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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. The picture makes it look like his hands are somewhat tied.
  2. I don't wish to watch that video. But I do know from personal experience that laughing at even serious mishaps is a cultural response. In Isaan once I was on the slope of one of those fish ponds they keep, and slipped and fell. I managed to break my fall and avoid falling into the water, but the Thais around all laughed. I was quite shocked and for a moment had a flash of real anger - fortunately at exactly the same time I remembered reading a passage in the Lonely Planet (yeah, it was a while back) that mentioned this and that we should not take offense. I didn't and managed a forced smile back even though I was quite shaken. But I wasn't drowning. This is why swimming should be a must do school subject.
  3. Public transport 555? I have no idea. It is what it is. Gotta adapt. And cross your fingers. And in my case avoid motocys as far as possible.
  4. depends on where you are and what you're up to I guess. What I do know is that most Thais utterly despise the sexpats and will avoid them like the plague if they can.
  5. Sadly they're also the deadliest for those they hit.
  6. I hate motor bikes - doesn't matter how good a rider you are it just takes one other idiot to kill or maim you for life. I once knew an airline training pilot, cool, sensible guy who was also a MC collector. Wiped out instantly by a nutter driving a sports car too fast coming round the bend on the wrong side on a country lane. In the UK! Acquaintance bought her son one for his 18th. 4 weeks later he came off and is now lifelong quadriplegic. Come off one myself as well but that was my fault. Needed 2 collar bone ops. Bastard didn't stop? Scumbag. Get well soon.
  7. Been there, done that. Won't do it again under any circumstances short of wartime shortages.
  8. I did a bit of clicking around as well, and discovered that while a German passport holder can't apply for an e-visa in places like Cambodia or Malaysia (presumably like Australia not on the e-visa net yet) you can from South Korea and China, as well as other European countries and the US. So maybe that might become easier as more local embassies are included in the system. I don't know if you can lie about being in your home country when you're in somewhere like Cambodia. Should be theoretically possible with a VPN though if you've got the paperwork with you. In fact come to think of it it should be possible from Thailand with a VPN. Anyone ever tried?
  9. The Berlin site no longer offers multis for retirement or visiting Thai family any more. Only single entry, valid for 3 months. Non-O retirement is a lot tighter (as in user friendlier) than previously with only 4 requirements including proof of income. O-A is as before. Non-O single entry €70. Oddly it does have visa fees for multi entry on the fees page. TIT. Tourist multi is 5x more expensive than the single entry at €175. N.B. I also found a passage regarding visa exemptions which states German citizens' stays on visa exemption must not total more than 90 days in a six month period, measured from the date of first entry. I wonder how long it'll take for that last to filter through to border checkpoints and if they'll actually enforce it. That info all from an updated (28.10.23) set of requirements, so hot off the press.
  10. There are indeed lots of videos of angry people. But who wants to watch videos of someone meditating? How many followers can you get for your kids' birthday videos? (Do you even make them available to the public?) Millions of positive vids around though - just gotta look for them, gotta want to see them. You can even go to the BSWA and watch them meditating 😉 - or even join in, it lowers cortisol levels after all the 'Karen' vidz.
  11. Correct. But the operative is that Yod said that. The dead man's brother. Has yet to be established. (Either way.)
  12. They're out to win, fast, then scarper, not play sports. This is probably about extortion or turf. Or possibly a girl.
  13. Doesn't look very practical for emergency evacuations ...
  14. AKA the world is your mirror - what do you see in it?
  15. Fraud is fraud. Irrespective of 'harmed parties'. This sounds like BS sovcit stuff.
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