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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Do you understand what an analogy is? For clarity I am NOT the CEO of a major corporation - did you really need that explaining? It was an analogy: "a comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea." Now that you know I was not referring to my employment (which you state you would not be interested in) and that the story was used as a device to highlight the flaw in your argument by way of a comparison, would you care to respond? Or will you just deflect for a third time? (I think I know the answer)
  2. How is that off topic? It is an analogy to describe the massive flaw in your argument. And you obviously have no comeback hence the deflection.
  3. Gosh this is tiring when you keep throwing in childish comments like "your lot", "your band of brothers" etc. Try using adult language, it makes things much more engaging. I'll give you an analogy. I am the CEO of a large corporation and I have been CEO for more than 12 years. The company is failing badly, we are losing market share, staff are quitting in droves, revenue is falling off a cliff and our products are not being bought. Is that my fault as the CEO, or is it the fault of the previous CEO from over a decade ago? In your eyes it would be the previous CEO, right? Even if the previous one was terrible I have had 12 years to fix things yet they just keep getting worse. (The staff of my company also voted to restrict our market size, voted to add cost, red tape and bureaucracy to our exports, and expelled a lot of our foreign workforce, but that's another analogy for another day)
  4. That looks really cool. The Chinese are really owning the EV market.
  5. "Boat people", nice to see you sucking up the dehumanising language of the government and Farage - they are not asylum seekers, refugees, just "boat people". Did you miss my other questions?
  6. Yawn, you keep banging on about Albania, have you not got another record you can play? So all the asylum seekers are Albanian and French then? Can we just please discuss asylum policy as that is a blanket policy - it is only you who keeps bringing Albanians into it. Is our asylum policy compassionate, just and fair? Have the Tories done a good job of managing it? Has Brexit had an impact? Have the boat crossings increased massively post Brexit and have they increased massively under the Tory government? Leave your pet Albanians out of it an answer those questions.
  7. I have no idea who is in the boats, do you? (Not Daily Mail or Farage evidence, actual evidence).
  8. So people in war torn countries can just pop into their local British Embassy, pay the fee, apply for the visa and Bob's your Uncle? You really think it works like that? You are deluded.
  9. So this referred to legal immigration from the EU? Really??
  10. Spot on. The "you want to let all the rapists and criminals in" is childish and silly.
  11. You clearly implied it by posting a link to a story of a rapist and claimed that we wanted "them" in. I am pretty much anti crime in general, no matter who commits them. Why would I be otherwise? Having compassion does not make me ok with crime. Again it is another ridiculous stretch by you and you know it (at least I hope you do). You're using the same false logic as the people who claim you are pro-Prayut / pro-coup when you criticise Thaksin. It is possible to dislike both.
  12. One rapist does not mean all immigrants are rapists. We have plenty of British born rapists too. So should we ban all Brits from living in the UK? It is a ridiculous point you are trying to make. Jeez.
  13. Read the post. He already said he's not looking to save money, he just wants the quickest way there. And he also said he's staying near the Shangri-La.
  14. Yes I did, it was the story of a rapist who served prison time and was then deported. And you claim he wants "them" let in. Ugly post and ugly tactic. Try joining the debate like an adult by making reasoned arguments not <deleted> like that.
  15. He wants rapists in? That is one of the most horrendous and ridiculous comments I have ever seen on here. You should be ashamed to make it.
  16. So you're admitting that immigration wasn't a problem prior to leaving the EU. So why was it a key focus of the Leave campaign? "Breaking Point" was 764 people? Do you honestly not see how it was used to (successfully) cajole the racists in the UK to vote leave? You yourself have admitted it wasn't a problem. Weird how now we've taken back control we actually have no control at all and of course it is everyone's fault but the Tory government. It's the bad bad naughty French.
  17. Is your surname Rees-Mogg? It hardly seems comprehensible that you believe what you write otherwise.
  18. Great stats! It makes me wonder what happened between 2018 and now. Obviously the amazingly competent Tories were in power then and now so that didn't change. Tell me, was there anything else significant that happened after 2018 that could have led to this increase in numbers? Did we perhaps leave some sort of union that had rules about this kind of thing? Any ideas?
  19. Wow. You actually think their policy is because they want to save lives?? That is the most outrageous stretch I have ever heard. Nigel Farage would be proud of you for thinking that one up. Geez.
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