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Everything posted by Andre0720

  1. Well yes there is a lot more. But let's stick to the subject here for now.
  2. But he just had his say in this matter.... Let's just hope that the next step will not be: "My neighborhood, my choice. Or , my country my choice". Or some sophism of the like of what we see in the picture: "My body, my choice". Well, not only women are able to formulate sophisms... Just reflecting on the idea of being able to kill a defenseless person , because it has to do what one's body. I will be careful not to step on (her) toes.
  3. Nah, Russian defectors. Just collecting to provide help to Ukraine.
  4. Well. I see it as a Thai problem, of a larger magnitude than in other countries. They might just care more about themselves, including about their own children. Becoming a soldier, and die, lots of responsibility in there. And conscription, which is mandatory.. Becoming homeless, more than often people who have mental issues, beyond help. Kids drop out of school. Anyone having has children know very well the difficulty of controlling the actions of a teen. Kids getting pregnant. Parents not caring, here, may explain a lot of that... Kids smoking or drinking. Again, difficult to control kids, who go to special marts who will sell cigarettes and liquor to teens. In Thailand, more than other countries, more than in my country, smoking particularly is now a 'rite of passage', at an age when anyone who was born, was quite ignorant.... Then they are stuck with the nasty filthy habit that will reduce their life by some 10 years.
  5. While arresting a fake cop gang would be considered police work, even if it might be just protecting their source of income, everything else is just actions taken to help other citizen. Actions that many non-police individuals do certainly regularly on a daily basis, without being recognized for those actions. Police here specialize in actions that are non life threatening for themselves, while citizens are dying because of inaction where there might be a danger to them. So what is it that they are celebrating after all??
  6. Oh cool. And while they are at it, they could certainly include in their grievance all the motorbikes parked on sidewalks, forcing able bodied people onto dangerous roads.... Thanks in advance...
  7. And that a woman admitting to having been raped, would be jailed for having had sex outside of marriage. Middle ages.... or worse...
  8. Where is the Shariah law when you need it???
  9. A-ha, offering 100 bahts how generous of you. I did not know Thai people could achieve such a level of generosity. Just as I thought only foreigners participated in this forum. But do not worry, foreigners can get a bit nasty too, like reminding people like you that :"Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others.The same applies when you are stupid.' But it is about as far as it can get, unlike Thai people like you who bring a knife and a gun before driving, just in case there are 'misunderstandings', as you well know. If you go to a foreign country, you might be shocked to see that there is a happy medium between a nanny-state, and lawlessness... Try it....
  10. I thought that this was a serious post, Until I read this part: "Social media netizens were concerned about the dangerous behavior and wanted law enforcement to take further action. " Social media netizen would be too busy dealing with Thais speeding, crossing lanes, overcoming at high speed, destroying the ear drums of other rides with their modified motorbikes, driving the wrong way, driving recklessly bringing back kids from school, no helmet of his own or for the kids, parking anywhere, stopping anywhere ans blocking a full lane just to go buy cigarettes, so, no more time left for sure. Just a bad joke after all this post...
  11. You got to give it to them, they are very resourceful. Providing prods and poles to locals so they can go and enjoy their coffee and cigarette at Amazon....
  12. "the ignorance aspects simply need proper education." This implies that all the motorcyclists parked on sidewalks in Phuket town are ignorant of the fact that a sidewalk is made for pedestrians to walk... When I got my driver's license, I had to go through listening to a video, in which a adult Thai man was explaining all about sidewalks, with the video showing people walking on it. 'No kidding'. This 'education' cannot be understood by Thai people who 'need' a good parking spot. This behavior got better, a lot better, after police started locking motorbikes parked on sidewalks, and providing a ticket, to be paid before recuperating their motorbikes. This is the type of jobs that appeal to police over here, no need to run after people, just a very safe activity for them. Now if one is to affirm that police doing their job (sic) is a basic education here, then I would agree to that. " What is the nature of education? "Education is a systematic process through which a child or an adult acquires knowledge, experience, skill and sound attitude. It makes an individual civilized, refined, cultured and educated. For a civilized and socialized society, education is the only means. Its goal is to make an individual perfect." So yes, they possess the knowledge, the experience, the skill on the roads, but then how can anyone develop "sound attitude" growing up in this culture?
  13. Just practicing... Will be perfect soon....
  14. Well, I have not missed anything. This fellow did not think that he was doing something 'wrong'. It seemed to him that there was enough time. But this time was spent by IO asking for additional docs every time he showed up at the IO. So he HAD to go to an Agent. pay more. And then the real question is, why was it possible at a distant Immigration Office, and not at his local one? How can someone plan when hurdles come popping up...
  15. Oh come on now... This fellow was finally able to come back here to his wife, after waiting for an opportunity, and a flight... How about Io trying a bit more compassion and understanding for a change.....
  16. I would think that the problem is related to the heat and humidity in Thailand. I never had a problem with my lenses at home, but then in Thailand, the lenses will start showing deterioration of the coating after 1.5 to 2 years of being in this weather here. farangs are used to ask for the works when ordering lenses, including the more sensitive coatings. Optics shop here may know very little about this. If coated lenses are put in high heat, such as steam, the coating will crack up right away, as if it would shrink and wrinkle. Now that has nothing to do with cleaners and cloth used. I always use water, a soft cleaner, and my fingers to clean my lenses, and I dry them by blowing the water off. No tissue, no cloth. But heat here will will destroy the coating. Even TV screens and computer monitors will deteriorate here more quickly than at home. More years of use, but the heat will get to screens also. Check the motorbike plastic covers for the odometers in Thailand, after so many years... The heat, the humidity...
  17. A foreigner friend here needed a retirement visa after returning from abroad. He tried to do that by himself, then realized that he was out of time, dealing with IO asking for this and that. He went to see an Agent, the same I use, and appears that since he had only a few days remaining on his stamp, the use of the local immigration office was not possible. Meaning that he would have to do 9 day reporting at a different Immigration Office. Seems like in this instance, using the Agent for this service is preferable, if not a must. The Agent might ask a fee for these additional services...
  18. Well, what I meant is that if an article is not available through COD, I simply do not order it. I try to find an alternative, be it doing without the article...
  19. Well, for me, I always always always order if COD is available
  20. Could be one hell of a hefty price for a small case of 'misunderstanding', as a Thai would call it... Or this might be one scam that can become a reference for female scam artists in this country. Could very well have gone behind a good looking girl, and grabbed her waist from behind. Only this Indian fellow know which of the above possibilities is the right one. Meanwhile, men, after midnight, stay home...
  21. If someone has a reason to hide his or her identity, any tattoo will achieve that. All I see is the tattoo, wondering why this ink color was chosen, why this pattern was chosen, why this part of the body was chosen, to a point where the individual having those graphics, is simply erased by all the rough graphics. Mainly because those ink graphics can mean something to the individual only. And strangely, the individual scarred by all this ink, is trying to show the tattoes to others, to whom they mean absolutely nothing. So, long sleeve shirts please. Skin, after all, is such a beautiful organ, coming in different color and level of softness...
  22. Well I stand corrected. Your answer through the emoticon, quite clever actually. Regards
  23. Quite strange that you got a name like that.... Lots of irony in your family?
  24. Until such time as words, adjectives, and behaviors are defined properly, we have no idea of what really happened, and so no real reason to use the word 'victim', when referring to this event. The claim is : "a foreign tourist inappropriately touched her", and "a foreign man secretly snuck up behind her and touched her without her consent. ". What in this world does that mean? She was touched, oh darn. Inappropriate way, now, what in her mind does a touch become "inappropriate"? I remember starting a chat with a girl while shopping. I ended up invited her to go have dinner in the evening. All seemed positive, until, when I had to go on my way, I touched her on the side of her hip, candidly, I do not know why, just to establish a contact perhaps. Well, she got really offended, started telling me that this is not to be done in this country, or something to that effect. And she hinted at a possible complain. I remember getting uneasy, and was very glad to be able to just walk away from this entitled lady, entitled perhaps to the sanctity of her own body. Lesson learned....
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