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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Very sad to hear this, he was an immense help to many people and only posted to pass his knowledge on to make things easier / simpler for other people. RIP.
  2. Yes, if that was my job and I had training in how to apprehend people, and especially if I was accompanied by three other colleagues who have tasers and guns and are also trained. But once he was handcuffed and down I would not have knelt firmly on his neck for nine and a half minutes until he was dead. You speak like he was a monster and being violent and a danger in which case the police have the right to self defence (maybe even use of a taser or even a firearm if their lives were in danger). But he was handcuffed and on the ground already and this was a prolonged event and very deliberate, even keeping the pressure on for one and a half minutes after he had lost consciousness (or perhaps already dead). There can be no excuse whatsoever so it sickens me that some posters on here keep trying to find one.
  3. This is clearly incorrect as shown by the evidence. He was standing by watching a handcuffed, unarmed man be killed. He also prevented him receiving medical attention. He aided and abetted manslaughter as decided by a jury and that is clear. If he was "just doing crowd control" he would have been acquitted. Yes, well you have a very blinkered view of things - that is very apparent.
  4. "....to satisfy the BLM crowd". Ha ha, not hard to see which side of the fence you are sitting on. So it was nothing to do with the fact that an unarmed man was murdered by the police by having his neck kneeled on for nine and a half minutes and a full minute and a half after he lost consciousness. Nothing to do with the fact that he was clearly dying and everyone could see that yet nobody did anything to stop it, the crowd were shouting for help. Nothing also to do with the fact that not only did this "officer" do nothing to try to stop the killing but he also prevented a person with trained medical skills (an off duty firefighter) from rendering medical assistance. That is clearly aiding and abetting manslaughter. But no, none of the was taken in to account, it was all just to appease BLM. Like I say, easy to see which side of the fence you sit on as you have nailed your colours firmly to the mast with your post.
  5. They all could see what was happening and did nothing to try to stop it. He even prevented a trained medical person (a firefighter) from providing medical assistance to George. Aiding and abetting manslaughter is the correct verdict.
  6. That is one of the most hilarious things I have ever read on here - the laughing emoji was me but I know you get upset by them so I apologise but I couldn't resist as I am in stitches. A "reverse speech impediment", right, and you actually knew what his thoughts were and what he intended to say but couldn't because of this "reverse speech impediment". Wow, just wow.
  7. Much as I dislike Trump - and I dislike him a lot as he's a ridiculous, bullying, lying, divisive, self serving, obnoxious, narcissistic, insecure misogynist - I don't get the big deal about draft dodging. It's not like it was WWII when there was a legitimate cause that needed people to unite and fight; it was the Vietnam War which was repulsive, unjust, cruel and many people had legitimate moral objections. I definitely would have done what I could to avoid being drafted up for something I thought was abhorrent. OK, you could have been an outspoken moral objector like Muhammed Ali and gone to jail for it and then got to hold your head high (whilst serving time) - I applaud him for that. But I wouldn't want to go to jail either so would probably look for a loop hole. I am sure many people would if they are honest about it.
  8. Actually you don't. A passport remains the property of the government that issued it - it is never yours.
  9. Eh, what are you talking about? You mean me "bragging" about a car I don't even own? Trying reading my post again. I love the noise of a good engine and I have a passion for them (not so much motorbikes though). My Subaru used to get my hair standing on end with it's flat four burble and performance exhaust, the blow off valve and external wastegate chatter as it dumped two bar of pressure on gear changes was incredible and I miss it. I also spent a small fortune to rent a Ferrari 488 Italia Spider for 24 hours to blast through the mountains of Jebal Jais in the UAE, I have rented a Lamborghini Gallardo to do the same elsewhere. So I love performance cars and the noise they make. No argument you don't get that with an electric vehicle and I used to have the same opinion as you (although I refrained from being childish about it calling them mobile washing machines). But you know what? In high performance electric cars you have a very different experience and actually the lack of noise doesn't matter and actually becomes enjoyable and somewhat preferable. My Subaru had a huge turbo and it was extremely fast but it had a lot of lag which I didn't mind as it gave you a second or so to anticipate the massive shove that was coming. Even the 488 was very responsive but not in comparison to a fast electric car. Unless you've tried it you shouldn't knock it. It's different but also incredible and it converted me. But judging by your silly digs and childish comments I know you have no intention of ever trying it so not sure why you even bother joining these threads really.
  10. I don't even own on electric car but it does annoy me when people who don't own them say there are no charging stations. If you don't own an electric vehicle it figures that you are not looking for chargers. No point in showing a map of Thailand with all chargers as there are so many they overlap. Why not have a look for yourself? https://www.plugshare.com/
  11. ICE cars have an efficiency of somewhere between 17-22% so the majority of that wonderful energy is being lost. Electric vehicles around 85-90% efficiency.
  12. You've obviously never driven an electric vehicle. A Volvo C40 would leave you in its wake. I have always been a petrol head, I had a Subaru Impreza that I modified the heck out of up to almost 500bhp. I currently drive a 248 bhp turbo petrol car that is fun to drive. But I have spent time with electric cars - I had a 408 bhp electric Volvo for three days and I can tell you nothing puts a smile on your face more than flooring that - the instant acceleration is addictive and incredible. A new model coming this year will do 0-60 in four seconds or less. Once I gave my electric one back and got back in to my petrol one it felt noisy, sluggish and very old fashioned. And you would feel the same if you tried it. 270hp is nothing special.
  13. So you really think there is absolutely no one in the entire navy who speaks good English? What ridiculous nonsense.
  14. I don't think that's true. I have a petrol XC40 with a glass roof and a sliding sunshade. It also has an option in the menu called something like "auto close sun shade" which, if you are parked in hot weather, will automatically close the sun shade 15 minutes after parking. Good function. I have also driven both an all electric XC40 and a C40 and both had the same sliding sunshade and the same function. I can't imagine them removing the sunshade on future models for any reason.
  15. Probably too late as an answer but in case it helps anyone else. Generally the speed boat people are helpful and will help you get in and out with your bags (I was there a couple of weeks ago). But they are not allowed to drive you directly to your beach anymore; your speedboat can only drop you at the main pier and from there you have to take a songtaew. 30 baht each if you don't mind waiting for it to fill up with passengers or 200 baht if you just want to take the whole thing for yourself. (That was the price to just near Ao Phai anyway).
  16. If you arrested for being drunk and disorderly and put in a police cell overnight to sleep it off and calm down they don't methodically remove cords from shorts or even take your shoelaces - not even in the UK - unless there are exceptional circumstances or an obvious danger of self harm. The Thai police - incompetent as they usually are - do not generally go around beating up or murdering foreigners, they are normally very very restrained and patient with drunks.
  17. Eh? I was talking in general by the tone of most of your posts. Good luck with your life and all those exploding lightbulbs in Asia, and be careful of those tiles - that could be the next accident to befall you thanks to the "idiots" in Thailand. Seeya!
  18. Wow, sensitive much? Of course you are not a liar - your lightbulb exploded. Happy? As people have explained there can be several reasons for this to happen, and being in Asia isn't one of them. I have lived here 28 years and have never had one explode. It is a rare thing to happen but it happens in the good old US of A too, with just as much - or just as little - frequency it seems. It is nothing to do with geography. But because it never happed to you there but happened to you here your conclusion is that it happens all over Asia but not in America. Seems like confirmation bias to me. I read your other posts that tiles in Thailand bathroom tiles are installed by "idiots" (meaning Thais), Bangkok bank doesn't want foreigners (means you have a chip on your shoulder there), foreign builds are better etc etc. Just my observation that maybe Asia isn't for you and maybe you would be happier back in the west. At least you should chill out a bit and not be so aggressive in your replies to people.
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