretty sure Deloitte is more respected than the barstool financial gurus on this forum, yourself included. Have a look and let me know which bits are funny. https://ir.thaiairways.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210303-thai-fs-fy2020-en.pdf
  18. Please explain how? Thai Airways has been badly run for years, but they are a publicly listed company audited by Deloitte - one of the "big four" - who publish their full audit every single year. Here is the independent auditor's report in question, all 98 pages of it. Feel free to read it then raise any concerns you have. Looking forward to your detailed reply about how the books have been cooked and which item(s) you take issue with. https://ir.thaiairways.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/20210303-thai-fs-fy2020-en.pdf Got to love TVF business / financial experts.
  19. Ok. When did I hold her up as a beacon of virtue?? I just held you up as a callous, insensitive, awful and probably racist bigot who has no feelings for a Thai human being who has died in awful circumstances and has left behind a grieving family.. But go ahead with your pompous cheap shots. Sick.
  20. Jesus, one of the worst comment I have seen on here. So if someone has depression it is no great loss if they die?? You really should be ashamed of yourself, absolutely disgusting. A young woman is dead.
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