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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Yep. Driving 7-ish hours in a day (Kanchanburi to Hua Hin and back) with Thai family in the back is just beyond stupid. One accident, even if not your fault, and you are liable for the deaths of many Thais, that would be fun. But he laughs it off, "when in Rome". One of the most idiotic things I've read on here for a while. Like another poster said, I have a 100% seatbelt rule. Even if just driving to the local 7-Eleven in my car (which is one of the safest on the market) if the kids don't have their belts on we don't move. Family, friends, neighbours, all have to obey the same rule. Of course it is second nature to my kids now. The roads are unpredictable and dangerous and even if you do everything perfectly you can still become a cropper. One of my cars almost got squished in two right outside my condo when I was smashed into by a speeding pick up - if I had people in with no seatbelts or I was in a pickup with people sat in the back there would have been deaths. The poster is an idiot and should be ashamed.
  2. You don't sit your passengers on the roof of a van though do you, they are enclosed and have seat belts. Irresponsible and shameful.
  3. One small accident = death. No idea why anyone would even consider that, especially on such a long drive. So irresponsible.
  4. Wow, the Thailand you live in sounds disgusting. It bears no resemblance to the one I live in.
  5. So you're happy to drive three hours + with people risking their lives in your truck? Rent a van.
  6. I wonder what their business model is. You can buy one for those kind of monthly prices.
  7. It's been a while but last time I rented a car in the UK they actually preferred my Thai license. Granted my UK one is a paper one (still valid) and old, but they asked if I had a foreign one and used my Thai license.
  8. Correct, it only involves smashing cars into solid barriers at 50kmh and then testing the structural integrity and occupant protection. FOr some reason they give them 5 stars (the top award). Obviously the independent EURO NCAP people should pay more attention to an anti Chinese shouty YouTube channel rather than do real tests.
  9. Aha ha ha ha. Yeah, this is the reason, because at 40,000 feet at night there is a huge difference than 40,000 feet in the daytime. Nothing to do with limited landing slots and many airports (like Heathrow) not allowing 24 hour operations or having restrictions on night time landings, it's because of the temperature of the air. Brilliant.
  10. Good point. Definitely not for me, nor is any Tesla.
  11. Great, so where exactly can you buy one?
  12. It's not often I get to to say this, but I agree 100% with you. I have cumulatively spent several months there for work visits and it is an incredible place. Admittedly most of that time has been spent in Shanghai but it is just such an incredible place. And yes, lots of thriving small businesses and happy people. A good friend of mine lived there for 15 years. All these cliched and boring anti China comments are 100% the result of anti-Chinese propaganda. These people have no idea how they are being played by their "leaders". Go and see for yourselves and you would be very surprised.
  13. I think you'll find it's the US infrastructure that's crumbling, but don't take your blinkers off Mr McCarthy. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/more-50-000-american-bridges-are-falling-apart-n842356
  14. What are his circumstances going to be? Living in Bangkok or out in the sticks? Will he be able to charge it at home? Does he intend to do many long drives? Depending on the answers to the above he may be better off with a BEV. Or maybe a PHEV - lots of great choices but a big variance in battery ranges between the models so would need to understand how he would generally use it.
  15. Ok, why don't you tell us why you think Teslas are better? Which particular attribute did you like when you drove one that made it so much better compared to the BYD vehicles you have tried? It's always good to hear first hand knowledge so please share.
  16. How many level crossing accidents has the ARL had since it opened? How many times has a BTS train hit a car? High speed trains do not have lever crossings.
  17. It sounds amazing. https://www.engadget.com/xiaomi-says-its-su7-ev-can-outperform-porsche-and-has-more-tech-than-tesla-095637762.html
  18. I have seen signs on stations recently to beware of pickpockets which I don't remember seeing before, maybe it is known that this is happening. Also signs warning of sexual harassment and upskirt photos. It's definitely worth contacting the MRT as there is CCTV all over the stations and also on trains. Maybe they can help identify them?
  19. Well there you go, consider me educated. For some reason I always had it down as a low end vehicle, seems I was wrong - that looks nice inside. I also didn't know it was that speedy and had such a good electric capacity. Thanks for the info.
  20. I would agree that makes sense. In its current guise it is not an attractive car (for me), even with the discount. But also agree it is great for the consumer - long may it continue as we have never seen this price competition before in Thailand.
  21. It is very close to a certain police station. but it is just outside of the Penny's Balcony complex that contains She Bar and HOBs. Maybe that block only has a restaurant license and Mellow has a bar license. I have no idea, although what you are implying could also well be true - I have no idea who owns it in reality. The previous independent owner of HOBs was in business with a senior man in uniform and was, let's say, "bought out" by them, so it seems weird why they don't have the same leeway that Mellow does, unless it has since changed hands again (quite possible).
  22. Yeah, I have been here since 1995 and it definitely wasn't in effect then. It started getting enforced under Thaksin and Purachai in the early 2000's along with other genius ideas like not being able to buy alcohol at service stations. Even today there are 7-11's on the frontage road off the Rama 9 motorway that don't sell booze (even though they are not connected to the motorway) whereas one around the corner from them can as it is deemed off the main road. Ludicrous. The mighty Thaksin also closed petrol stations nationwide at midnight to "save energy". Brilliant! The 2pm to 5pm thing is the most illogical of all though - at least there is some logic about not selling at service stations. Every single pub in Bangkok can sell all day, some restaurants can, some can't. No shops or supermarkets can, although Villa used to ignore it but eventually they stopped too. On Thonglor you have three places in a row: HOBs no alcohol 2pm to 5pm, She Bar no alcohol 2pm to 5pm, but Mellow sells all day. Who knows how it works.....
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