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Everything posted by BusyB

  1. Gotta watch 'em like a hawk and be firm. At the same time it's also a function of money: you get what you pay for. Qualified, competent massage therapists are more expensive.
  2. Malaysia grants a 90 day visa free stay - only want to see a return flight.
  3. I am planning a few days in KL and surrounds later this month and considering taking a female friend with me. There's no problems sharing hotel rooms with an unmarried companion in LOS obviously. But what about Malaysia? Would we have to produce a marriage certificate, or can I book a hotel room and assume we can share and not have problems on check-in? Could we expect to be forced to buy separate rooms? Anyone any (perhaps recent) experience? (Mods: I looked at the Malaysia Forum, but it seems to be only sporadically used/visited - General Chat the last post is mid-August - so I thought perhaps more input from travelers here.)
  4. Dr. Jack, I thought unlimited number of visa exempt entries via air allowed. I am on exempt entry extension (came in by air) and planned to make a side-trip for a few days to maybe KL or Vientiane towards the end of this month to fly back in for a second round. Are you saying this is dodgy and I may not get back in? How dodgy is it? Or is your comment specific to OP? For info: This is my 1st stay here since 2017 when I did 2 months on a TR visa. I've been playing the snowbird since about 2002 - almost always with TR visa. I have no overstay history as such (2 days in 2005 or whenever). I'd rather make a side trip to explore somewhere new from time to time than a one day land hop. That was my basic plan here before I return home in Spring next year.
  5. And that strikes me on current knowledge as the most benevolent assessment. Living in a hotel for 3 years? Questionable if that's good for her.
  6. That was you. Lucky you. I'm happy for you. This is her. Her story may be totally different and that needs investigating. It's not good enough to simply hand her back. Without even contacting the mother. Nobody has any idea what drove her to do that, and she's not likely to tell a bunch of strangers who are about to hand her back to her dad that she tried to leave behind.
  7. When I saw that this obviously desperate kid was handed back over to her father without so much as a 'by your leave' or the bringing in of child psychology specialists I was absolutely gutted. And everything in the article only confirms my reaction. As if any father 'shows signs of being abusive'. Yet his first question is about homework, not joy that she's OK. That kid needs protecting, the mother bringing in, and an investigation. And if all is then found to be well, occasional follow up scrutiny. Any decent parent would be only too happy to cooperate. A child's needs are paramount.
  8. If they insist that entry is conditional upon wearing a Burger King paper crown they are perfectly within their rights. If you try to get in in any other way it's a simple case of trespass. It''s their property, and as long as they don't contravene any laws they can lay down whatever conditions they feel like. You of course can always go elsewhere or come back later with a Burger King crown atop your head on which you have written the words 'Freedom Fighter'.
  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose immediate thought was exactly the same LOL
  10. Unfortunately it seems they've canned the 'laugh' icon, along with the ambiguous and confusing 'sad' and 'confused' icons. Have a laugh icon ????
  11. Perhaps they just do ad hoc screening, perhaps they were training new staff or holding a refresher course ... who knows ... let's see if anyone else reports it ...
  12. When I arrived a short while back just ahead of immigration I was pointed across to special counters, where masked staff behind screens wanted to see proof of vaccination etc. I don't know if they're filtering everyone that's arrived from abroad because I didn't think to observe closely after 18 hours on the go. But there are checks, and there were quite a few people in the queues at the counter. It didn't take long to reach the counter, show them my EU QR code with passport and move on to immigration close by. Edit: And having just noticed another poster, I can confirm that EVA Air staff also wanted to see Covax certificates etc. in VIE
  13. The reason's probably as mundane as the story. He probably called in to the Nottingham Post to let off some steam, it was spiked for a couple of days, probably because of Truss. Then they had space and the duty editor decided to add a bit of international color and take up arms for a local. Summat like that. It didn't make the Times or the Guardian.
  14. Eva were 1st class in my experience ... VIE-BKK. Checkin staff great and helpful, cabin staff also extremely attentive (it took less than 10 seconds for 1 to respond to a call button) and friendly. And they were full so cancellations unlikely, especially since it's onwards to Taipei. Just saying.
  15. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. I'm protecting the airline, and ready to leave if immigration insist, although I see no reason why they should not grant my request for a non-O. I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes. The core answer to OP was that IO didn't want to see cash or ticket on arrival. I was merely trying to add information and perspective for anyone interested in a bit more background.
  16. I had neither current visa nor re-entry, as follows from the rest of my post. They were doing their job and happy with the answers. They didn't ask me for an onward flight because I'd already volunteered the info in anticipation as they started asking questions. They didn't want to see it. They were happy with my answers.
  17. Speaking as a former industry worker, it is about the airlines' responsibility and covering themselves against that liability.
  18. When I flew in a short while back I was asked pre-departure by the airline ground staff what I was doing since I had no visa. I told them I was going for a visa exempt entry and follow up non-O and also had an onward ticket. They seemed to be familiar with it and didn't want proof. They seemed more to want to know if I knew what I was doing. They could see I had Thai visas in my passport (which they checked) so I wasn't a gormless newby and they let me through. On arrival, I was sidelined to show my C0Vaxes which are (EU type QR) on my mobile. I was not asked for anything by IO. However, I was carrying the required 10k (aka €300) and a genuine onward flight booked towards the end of my visa exempt entry. I'll be spending the 10k, and cancelling the flight to get a refund (eventually I suppose - they book it in faster than they refund usually). It just makes sense for me to fulfill all requirements if I want to enter a different country, merely as a matter of respect. I doubt I'll ever be asked and never have been. But there was a time a couple of years before Covid that they did turn some back. Who knows what that was about?
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