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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Yes agree. The fetus should have rights and liberties over its life and body.
  2. Oh wow. But that is what the government is doing, that is what the Judicial is doing, thinking, discussing, proposing actions, and then getting its nose in the life of everyone else... And typically everyone else is able to have an opinion on such actions, which influences his views of the governance.
  3. I always say that the day one dies is the most expensive day of your life. Typically. If one has $10,000, then the smart thing to do is to spend it all before d-day. Failure to do that, your death will cost you $10,000. But if you spend it all, your death will be free. And you might die with a smile. ????
  4. if we do not read the Western news it's better............ Then you might still consider going on holidays to places that were once safe destinations. Mexico (Cancun - Acapulco for example). Do not consider going there any more. Jamaica (Oh yes, been dangerous for decades already). Venezuela. Haiti, used to be a wonderful place to visit. Visitors were revered. Today, better to take a one way flight. Somalia ( friendly some 60 years ago ????) Colombia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, And more. These places used to be safe, and it is not getting better. But from what the Western news seem to indicate, I can still visit some Buddhist countries, and make it back home safely. ????
  5. Peripheral vision. No such thing here...
  6. The BIB will work at directing traffic lately(not again). Anything not dangerous to themselves. And the typical layman will get brave, 5 on 1, perhaps 4, but the bravest will even choose an elderly lady one on one, if not their GF. But this one here, drugs or not, has reached the lowest level attainable...
  7. Well not again. What you see as right wing propaganda, is a lot more like propagating facts to anyone who can still listen, i.e., for those who have not been fully brainwashed by left wing absurdities.
  8. Careful now. Some people might consider this kind of preaching of yours as a bit rude...
  9. Oh yes, many parents screw up their kids, many. James Redfield wrote a great book on this, titled, "The Celestine Prophecy". While this book is mainly about insights and spirituality, the psychology related to parents and children is astonishing. Particularly the 4 manipulative strategies that can be used adversely by parents in dealing with children, that will damage the psyche of every next generation. Children being subjected a parent who is: 1.- An Intimidator 2.- Interrogator/critical 3.- Distant and aloof 4.- Victim will have a devastating impact on how their children will respond to life experiences. And there is a polarity between 1 and 4, and 2 and 3. For example, a child having been criticized by one parent, will have an everlasting strategy to become distant and aloof when being criticized in adult life. And I have known people who were not subjected to such manipulations by their parents, and wow, were they ever nice to be around with... In this instance here, we are presented a case (sic) where the father is an 'Intimidator.' The strategy of an intimidator is to crush another individual until this individual accepts to respond as a victim. And difficult to know in advance if a chosen partner will show any of these manipulative strategies towards eventual children. But then I told my son that he should ask a partner to describe how the parents were. And then, the main problem is, as it is being expressed, 'Love is blind'. So the expression 'good luck' exists for such situations...
  10. The small boat -- carrying students ages 12-15 back from an English class. Quite sad. At that age, my parents would take us to the cottage of my grandfather. With a few cousins, we used to be able cross the lake and back. (Parents did not know about that ????) And I taught my son how to swim, supervised. And here in this instance, they are trying to determine responsibilities for this tragedy, but only as far as the eye can see....
  11. If that is the correct definition of Thainess, then it is used in a sarcastic way here.... For known reasons...
  12. A law that is not enforced is the same as no law at all. (Ok ok, at least in Thailand) So these laws are only good to justify the salary of bureaucrats writing these texts. Serves no useful purpose...
  13. A law that is not enforced is the same as no law at all. (Ok ok, at least in Thailand) So these laws are only good to justify the salary of bureaucrats writing these texts.
  14. Why must you make it out someone said that Thailand is the only place in the world with bad people? But in fact, if contests were held about which countries rank high in dangers related to bad events, bad people, bad personalities, bad parenting, road fatalities, lack of responsibility, lack of maturity, well, it is just that Thailand would win many prizes. See, no Thai bashing here, just celebrating success.
  15. Stay away from refined sugar, not just cutting down. This means no more Thai food, as all Thai food contains some 20% added refined sugar, granular, or from added commercial sauces. Stay away from it...
  16. How about some signs nearby indicating that signage work is being done. Of course this is asking a lot in the 'Mai bpen rai' country...
  17. Hummmm. In which way is it better to say that someone beat you at a comment on a subject, rather than simply say that you 'agree' with such a comment,,, ????
  18. Oh, so finally, a confirmation that the saying "I am with the government, and I am here to help you" was also true...
  19. Culture. It takes some 2 generations for someone to forget his culture, after having left a country where this culture was learned, implanted, without even knowing that what he thinks and how he thinks does not come from his own will, as free will does not exist. Someone's culture can never change while remaining within the culture governing this person's place of birth. Let's not expect things to get better here.....
  20. Agree with all the points that you are raising about delivery, convenience etc. While it is convenient to order out, getting food delivered at the door, people are getting older, getting some new ailments, wondering where would these new problems be coming from. A friend of mine, about same age, started to have to deal with minor problems such as gout, and bouts of arthritis. So we started researching what could be causing this, except because of getting older. Hehe Turns out that some indicators turned out as possible culprits. 1.- Sugar in the food 2.- Combination of protein, carbohydrates, vegs. 3.- Quality of cooking oils 4.- Alcohol Just listing here those items that seemed more likely as triggers. So I started to look at how food was prepared and cooked here. And I told my friend, "They are not cooking, they are merely heating up, boiling, frying some food, and adding some sauce bought in stores here." And just about all these sauces contain some 20% of added refined sugar. I think fish sauce does not contain sugar, so there is one hehe. Refined sugar is a known poison. And any cooking and frying is done with the cheapest of cooking available, just to make sure that they can sell this food at a lower price.. What is the least toxic cooking oil? The safest oils include avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, ghee or butter. And no one will find any of these oils in a Thai kitchen or restaurant. And as much as I tried, I could not find a restaurant that prepared its own sauce, with no sugar, as much as I tried. And I always say, the cook is the one who makes the sauce. So the cook in Thailand is more like Tesco Lotus, And Super Cheap mini mart. So we ended up avoiding all restaurant food, all. And the result on our health was a confirmation that we were on the right track. Of course, the human body is quite a resilient organism. The problem is that aging will reach everyone here... Getting less resilient as it is. And delivery services here, having a beer (which I like, Oh well), having a cigarette, (not a fan) certainly causes people to be less active, not even wanting to take a walk to a restaurant, let alone even walking to the motorbike to go get some food. I make my own sauce at home, only Sesame sauce, no bottled sauce laced with refined sugar in my refrigerator. So yes, we went from thinking that we were eating healthy food here when we first started visiting here some 20 years ago. Our respective girlfriends went along fine, just learned how to be a cook (make a sauce). Avocado oil, Extra virgin olive oils, coconut oils, coriander, basil, garlic, ginger, white pepper and some salt, sometimes kikkoman sauce. That's it. Refined sugar, white and brown, is delivered at the Super Cheap store close to my apartment here. They ate delivered on 3 crates of about 200 kilos each, at least. One store only, and it is depleted in a bit more than a week. All this refined sugar (slow acting poison) is bought by nearby restaurants, and end up being delivered to your door by Grab, Lineman, Panda etc... My friend walks on the beach, meeting foreigners doing the same. I walk on my street, some 1,5 km and come back. I never meet anybody walking, never. Nobody walks here, Nobody. Sedentary like as it is. And now the emergence of food delivery services on top of that. Eating food delivered at one,s home, with no idea what was put in there, and how it was cooked. How many more years before we see a surge in diabetes, cancer.... Ok enough of that. Gotta go now.
  21. As I thought that this service was meant exclusively for Thai people. Do not ask me why ????
  22. And this response of yours demonstrates that you are quite a suave individual.... In addition to perhaps being a tad bit more clever than I might be... Regards
  23. Claiming the opposite of your true feeling will get you nowhere...
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