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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. No they are not, clearly. Just as murderers in the UK are not the future of that country either. Ridiculous comment.
  2. Right, so instead the government should force vocational students to be postmen?
  3. Er, so how did I watch the entire season on True Visions then? It is broadcast all over SE Asia, just not on Fox Sports after Disney decided to close it down, but still broadcast in nearly all SE Asian countries on other channels. Here's a list for you: https://www.formula1.com/en/toolbar/broadcast-information.html I know lots that do. And again, over 100,000(!) people turning up to watch Mark Webber do three (pretty slow) runs up and down Ratchadamnoen in 2010 suggests a lot of Thais have an interest. I was one of them and the crowd was mostly Thais as you can see in the video.
  4. Hilarious! And not a "joke" that hasn't been made 27 times in this thread already....
  5. Not particularly well followed in the country?? Where do you get that from?? It is extremely well followed. In 2011 Red Bull did an exhibition drive with Mark Webber, just three times up and down Ratchadamnoen. Well over 100,000 people turned up for it, for around 7 minutes of "action". I was there and it was crazy. They had to delay the start so many times because of the huge crowds in the area. So definitely there would be a massive appetite for an F1 race in Bangkok, on that you are very wrong.
  6. The actual riders, you know, the ones who raced in the GP. But of course they all told you different. https://www.motogp.com/en/news/2018/12/13/ptt-thailand-grand-prix-voted-best-of-2018/281178
  7. Er....what??? Have you ever actually used the BTS?? When has there ever been an "extremely long" wait for a train?
  8. I don't believe when people say this. I have driven under these things dozens of times in various places and the readout has always been correct. Pretty sure they don't just start randomly generating numbers; if they are out if may be by 2-3 km/h. And police speed cameras are just as accurate as those anywhere else (I know as I have been caught with them numerous times).
  9. There are four of them, one for each lane. As you get close to it it displays your speed. You can watch the car in front have its speed displayed, then as it passes under it pops to your speed. They look like this, only on the number 7 motorway they span all four lanes. Between here and Pattaya there must be 3-4 sets of them at least, maybe more (I can't remember).
  10. The trains are running as normal including on weekends and holidays. Edit: OK, probably not much help seeing as you have already done your journey.
  11. Amazing advice, would never have thought of that. Thanks article!
  12. No one gets carted off anywhere unless they have severe symptoms.
  13. Wow, for someone who has been a member of this forum for 10 years I am surprised you don't know that many of the lottery ticket sellers are disabled or disadvantaged. Nothing to do with not being able to run a digital system, you should know better. Seriously disappointing post.
  14. Wow, to think you can be so condescending towards a country in your question yet you don't even know how to use a banking app or set up a direct debit - both of which are child's play and have been available for years.
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