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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Ah right. I thought you said they were having prime time beer commercials which they aren't. I agree this sails a bit close to the wind but technically it is not a beer commercial. Believe it or not Thailand does have very a strict censorship board that has to pass any commercial before it airs (I work in that industry) - this one doesn't break the rules but it comes pretty close.
  2. What are you talking about "prime time TV ads"? There has been no TV advertising of alcohol allowed in Thailand for over 20 years (by memory). Let's not make stuff up please.
  3. Did he? So tell me about the evidence and what he did exactly. I know you love to post something in every single thread no matter what but obviously you have a good reason for this one as it is such a strong opinion. So tell us about the evidence please - you must have followed this case closely.
  4. No idea. Do you still see them? Haven't seen them for years in Bangkok. My favourites were the Guinness Girls.
  5. Because the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of 2008 explicit forbids advertising or promotion of alcohol which includes enticing others to drink. Posting a picture of alcohol whilst writing a (positive) review of how good it is falls foul of that law as it can be considered promoting the product or encouraging others to try it. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Translation:Alcoholic_Beverage_Control_Act,_BE_2551_(2008) I don't agree with the law, I think it is way over the top, but that's what it is.
  6. How do you know it was a positive review? It's good nothing to do with what he said, it's the fact he posted a picture of it (yes, stupid law, I know). Do you really think Boonrawd would call the police for one person on his personal FB page posting a picture of a craft beer? How does that affect them? It's a ridiculous comment to make.
  7. How so? The big beer companies can't advertise either. And this guy was not selling craft beer, he was posting a review. Plenty of people have been fined for posting pictures of the big companies' products. I am not saying it isn't a ridiculous rule that even posting a review of a beer (if it includes a picture) or a picture of yourself with a beer can lead to big fines - it is ridiculous. But saying this is "the elite protecting the elite to the detriment of the country, blah blah blah" is just a typical AN cliche with no substance. Thailand was one of the first countries to ban TV advertising of alcohol and I have no problem with that. But this is going too far.
  8. Why should she get a mention? My brother also did it - should he have a press story? Should everyone get one? It's a quirky story that isn't important but is a bit of fun. But you have to make it in to a farang victim thing. Try removing that massive chip from your shoulder and you'll find life gets easier.
  9. Nothing dodgy about it. When you search you can see the location on a map but it is accurate to maybe one small block. You get the exact address after booking but you can see perfectly well where the property is. I have used Airbnb dozens of times in many countries and always been happy with my location as I knew where I wanted to stay - it is not like you say "Bangkok" and you have no idea where in Bangkok you'll be. Also they always have pictures in their listing so you can see the view from the apartment. And anyway that's what reviews are for - go and check them before you book. The people in the OP obviously hadn't researched the city they were going to, it's nothing to do with Airbnb concealing the location as it is very clear where you are (and yes what you see here is accurate because I have stayed in some of them).
  10. I actually have an iPhone - I bought an iPhone 14 Pro Max about two months ago. My last iPhone before that was an iPhone 4 after which I switched to Samsung and have stayed there ever since as they just did more things better than an iPhone. However I decided to come back and give Apple a chance as I use a Mac Book Pro and figured it would make sense to be all Apple. Verdict? Meh. It's decent but has many annoying deficiencies and if I had the choice again I would have gone Samsung S22 Ultra. Android is just a bit slicker. But at the end of the day a phone is a phone and when it comes time to buy my next one (not for a few years hopefully) I'll see what's on the market and chose what is best - I certainly wouldn't automatically buy one on brand loyalty as that would be stupid and only morons shop that way. (Oh, seems that's the way you shop? Sorry) Fanboys are just weird. I do the same with my cars too and have never owed the same brand more than once in a row.
  11. It is exceptionally hot and dry this season (I've been here 28 years and this feels like this hottest), but last year was exceptionally wet and exceptionally early, so can't really compare as it is two extremes.
  12. So someone looked after your bag for you, took it home, then made the effort to track you down and return it and you are moaning because it took them too long?? You don't deserve to get it back. You can do all of that on an Android phone too.
  13. Come on, "Vote for us and we'll give you all money" is a stimulus package and not another way of vote buying? Do you really believe that?
  14. I live in Bangkok and most of the places I go to on a daily basis don't require me to sit around for hours in traffic. Driving to and from work, no problem. Driving the kids to school and picking them up, no problem. Driving to a restaurant for dinner, no problem. Driving to the supermarket, no problem. Driving to play football, no problem. Of course if you want to drive up Sukhumvit in rush hour you're going to be stuck in traffic, but why would I do that? Bangkok has bad traffic, many cities do. But it was you who asked why anyone would want a city car to "sit around in traffic for hours". I explained why that was a silly thing to say. I never sit around in traffic for hours, never. I could if I was stupid, but I'm not.
  15. Believe it or not if you live in the city then it is quite handy to have a city car. Why would you be stuck in traffic for hours on end?
  16. Yes, and Seahorse is Seahorse, nothing to do with Raja. Brilliant, well done for pointing out a typo, very well done.
  17. So by your logic guns are fine even though there are (seemingly) daily mass shooting because, erm, most people don't shoot people? That's the best you have? Therefore no action is necessary. Apparently I am not allowed to post a link to show what happens when you do do something about guns as it is "off-topic", so I won't post it again. (hint: the shootings stop, overnight.). I can't believe that a country can have so many tragic gun deaths and so many involve children, yet no-one wants to do anything about it. I will never understand that logic at all.
  18. Yes. A friend at my company uses them all the time and says they are excellent - I often see him tucking in to Paleo Robbie meals. Reliable and good (so I am told - haven't tried them personally). I assume the fresh market stuff they sell is also good quality as he says the meals are very good. If you want very high quality meat the Accidental Butcher is awesome. Not cheap, but superb, and they know their stuff so you can go in there, tell them what you want to cook and they will recommend the meat. Sometimes you will see the AB himself and can have a chat, but if not their Thai staff are extremely knowledgable. Last time I was there I just said I want to cook a beef wellington for four and they produced the right cut in the right size and it was amazing. It's just off Ekkamai. Mostly fresh meat from Australia but he also makes sausages and other items like pickles. https://www.theaccidentalbutcher.com/ Also Bangkok Bobs on Pridi is good (formerly Food Glorious Food). He used to supply a lot of the hotels and restaurants - I assume he still does. https://www.bangkokbobs.com/ Passion Delivery also gets good reviews although I haven't tried them myself. https://passiondelivery.com/
  19. Haven't seen a single Songkranner today. Normally in Bangkok it's full on on 13th & 14th, half hearted on 15th (except in places like Khao San), and done by 16th.
  20. Oh my God, more worried about emojis than rabies (yes, I know you have since got the first shot). How sensitive are you? Not the first time I have seen you upset about emojis but if I had just been bitten by a rat the last thing I would do is think to post on AN and THEN get upset about an emoji. There are more important things in life.
  21. Yes, of course I haven't tried them all, and am not saying there is no good NZ beef out there - I am sure there is very good NZ beef out there just as there is excellent NZ lamb (although I prefer Aussie lamb personally) and I am sure you pay accordingly for it which is just fine. If I want a steak I am willing to pay for a good one. If I want lamb I will pay for high quality imported lamb. My comment was specifically addressed to the poster who made the ridiculous claim that his 102 baht NZ ribeye (that came from a secret place he won't tell anyone about even though it is expatfoodthailand.com) is the best most amazing meat..........which it isn't, it is nasty cheap rubbish (as the price correctly reflects). There is nothing to be gained from buying the cheapest meat unless you plan on slow cooking it for hours in a stew.
  22. I would be careful with that as if you check in with one passport but switch it at departing immigration it can be an issue. Happened to me in Dubai after a holiday there. Checked in with Thai passports to avoid questions about Thai visas, presented UK ones at immigration (as we entered on UK passports) and they took me aside as these were not the same passports we checked in with. I had to go back to check in and they got a supervisor to rectify the situation. Was all a bit of a pain and took a while to resolve.
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