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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. More liberal and progressive moves by the government. Thailand you are (pleasantly) surprising me! Keep it up........and may your next liberalisation be the removal of the 2pm-5pm alcohol ban.
  2. Weird, I wasn't even replying to you, but was replying to someone who slags off Thais constantly then complains they don't respect him. I have nothing to prove to you, but I have have 30+ Thai employees who have worked for me for 15 years in three different companies (they resigned and followed me when I moved, twice). I don't have a problem with any of them being lazy or lying about having Covid. I guess you get out what you put in. No respect to the Thais means you get none back.
  3. Your employees have so much respect for you, you must be so proud. (Earlier posts saying Thais are lazy, you seem to inspire people).
  4. Right, not wearing a mask is not being a coward, it is being a brave freedom fighter. Gotcha, thanks.
  5. And the others? And how about these well trained, well cared for friendly, sociable and fun pit bulls who killed and ate their owner? https://www.wtvr.com/2017/12/19/longtime-trainer-stunned-over-grisly-dog-mauling-they-were-very-passive-dogs
  6. Yep, consideration for others is nice. Personally I found it weird when I visited the UK a few months ago that no one wore masks. But I came to like it. And when I came back I adopted mask wearing again because it is what makes people comfortable here. When the Thais are happy to shed them I'll happily do the same. The anti mask warriors are just selfish individuals at the end of the day.
  7. Why do they keep printing this kind of nonsense, right wing propaganda? It seems we have one a day. We get one of these and a Thaksin article daily. "Thaksin says something". "Thaksin eats food". "Marijuana kills you". "Marijuana gives you schizophrenia". "They have increased from only 122 cases in all of 2021 to 103 cases within eight months of January – August 2022." Extrapolating that gives 154 cases for the year, an increase of just 34 people. In an entire year. In an entire country of 69 million people. And there is no proof of causation. These extra 34 people have mental illness because of marijuana?? I don't think so. And even if they did, think of the millions of marijuana users nationwide. Again, 34 people. With absolutely no proof of causation, at all. The last paragraph in the article says it all: "“Therefore, it is important to remind patients that those who are suffering with certain diseases, especially psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, substance-related psychosis, and schizophrenia, that they are not suitable for cannabis use because it will affect their symptoms in the long run,” the doctor stressed." Well, yeah, duh! Just like schizophrenics shouldn't get drunk. What a pointless, ridiculous article. I wonder what the motivation of publishing it is, it is a waste of internet space.
  8. The mask mandate was lifted months ago. All other Covid restrictions dropped. How are they being controlled exactly? No one can ever answer this question, can you be the first?
  9. You're late to the party. Several other bores have posted the same predictable, nonsense comment already.
  10. So when I said there are loads around in Bangkok, why even comment that you have never seen one when you live in the sticks in a village of 12 pickups and three tractors?? Of course you haven't seen one!
  11. Not really. Considering there were nearly half a million car sales in that same six month period, then 17k is a tiny fraction and seems about right. And for people living in BKK who say they never see them (impossible), do you even know what they look like? Genuine question, would you know a fully electric MG or XV40 over a regular one?
  12. Don't know where you are but in Bangkok there are tons of electric cars. I see a lot of Teslas on the street, full electric MGs, lots of Ora Good Cats, quite a few fully electric Volvo XC40s. Literally every time I go out on the roads I will see several of them.
  13. Yes, plenty. I dare say most of Asia. In the last two months I have been to Vietnam - mostly wearing masks; Singapore, still very common; Malaysia, mostly wearing masks. I will be in Manila next week where I am told everyone wears masks.
  14. No, I am sure he encourages his son to play with soi dogs. What a weird and pointless comment.
  15. The good thing about Robinhood (in fact it's whole raison d'etre) is that it doesn't charge the restaurants anything at all. Food Panda charge 30% commission which is a lot. RH is actually giving back to the restaurateurs.
  16. Another one who has problems reading? It clearly says their vehicles need to be classified and registered as Public Transportation vehicles, they need to have insurance cover, and drivers will have to have public transportation licenses. In other words your "ungoverned" and "unroadworthy" and "unregulated" cars are clearly going to be governed, roadworthy and regulated. In fact that was the main point of the article and the conditions they have to agree to to be issued licenses. How on earth did you miss that? Or did you just read the headline and bash out a critical post?
  17. These are arguments are like people saying "I never wear my seatbelt - we didn't even have them when I was young and it never did me any harm." Yeah, never did you any harm, but what all the kids who are dead after being thrown through the windscreen? Same thing. "Pitbulls are fine because mine hasn't killed anyone" is a flawed argument because pitbulls have killed many other people.
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