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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. I really wasn't sure - the RIP made it look so serious ;D Well camouflaged ...
  2. Surely that wasn't a deliberate pun?
  3. You poor thing. Take a rest. All this bile can't be doing you any good.
  4. That's because it's been underfunded for over a decade, not because there's anything wrong with the principle of universal health care in which all chip in. Socialism indeed. Twaddle! Where I live its universal and working even if it's under strain. I am getting. excellent service, and pay a monthly subscription dependent on my income. Anyway, any 'socialism' is better than letting young women bleed to death in the car parks of world class hospitals like they do in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'. Such a shame you all shame such a great anthem with your selfishness and hatred. Speaking of which I see your pressy in waiting has announced his intention of destroying the only functioning bit there is in the US.
  5. I used to risk it occasionally but now I send Bolt riders away if they haven't got a helmet for me. I always stipulate 'need a helmet'. So far they've always accepted that. Just won't do it now. Even the soi taxi riders usually have a spare helmet.
  6. ... oh dear ... as opposed to a peaceful fight?
  7. Thanks for the quick answer. It now seems I can access the topic about Med Rules for Thailand which you yourself posted - it came in the last Newsletter but one, under hot topics I used a Reply window to reach support (as I recall it asked me to do). Anyway that seems solved. There is a prompt in the 'Med Rules' topic at the top which says 'Important Newsletter Information', and following that it urged me to register again. That seems rather pointless since I'm still getting the Newsletters. However for some reason all my past notifications still appear to have been deleted - is that normal? I don't think so. Never noticed it happen before. Many thanks for your attention Best regards BusyB
  8. Dear supporters, I already em@iled you about being refused access to the Medication Rules topic. And also about an apparent need to reregister(?). Now I find that all of my notifications have disappeared (other members' emoji responses to my posts that is). What's up? Best regards BusyB
  9. That picture's the first time I've ever seen a Thai female immigration officer smile.
  10. My thought exactly ... I was wondering if anyone else noticed ... what weirdo thought that one up.
  11. I would say it's an essential requirement though not a legal one. The arguments FOR are scattered all through the AN forums in the form of multiply mutated unfortunates who have to resort to gofundme because they didn't think it was needed. Until it was.
  12. Like every other empire in history which thought it was too big to fail. When you get governments with this level of degeneracy and anti-enlightenment dogma you know it's already over. These people are symptoms, not the causes. Symptoms of a time in history. Rinsed and repeated time and time again across the arc of history since Babylon, Rome, Berlin, the UK, Moscow. History the US leviathan even arrogantly said had ended with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the 'victory' of the 'West' under US leadership. Wrong. Terribly wrong. The fall of the Iron Curtain rebooted the world in ways which are still unfolding and will be for at least another 50 years. The social, political and economic reverberations are thundering back and forth across the world like the Asian Tsunami. And totally unaware of what's really happening, too terrified to look, too ignorant of genuine history beyond the Civil War, the US electorate looks to these degenerates, felons and religious and ideological nationalist control freaks for salvation. Without expressing any kind of preference and without claiming to know what will go down I don't think this can go well as a matter of historic principle. It never has. Do you really think you're the first to go down this path? The only flickering light visible in the distance is that if not too much is destroyed people get the chance to reset and correct in 4 years. Historically that is the new element here. However, the degenerates have already declared they don't accept even the very principle of them losing. They have already set about dismantling the very structures designed to preserve that element of self-correction, whilst they fan the ignorant, fearful mob hatred of anything 'other'. Interesting times.
  13. There's a reason the word for it is 'ignore-ance'.
  14. No reason to delay a bunch of passengers as well. The train can be cleaned at the terminus and any odd body parts sent back down the line with the next one. Much more efficient and cheaper.
  15. Isn't this just the old GFE? I see no hint of official registration or whatever ... 'marriage'?
  16. Helmet's not even strapped up.
  17. Wonder what he's been living off all this time.
  18. You just kicked that horrible song off in my head ...
  19. Haters gonna hate. That's not all they hate. Find them all over the boards.
  20. Fair enough, but as a stepping stone for a few weeks to get set up decently again it'd be acceptable in my case. Either way, best o' luck to you. Pretty miserable situation to suddenly be in.
  21. Where I live (for tax purposes - I'm rather nomadic occasionally) I was able to WORK and draw a pension for a year and a half. Legally. Goddam EU marxist communism. It's $hi7, stay in the US or the UK. You'd hate it here. And don't get me started on how much holiday I got or the health issues that I didn't pay a penny for in the socialist hell of Germany. Late in life and retired after a lifetime of good universal healthcare the docs are giving me a clean bill of health and I'm just wondering what to do with the last third or so, roughly, of my available adult years. I can't rock climb or tackle obstacles the way I once could. My shoulder is threatening me with some violence in a not too distant future. I have to be careful with my back and couldn't punch my way out of a wet paper bag these days. However I still do hefty gym work and cardio, swim, am active, travel and enjoy life, have lots of fun. But the body is definitely dying and the aches and pains I wake up with sometimes were never there as a young man. The wrinkles set to come are already hinting at the maps they'll draw on my face and the loose skin that will develop on my arms is beginning to pucker. There's no escaping that. I find those thoughts comforting rather than trying to deny it though. Dying is, in the end, just another issue to deal with in life. I'm more worried about the how than the fact itself and I am quite prepared to put an end to me myself if things get really bad. I do hope though that I can get the remainder of the things done I want to do before I get that far. I've made it a priority not to die regretting things I haven't done. But who knows?
  22. 30k is painful rich or poor. But whether you get the deposit back or not is independent of their shenanigans. Maybe they're even playing you together? There are legal methods of reclaiming the deposit as long as you have the paperwork, and that doesn't depend on you living there any more. Or maybe just write it off. That way you only get angry once and don't have to pay lawyers. The way I've always seen it with rentals in Thailand (and I've had several long term leases) is that once I've paid the deposit it's no longer part of my current financial considerations. I don't hold it as some kind of 'collateral' or 'savings' against my future bank account. It's gone - paid. I paid 20k last year. I've actually never had a problem getting a deposit back yet. But although losing 20k would have saddened me and made me angry, it wouldn't actually have had an effect on anything else I was doing. I could have come up with a deposit again if I'd had to. Like they say: don't ever invest anything in Thailand you can't simply walk away from. That's real freedom here. Don't dance to their tune remains my take on this. Not worth the bother.
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