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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Right, so you read a thread about something you're not interested in, then decided you should post to say how much it doesn't interest you. Do you do that in other areas of your life too? Do you go in to a Ford showroom to tell the sales guy you aren't interested in Fords? Pop in to Pizza Hut to tell them you are not interested in pizzas? Walk up to the bar to tell the barman you're not interested in having a drink?
  2. What rules have they changed other than a gradual easing of restrictions? Would you prefer them not to ease restrictions so people don't get confused? And I don't know any Thai who doesn't know about this.
  3. Nope. I recently spent two weeks in the UK and enjoyed not wearing a mask. Then I spent a week in Singapore where there is no mask mandate but most people wear them so I did the same. Not sure where motorbikes come in to this. My comment was simply that it is ridiculous to say the Thai people haven't made a choice when they clearly have......and it's just different to yours. Personally I use my own judgement and consideration to others when I choose to wear or not to wear. If the populace feels more comfortable wearing them then I will do the same when I am around or amongst them. Once they don't feel the need I'll happily remove mine too. And FWIW I think wearing a mask on a bike is pointless but maybe it helps not to get bugs in your mouth, I have no idea as I don't ride a motorbike. Maybe it is easier to keep it on rather than try to put it on and take it off every time you make a delivery or go in a shop - I have no idea, but why should it bother me? (And really not sure why you are asking me about motorbikes).
  4. The people have made their decision based on free will. Just because it doesn't agree with yours it doesn't mean they haven't made it. They have clearly decided, in the majority, to continue with masks for now. No-one is holding a gun to their head. Why can't anti maskers just accept some people disagree with them?
  5. Some people really need someone from the government to fly to them, pack their little suitcase for them and hold their hand all the way back. Real life just seems too difficult for some people.
  6. What a ridiculous comparison. Another ridiculous attempt - if the law said you cannot wear a mask then valid point. But an absence of a law isn't the same thing. There is no law to say masks are not required - there is just no law / mandate to say they are. Really, you must try harder. Anyway, you carry on, it's good to have warriors around - you guys are amusing.
  7. I went out and about this afternoon in the Thonglor area. Without exception every single Thai I saw was wearing a mask. I only saw three people who weren't and they were all farangs. Honestly when all the locals are not comfortable removing their mask then you should show consideration in their company. The three people I saw came across as very selfish. You are in Asia, not the good old US of A. Show some cultural consideration, you can take your mask off as soon as you are in your car / at home, when you are around others who are wearing masks please just do the same, it won't kill you. Eventually they will be dropped by the populace when they feel it is right.
  8. Yep, 30 days was all that was needed. I bought 30 days and used the same policy for two trips three weeks apart - meaning on my second TP application my insurance only had about ten days left to run. I actually expected it to be rejected but it got approved.
  9. Sorry to rub salt in, but you only needed 30 days. 650 baht. And of course you can't now cancel it and get a refund. You would have been able to cancel it before you used it to enter Thailand but not after (at least any insurance companies that I know of). Imagine everyone would be buying insurance to get TP then cancelling it a day after they arrive in Thailand and getting a refund - insurance companies are not stupid.
  10. Well done for persevering. Could you maybe post a couple of your pics? Would love to see.
  11. Wait, you're not suggesting that good DoctorTony was making it up are you? That would be unbelievable! He saw it with his own eyes, he said so!!
  12. To me it's simple - if the majority of people around me are wearing a mask then I will do the same out of consideration. If Thais stop wearing them I won't wear mine. Go with the flow, respect those around you. Not a bad mantra to live by, and you'll find your life much less aggravating. Ay my work maybe 70% of the Thais wear masks in the office. If I have to get close to one to talk I will either put a mask on or keep a suitable distance away so as not to put them in a position of discomfort as they would be too shy to ask me to put my mask on directly. Read the room. Why is it so hard for the warriors on here to do the same, and what is wrong with being respectful to those around you?
  13. Ok, so that's the type of person you are - you give us all a bad name. Probably the same type of person who brags on here about leaving their full shopping behind on the counter after being wrung up when they won't give you a free plastic bag, I recently spent some time in the UK and enjoyed not wearing a mask although it felt weird for the first day or so. Also just came back from Singapore where there is no mandate but most people wear them most of the time so I did the same. I guess I would rather be considerate to those around me and respect their culture and sensitivities rather than act like an entitled idiot. Weird notion, huh.
  14. If this is true it is actually a step backwards. Dropping TP was a great decision but if it is now up to IOs to check vaccination status that is going to make things much slower. If they still need proof of vaccination better to do it online before you fly - TP in its last iteration took three minutes to apply, QR received within 30 minutes. The QR check at the airport was done at each concourse and was fast - 30 seconds per person maximum. If that is removed and people are checking individual vaccination certificates on arrival instead that is going to make it worse. Many countries still require online vaccination proof before you fly - Singapore for example, and that is fine by me, it is not difficult. Either remove TP and all requirements so it was like pre-Covid, or keep the vaccination requirement but have it done online before you fly. I don't want someone in front of me at immigration who didn't bring their certificate, has something wrong, or the vaccination was done in a country or in a way that Thailand doesn't recognise. Just keep TP without the insurance requirement if that is the case. Not sure if this article is correct because if it is it doesn't make sense as they are making entry slower / more cumbersome.
  15. Yeah it is a total money grab!!! Free entry, no insurance required, they are asking you to spend absolutely nothing to enter the country. What a money grab!!! You don't need to be vaccinated to enter either. Seriously I don't understand the logic of many people on here....
  16. That's because those tickets she is displaying are for the training session on the 11th July. The main "match" is on the 12th. I agree that that the price for the main match is absolutely disgusting and won't be much more than a leisurely kick-a-bout. I am a football fan but no way would I pay that even if it was my team.
  17. Okey dokey, thanks for your insight. So when this satellite was clearly built by Thais (under instruction and supervision of SSTL) with a view to them being able to develop their own technology and infrastructure in future, saying the Thais did nothing except clean up and serve drinks is not racist, belittling or insulting, and I am an apologist for calling you out for it. Righty ho, I see. Well done for the random cannabis comment, brilliant. Anyway, on with your day - there are more news articles that haven't got any Thai bashing in them yet, hurry!
  18. The Thaicom satellites were simply purchased from the Hughes Space and Communication Company in the US, and they are pretty much standard Boeing satellites and were not built by Thais in any way, shape or form. There was the Thai-Paht satellite though so not sure sure why that doesn't count. https://space.skyrocket.de/doc_sdat/tmsat-1.htm
  19. Wow, you really are a bitter, miserable man searching for any evidence that there were foreigners involved. I can detect the glee in your fingers as you typed your borderline racist comments that the Thais can only sweep up and keep the place clean (the implication being Thais are too stupid to do the clever work that white people do). Pretty disgusting, as are all the other predictable and boring comments in this thread about driving, som tam etc (waiting for one about rockets and brake failure) What do you get out of it? A feeling of smug superiority no doubt even though I am pretty sure you have never done anything even remotely close to as advanced as these people. So you really think this was built by the white men and the Thais just made coffee? In the article you posted they even say it was built by GITSDA (Thai agency) under supervision of the SSTL as part of a training program "to enable Thai engineers to design, manufacture, integrate, and test similar satellites in Thailand in the future" and to develop an in-country space industry supply chain. No one is claiming the Thais invented the technology - this is a knowledge transfer program by SSTL which is the same type of program they have delivered to customers around the world including Japan, Korea, The US, China, Singapore, and many others. https://www.sstl.co.uk/what-we-do/customer-training The training program teaches the engineers to develop and build these types of satellites. So your big issue with the article is that it didn't include the line "under the supervision and instruction of white people" it seems. As you are keen to take credit for this on behalf of your race why not tell us what similar contributions you have made to the development of technology - I am all ears. These Thai engineers are developing an industry here and should be given credit. I just find it very sad that anyone would read this article and then go Googling to find out whether white people were involved, then come back and post racist drivel about the Thais only being there to clean up and serve drinks. It is belittling, insulting, and pathetic.
  20. And you are one of those people who is so fanatical that you equate disliking Tony with liking Prayut. How and why do you draw that conclusion when I never mentioned Prayut? It's a very childish argument to make. I am no fan of his either by the way. I merely stated that Tony is one of the most self-serving despicable "leaders" that this country has ever had, and when he spouts lies to promote himself or stir the pot - as he is doing here - then his nonsense should not be given mainstream media space. Ignore him, don't give him a platform to lie, and he remains irrelevant. Should he have something valid to say that truly has the people at heart then go for it. But equating marijuana (non addictive) to heroin is a ridiculous stretch, saying he saw a man jump off a building because he smoked a spliff is beyond belief. But his fanboys will support him no matter what. I am sure you supported his blatant corruption, his moral failings, his murderous "war on drugs".......or maybe your blinkers help you overlook it because he won elections. Up to you, but don't tell me I am an "unenlightened coup supporting neophyte" when I have never discussed the coup or anything to do with it.
  21. Yawn. Another TVF myth. Any evidence that this still happens? 20 years ago, maybe, but not for the last 10-15 at least. Link? (Let me guess, you'll reply "do your own research" as usual)
  22. The most despicable self serving t**t that has ever held power in Thailand - and that is saying a lot. It's equal to opium? No it isn't!! Saw someone overdose and want to jump off a building who'd smoked a spliff? Must be a world's first. But he witnessed it with his own eyes so must be true. How many did he kill for marijuana during his war on drugs? Asean Now should be absolutely condemned for publishing this nonsense and giving this convicted criminal media exposure. Shame on them. If anyone is too dumb to see what his agenda is then shame on them too. And....Tony Woodsome????
  23. If it is too expensive for you then don't bother. Why post if you can't afford it? It is an extremely new market with legalisation announced very suddenly and very recently. You do understand supply and demand? And it is 100% NOT a buyer's market!! There is not enough supply. Don't you understand this? You obviously do not. The OP already explained this and said when the supply chain stabilises then prices will come down. If you can't afford 600-700 then wait until it comes down to 300-400 and stop moaning. This site is the absolute worst place to advertise anything for sale, Too many complainers who can't afford it anyway or have no intention of buying, just want a moan. I tried to sell a car on here once and just had people saying the price was crazy and doesn't compare to America even though they have no idea about Thai import duties and couldn't afford the car anyway,. People live to moan here. So sad. Kudos to PrikPot for actually replying to so many people. I wouldn't bother, and seems they are doing pretty well without you.
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