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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. As chickenslegs said VFS are absolutely right: UK visa or UK Passport. The passport office is extremely backlogged right now. I just submitted a passport renewal for my son on Monday and they say to allow 11 weeks (it took a week to get the appointment, so 12 weeks). Also all the passport offices in England are going on a five week strike starting early April - I don't know if that is factored into the 11 weeks or not. I plan to visit the UK in the summer with my son but am considering doing a visa on his Thai passport just in case. Yes. Enter and leave UK on UK passport, enter and leave Thailand on Thai passport.
  2. I can tell you why. Looking at pre-Covid, in 2019 Changi had about 34 million international arrivals. Suvarnabhumi had around 55 million international arrivals. Changi is spread over four terminals, BKK has one. So Singapore had about 9 million through one terminal as opposed to BKK's 55 million through one terminal. That's a huge difference. I travel to Singapore often and yes, the airport is good (better than Suvarnabhumi by a way), but I often have 15-20 minute waits at immigration and had 45 minutes 2-3 trips ago. I have never come close to that at BKK. I have timed the IO processing times at both - yes I am that kind of geek - and it is pretty much identical. They do both work to timetables and staff accordingly but BKK has a much higher volume of flights than SIN and all it takes is four 3-4 international flights to have unexpected delays and arrive simultaneously (which wasn't planned for) and it throws the schedule into chaos for a short period. In short, similar systems, similar processing times, completely different volumes, and completely different airport designs - and yes, having multiple smaller terminals can be more efficient than one giant one but there are downsides too. Most of the people who moan on here about "massive queues", "surly immigration" etc don't actually travel, they just live in their villages and moan about stuff they see other people moan about. People who travel regularly will say it's pretty average for a major international hub. Certainly much quicker than many places on arrival (Heathrow 10000% included) but it does have the occasion hiccup due to the aforementioned reasons. You need to compare apples with apples.
  3. You are joking. Took me 90 minutes last time I was there - as a UK citizen and business class traveller. 90 minutes to clear immigration in my own country in the UK citizens lane. And when I took pictures of the horrendous queue I was shouted at and told to delete them by a security guard.
  4. Wow, a story about a Thai waving a gun and someone turns it in to a farangs are victimised post. Get over yourself.
  5. Ok then, she screamed at you. You are not ever egging this, it was a scream. Righty ho. I have been in an out several hundred times and never been treated discourteously, not once. Sorry I just don't believe they scream at people for no reason. What the Hell are you talking about?
  6. Would love to know more about how and why you were screamed at for no reason when you were no doubt as nice as pie. Please tell.
  7. Weird, never been screamed at at the airport in 27 years. Never had my passport throw at me either. Post Covid I have found the IOs to be genuinely friendly. Pre-Covid never found them unfriendly, just doing their job. Not sure what you are doing to get screamed at.
  8. Same. I just had relatives over from the UK and they commented on how friendly and smiley everyone was. Give it out and you'll always get it back in Thailand - they are generally warm, friendly, and smiley. I don't see what the OP sees so it may have something to do with the attitude he projects. And seeing as how his post was rammed full of complaints about the country (and people - they believe something "fantastical" when they know they are not friendly / smiley) I am willing to bet I am right.
  9. I was there at few months ago. No Covid test necessary (not needed anywhere in Thailand), snorkeling boats were running and we did a trip. But single port of entry was the rule. Not sure if it has changed since but it very much looked like a permanent set up to me.
  10. I listened to the whole things several times. I do not understand how you come to the conclusion you come to. Even with the word "probably" it is still an outrageous claim. And who are all these legal scholars who can't believe what is happening? Anyone other than the lawyers he is paying? Any idea?
  11. I don't see how that changes the perspective. It is just as crazy as ever. He actually believes what he is saying! How does that video change the perspective? He says he is the most innocent man in America and his friends tell him that.
  12. Not true if you live on the Sukhumvit line - it is one change at Phaya Thai from ARL to BTS and it is a short connection. Also need to consider the wait time for a taxi from Suvarnabhumi which can be bad.
  13. Brilliant idea - give him five minutes to prepare for the attack so undoubtedly more people will be killed or injured.. Genius.
  14. I don't agree with that. Thai police are incredibly patient and restrained - especially compared to those in the West. It is pretty rare for them to fire shots.
  15. Don't worry, someone will be a long shortly to say that: It's not a patch on Italian food / Mexican / French etc. It's not even a Thai dish. MSG Dirty oil etc etc
  16. I say that is nonsense. All the shops have the product on display in jars and you are free to look at it, smell it, ask questions about it. Then they weigh it out in front of you and off you go. Maybe if some dodgy bloke is selling pre-rolled somewhere but that is illegal anyway.
  17. Cannabis makes your eyes pop out of your head? What planet are you from?
  18. No doubt you'll be doing the horourable thing and retracting your accusation?
  19. Tiring. I'll try one more time. They were banned before, right? As they were banned before if they are banned for a second time that would would mean they are being banned again, right? Therefore I said you can ask for them to be banned again if you like. No where did I state, accuse, imply, or suggest that you were responsible for the first banning - you're the only one who is reading that into things. Got it now? Again such a teeny tiny thing to get your knickers in a twist about.
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