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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. I am not blaming the embassy. And I wonder where you got that idea from. Perhaps it supports your narrative. And I did not bribe an IO. I wonder whee you got that from. Perhaps it supports your narrative. I simply went to see an Agent, paid him for his services, and all added requirements were gone, and I easily obtained my extension of stay...
  2. Right, but in my reality, I could not satisfy the immigration officer, since my embassy in Bangkok did not possess the information needed as requested. So no way to get a permission to stay stamp. And in my reality, the Immigration Officer was satisfied with whatever the Agent was able to provide..
  3. Oh, I was thinking that your post was rubbish also based on your own opinion, but I feel now too polite to express it...
  4. Oh yes, there is the official documentation, and then there is the reality. For example, this here: "Evidence of income such as a retirement pension, interest or dividends; and/or". What does it mean? Evidence. An immigration officer might (or will) say, "Oh you did not bring a certification from your embassy (If your own embassy even does that) that you have a pension income that qualifies." Or as I have seen told to a tourist ahead of me: "Oh, the undated forms that I gave you last week are outdated. Take these new (undated) ones. Then you will start asking yourself when could this all end. Using an Agent, all forms new or old are good enough, and your proof of income without embassy certification is also fine, and what else....
  5. Yes, years ago. I remember the price was Ok. Great service. Remove the gasoline in the tank before bringing it or leaving it at the Post Station.
  6. Well, common sense dictates that food in Thailand is not expensive...
  7. Well I just doubt very much that these people here know anything about health, about dangers of fumes, about dangers of arc welding (no eye protection). I also see many car drivers here wearing masks. They believe that the fumes will get in the car, but not inside the mask. Hummm. Protecting their lungs from air pollution while smoking cigarettes all day, protecting their brain while driving without a helmet, just appears to me that whatever they are doing, does not come from 'thinking'. Looking for an example for the 'absence of free will', well, here it is....
  8. So teachers are teaching kids that violence is a good way to resolve a small problem. Small wonder that all the movies and soap operas in Thailand are violence based. I turn on the TV, and a movie is playing, and I now can tell if the movie was made in Thailand or elsewhere. I turn on the TV, and a movie is playing. When there is no violence, I ask my gf where this movie is from. And she will reply, oh, it is from China, or Oh, this is from Korea. Dubbed movies. A good actor or particularly actresses is someone who can scream at someone else, while raising their eyebrows up and down fast. Good actors here. Now teaching kids that violence is OK, kids get tho think that it is OK, and later on end up using violence to also solve small problems. From beating people, using knives and guns. When I once asked to some Thai people watching one of those violent movie mid-afternoon, if they really liked that kind of movie, the reply was: 'It is good'. And recently the TV was on when there was a scene of a grown man shouting down and hitting a child some 5 or 6 years old.. Now I make sure that the TV is turned on only on a channel other that Thai movies, or that news, which are even worse. Violence is pervasive here, and it starts certainly at home, and at school also so it appears...
  9. Oh, the police went to work. Good. I already feel safer now in Thailand...
  10. At best, this killing (sic) should deter others from thinking that they are safe at a Zebra crossings. Nothing will change in Thailand as a result of this....
  11. Then why is it that so many of the staff of Super Cheap Mini-marts close by have been there for many many years. Always the same people at the cash registers, and always the same guys stocking the more heavy goods. Certainly not motivated by the salary....
  12. Here is my experience on this subject. Starting with excerpts: Rheumatoid arthritis and gout are two different types of arthritis. They may have some symptoms in common, but they have different causes and require different treatment plans. Some 3 or 4 years ago, I started to have pains in my joints, including my right big toe. Doctor visit, given some medication. Took that for a few days. And then I thought of finding what was causing tat in me, what I was eating that caused that. So I thought about milk, then sugar. Sugar came out as a probable cause. So I went to all restaurants and asked if they had food with no sugar. It does not seem to exist, of if so, difficult to find in Thailand. All food is laced with refined sugar, or contains a bottled sauce from stores, that contains some 20% of refined sugar. I asked many restaurants if they had food with no sugar. Then i realized that nobody reads what is inside the bottled sauces that they buy. One lady told me that there was no sugar in her Pad Thai. So I asked what was in the red sauce in her pad Thai. She answered 'Ketchup'. No kidding. So I stopped eating Thai food, entirely. I do my own cooking. No refined sugar in my apartment, and no bottled sauce, except for Kikkoman sauce, Sesame sauce. All my pains disappeared quickly. And I found that sugars from fruit is no problem. " 7 Gout Symptoms You Might Be Ignoring Pain in your big toe. ... Pain in your knees, ankles, wrists, and/or elbows. .." " The top 10 foods and drinks that trigger gout are: Sugary drinks and sweets. ... High fructose corn syrup. ... Alcohol. ... Organ meats. ... Game meats. ... Certain seafood, including herring, scallops, mussels, codfish, tuna, trout and haddock. Red meats, including beef, lamb pork and bacon. Turkey." So obviously, since the list is quite extensive, certainly that any food in excess will cause problems. But notice the one on top of the list, Sugars. If one eats Thai food, it is impossible to not eat the bad sugar, refined sugar, in excess.
  13. Testing positive for an illegal drug, means that one takes mind altering illegal drugs. Testing positive for alcohol means that someone takes what is considered a legal drug, but does not mean that the individual gets drunk. But certainly not smart to focus on Marijuana, instead of Cocaine, coke, crack, heroin, crystal meth etc. Oh well, as mentioned, perhaps the intent is simply to get even....
  14. And quite strange that police does nothing about this, as this is the perfect type of law enforcement that they specialize in. Which is any action that is easy, not dangerous to them, does not require chasing vehicles, etc. Locking parked cars in old Phuket town. Locking motorbikes on the sidewalk in front of Robinson store, ganging up to feel safe on a main street collecting bahts when farangs do not wear a helmet. All these actions have in common that it is easy to do, and that they do nothing to add security on the roads. So yes, TIT means that if one came here to observe the beauty of Buddhism at work, one will be in for one heck of a surprise...
  15. Do not like selfishness, well, you are definitely in the wrong country....
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