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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Whatever the other ins and outs of this whole scenario are I am fairly certain that anyone working on an ED visa, even as an unpaid volunteer, is exposing themself to serious grief which may or may not materialize. Not advisable IMHO. Especially if the group has already been rejected by immigration.
  2. This not only a problem in Thailand. Statistically one woman every three days is murdered by a partner/ex or other family member in the UK.
  3. This is not just a Thai problem. The prevalence of weapon type i.e. guns may be but killing for 'love', as femicide is euphemised, is prevalent around the world. As Margaret Atwood said: Men fear that women will laugh at them. Women fear that men will kill them. It's quite clear he was out to get her and took the two out who were protecting her.
  4. It's ludicrous. And the consequences of treating it like a misdemeanor are apparent yet again.
  5. Stop describing these acts as 'love'. It makes the perp sound like a victim. It has nothing to do with love. Any more than 'honor' killings have anything to do with honor.
  6. Maybe have something to do with your beer buddies?
  7. Motocys go the wrong way even on two ways 555
  8. Surely teens should be warned about unprotected sex, not safe sex.
  9. Wow! That is some trough! I hope Berlin's keeping close tabs on where it all goes to. Although to be fair it probably will be monitored - Thai corruption is legendary throughout German society and government.
  10. ... and even if you have a valid visa. That has happened before although hardly ever. So far.
  11. The 180/6 month visa exempt is straight off the official Thai Embassy website in Germany. It's probably bad website housekeeping. Or minions too scared to remove what has not yet been officially revoked. I have never heard of it being implemented before it was speedily ditched. Par for the course.
  12. Eisfeld I can confirm your research. It's on the Berlin site as well, also updated end of October. So I initially also thought they'd reimplemented it. However I'm inclined to think Dr.Jack is right. I can recall they announced this a few years ago, maybe ten, only to ditch it fairly quickly. Since there's been no official statement about it being resurrected I suspect it's just bad website housekeeping, or, because no official cancelling of the measure, it's left there by website maintenance who don't feel able to remove it. I've never heard of anyone refused entry with this 180 in 6 month issue, and I follow this forum almost daily for some 15 years.
  13. He might have been simply some dude who decided risking picking up a pal at the airport. There is no reference to him trying to depart. It says ''arrested at the airport''. Could've been in a coffee bar.
  14. Sod the gold. I'd much prefer a Paralympic sports model. Never worn gold anyway.
  15. Doesn't need to end things right now, but since there's obviously a process of deterioration underway, it would pay to have things in place when it gets to that stage. (It's an option I've considered as time goes on and I probably will get things into place before too much longer. I saw what happened to someone who didn't time the jumping off point right. It resulted in years of trouble and worry and at times misery for his family.) Sorry to hear about this guy's unfortunate position. But it sounds like he's still got a chance to continue having a good run for his money before things get too dire.
  16. That is the issue. You can't expect anyone to get involved directly, but it takes no effort or money to call the cops before you do anything - like even walking away. It might just save an innocent person's life.
  17. That picture wouldn't look out of place in a modern photographic art exhibition.
  18. Nothing good ever happens after midnight. On Pattaya Beach Road the deadline is 10pm. And they want to open the bars till 04am. Colorful carnage awaits. For only minimal revenue increase.
  19. I've never had a serious problem in 20 odd years of Thailand extended visits. There has been the odd occasion right at the start where I had to reach for the Disento. Remember that? In the yellow packs? They stopped making it a couple of years ago unfortunately. It was instant cure.
  20. He could turn failure into success by claiming it was a war wound from when he was a secret agent. If the thing still works that is.🤣
  21. Another day. Another parade. Another court report. It seems to give them a feelgood sense of doing something about serious problems without actually doing something. I'd far rather they spent all these parade times sat at their desks researching or out doing the footwork of investigating and then parading the actual 'influential figures'. But I suspect some of those are on parade here. Nothing but smoke and mirrors.
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