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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Where would you be trying to go? Into that far more dangerous looking rough water? Why would anyone be trying to traverse down there in the first place?
  2. Yes, you can do it cheaper but that's not the point is it? They are not claiming to be the cheapest way to travel. But if you want to have a nice experience on board, dinner and drinks, have a room and wake up in Samui with your car packed full of all your stuff that's pretty decent. Yeah, I could get a bus but I would be uncomfortable, I wouldn't have my car when I arrived, I would have to lug limited luggage around. Some people value convenience over cost. If you want the cheapest way to get to Samui this isn't it, nor did they ever pretend it was.
  3. Bangkok Airways about 7,300 baht return, so two people 14,600 baht. Add in a night's accommodation on the way down as you wouldn't want to do that drive in one hit, maybe 2,000 baht, so 16,600. Add in fuel - 3,000 baht minimum? So 19,600 baht.. Add in the cost of car rental in Samui while you are there (1,000 baht per day currently) and you would be over 25k for a week's trip. 14,000 baht is not massively cheaper but is a fair bit cheaper. And a hell of a lot less stress. It's not a journey that I need to make - I last drove to Samui two years ago and took two nights to break up the journey - but if I wanted to do it again I would definitely consider driving to Sattahip and taking the ferry for a stress free journey, have some food and a few beers and wake up there. I don't think price is their USP.
  4. Asking because you left - leaving everything behind - after the coup because of your integrity, wow! Such strong integrity is impressive. Wondering which country you live in now that doesn't challenge your integrity, must be somewhere squeaky clean with no history of illegal invasions, corruption, or anything else that would challenge a person of such integrity that they would leave a country and their possessions when that integrity is challenged, so couldn't be the UK or the US surely. Wondering where this place could be.
  5. I'll agree with your second point but as I use my own card to buy my tickets it is not an issue for me personally. Most airlines don't care but some do, that's true. But other than that I don't see any advantage to using an agent; you don't get better prices so what is the point of taking a risk when you can just book direct with the airline?
  6. Others have already answered for me and they covered it - must simpler and better service if you have problems or need help.
  7. https://www.jal.co.jp/th/en/ https://www.ana.co.jp/en/th/ https://www.thaiairways.com/en_TH/index.page https://www.zipair.net/en Those are your choices for direct flights. Personally I only ever book flights on the official airline website.
  8. Shouldn't trade with the US either then by that logic.
  9. Worked here 28 years, never been asked. Don't know anyone else who has either. If you don't meet the requirements then some tea money might smooth the way, but for people who are legal then it never happens. Again, as you were the one who said they don't have e-gates because they would lose bribe money at passport control, how many times have you been asked for a bribe to enter or leave the country? You missed that question last time. Must be a lot right to besmirch the entire country ("It's the Thai mentality" I believe you said)
  10. How many times have you been asked for a bribe at passport control? I am willing to bet never. Just like I never have in 100's or 1,000's of journeys in and out. Weird that none of my friends have either. But yeah, that's why we don't have them, because they'll lose all this imaginary bribe money that they're raking in at passport control.
  11. Wahey, my favourite TVF cliche returns! So you expect them to tell people who are leaving the country about the rules should they decide to come back some time in the future? And people complain that immigration is slow! "Passport and boarding pass please". *Hands over*. *Stamp*. "Before you leave I just would like to tell you about all the options for when you next arrive in Thailand. You are entitled to 30 days visa exempt which can be extended by a further 30 days by visiting an immigration office and paying 1,900 baht. You can also apply for a tourist visa before you come for a 60 day visit and that can also be extended again by 30 days - just give me a call when you're coming and I can go in to more detail, here's my card". "Next please!" "Passport and boarding pass please". *Hands over*. *Stamp*. "Before you leave I just would like to tell you about all the options for when you next arrive in Thailand........" Or, you know, people arriving here should be able to check for themselves just like 99.9999999% of tourists do. But you expect to be told on the way out.........weird. Seeya! So being able to turn up with no visa and stay for a month (or up to two) is "jumping through hoops"? A bit of a drama queen??
  12. Yes, my ICE could have done that. It swerved me out of the way of a motorbike flying past me from behind with no lights on one night as I was changing lanes - saved the motorbike's life without a doubt. This was not a very tricky incident to avoid. Not putting down the Tesla technology as it is indeed very impressive, I just don't find this example particularly noteworthy. (And I'm an EV fan - my next car will definitely be electric)
  13. Yep, up to me. 13k is indeed chump change. But again, you didn't answer why the need to open threads about a subject you hate then post repeatedly saying how much you hate it? Seriously what is the motivation? I don't get it. If I see a subject I am not interested in (at least 90% of the threads on Asean Now) I don't click on them, simple. Or do you just have a lot of time on your hands and not much else going on so this gives you some kind of purpose to your day?
  14. Enjoy your temple fairs and that screeching noise. Wow, you are soo Thai, well done. Give me some decent hip hop any day of the week. And 13k for a three day pass with 60+ artists is not bad at all, but think of all the money you are saving with your rural noise. If there was a morlam thread I would not even bother to click on it let alone open it up and post in there to tell people how much I don't like morlam (several times). So what brings you to post here constantly? I don't understand the motivation, I really don't.
  15. You realise every single comment you have made so far are the worst old man comments I have seen for a long time.
  16. Who said they need it to enjoy themselves? If you have a glass of wine with your dinner does that mean you need wine to enjoy yourself? No, it just means you fancied a glass of wine. Why is weed any different? Perfectly normally to have a joint in the evening, doesn't mean you need it to enjoy yourself. Silly thing to say really, very old fashioned.
  17. I was surprised to hear it as I just assumed it would be fine as it is essentially a Thai national applying so not sure why they would even check, although as I am a Brit supporting the application and we have the same surname and I am his father I guess it would pretty obviously jump out and they would check. As a few people here expressly stated it is not possible and VFS themselves said it is not possible (as someone posted) I am inclined to believe that and can understand the logic behind it. As for vice versa honestly I have no idea.
  18. That's good to hear, thanks. I'll report back on my application when it is returned - I applied on Monday. This doesn't bode well though: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/mar/17/passport-office-workers-across-uk-to-strike-for-five-weeks-over-pay
  19. I was wrong. I said I was considering doing a UK visa on their Thai passport if their UK passport renewal took too long but I have learned in this thread that that is not possible, so ignore what I said.
  20. Not just lucky, I have had the same experience on several flights in and out post Covid. They are noticeably friendlier and quite pleasant..........maybe because I approach the desk with a smile. A little goes a long way and I think that is where the problem lies with most folk.
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