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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. A Thai lady selling clothes at the market was absent for 3 market days last week. She then told me that her brother had been killed, got bumped on his motorbike by a car. She said the car was at fault, and that his brother's family would receive 500,000 Bahts. She was tired, she was sad, and it is well known why this carnage is allowed to continue...
  2. The way I look at his, is that there are many situations where tips look greatly appreciated, and very few where there are no visible sign of appreciation. And the appreciation seen in voice tones and body language gives me a warm feeling, that outweigh by a lot the fewer cases of ingratitude. So I walk with a smile.....
  3. Appears to me that this electricity bill is quite low already, at least very reasonable when comparing to other users. So from a starting point of 1,500 bahts, you are looking at savings certainly not significant. As a point of comparison, when I had my old air conditioner replaced in my small apartment with a standard Eminent unit, same BTU consumption, my bill went down by some 1,200 bahts. My air cond. runs all night at 24 degrees for the bedroom only. But I have worries also, like thinking about leaving behind too much money that others will enjoy spending... ????????
  4. So a three hour course to modify his 57 years of immersion in this culture. Good luck with that...????
  5. What a waste. It is called 'goods', but they prevent the ultra rich from getting richer. So let's destroy them.
  6. Well you got that right. People certainly do not give a hoot about what others do to their bodies, as it harms only themselves...
  7. Yes of course, it is their choice. But keep in mind that choices, can also be either 'good', or 'bad' choices. So the concept here, is to as much as possible, make good choices.... Tattoo's, hummmm
  8. What is wrong with that??? Do you want the whole list or just the top 10?
  9. Neil deGrasse Tyson has weighed in one of the most enduring conspiracy theories of the past century: were the Apollo Moon missions faked? Speaking in a segment for the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the astrophysicist was understandably confident that the Moon landings did, in fact, happen. While there’s plenty of evidence to back this up, deGrasse Tyson points out that it would also be unbelievably difficult to fake such events. In fact, it’s arguably easier to pull off the actual feat than the hoax. Oh well, speaking from authority. Does it make it more believable.... Might not be enough to change the mind of many people who believe the contrary. Well, some people still believe that the earth is flat, with all the evidence pointing to the contrary of course....
  10. Are basic emotions cross cultural? Conclusion. In this study we show that a number of emotions are cross-culturally recognized from vocal signals, which are perceived as communicating specific affective states. The emotions found to be recognized from vocal signals correspond to those universally inferred from facial expressions of emotions (11).
  11. Oh, and all the time I thought that Thai people were taught only to 'Wai' at each other...
  12. Well, if we are to use a word to describe something and its contrary, this will definitely make it difficult to 'get it'. What emotions cause the behavior of smiling? The behavior of smiling is usually associated with positive emotions like happiness, excitement, appeasement, and gratitude. A smirk that means something else, like "mot wanting to be here", is simply not a smile. Described in this post as a "fake smile". Because it is difficult to make a facial expression 'lie', And people can see the conflict between the true emotion and what is shown in a facial expression, trying to hide this true emotion. So the word 'smile', is used, but adding the word 'fake' to it, to distinguish between what facial expression they see, and what emotion they perceive.
  13. I like it here. But I see lots of fakes smiles. Particularly those that are expressed for half a second while looking at you, then the face quickly reverts to a blank look. A real smile, starts slowly, remains constant for a while, and fades away slowly. And I am so happy when I see one, that it is impossible for me not to smile back, as it is the case for many people I am sure, as it is the contagious one...
  14. There is no justification whatsoever to consider as normal people endangering other people wanting to cross a road. Endangering men, women, elders, students, people who might be part of one's family. If one would abstain from endangering his own children or family, this is done by ignoring the fact that these people being endangered are children of someone else, or part of the family of someone else. How far can egotistic behaviors go....
  15. The only way, would be to install railway crossing gates on each side of zebra crossings. Maybe this might work. Maybe
  16. Same crowd and similar problem here in Phuket. All they can think of doing between 2 prayers....
  17. Well how about that. The police getting interested in something that might be dangerous on the roads...
  18. Well not exactly about which culture is calmer, which get angry faster, which calms down faster. It is about a culture that creates people who can kill others over something very benign in nature. Perhaps starting with getting rid of 'Wais' , particularly for children, as it may very well prevent them from expressing feelings, so preventing them from learning on how to deal with feelings in their youth. Combined with getting rid of the 'Kha' and 'Khap', which also hide any other feeling from being expressed. But changing a culture, one hell of a task....
  19. People are generally afraid of dying in an unfamiliar way. Appears then that people here are becoming as familiar to Covid danger and death as their familiarity to deaths on the roads.
  20. Lucky old you in Thailand with a young wife. Lucky young wife with a wealthy old man in Thailand.
  21. All I saw in your original post is 'aggression'. And now a sophism is added. Aggressors are all children hehehe. Might very well be that a professional spear fisher might not know and be able to quickly recognize all the fish in all oceans or any body of water. And you would be a professional at identifying what all other professionals should know. Lots of work in there, particularly in Thailand.... Starting with lots of professional drivers here...
  22. Appears to me that the title should be: "condo owner being ordered by court to pay a fine of 500 bahts per day for keeping a pet in the unit in violation of the regulations". And the total fine added up to 141,000 bahts through time, due to the refusal of the condo owner to abide by the rules. So the fine appears more reasonable now, since the unreasonable fine of 141,000 bahts is not due to having a pet, but to the unreasonableness of the condo owner.
  23. For someone who claim to not like Leo beer at all, you seem to know so much about it. American beers, Canadian beers, some beers like Heineken taste like some ingredients were forgotten in the making. Just feels like liquid to me. Luckily some micro breweries took over and offer a product similar to beer with a taste, like Chang, Leo and Singha. I remember Amstel as a good beer, and some German beers as well. Glad you found something to your liking... Anything else you like?
  24. And you see a blame towards the embassy in there. It is a simple fact. Most people on this site can distinguish a blame from a fact. As it is said, the exception confirms the rule.
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