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Posts posted by taff33

  1. The rantings of an increasingly unhinged man. He has backed himself into a corner. Some of his on-stage rhetoric has even eclipsed that of Jatuporn at the height of the red shirt campaign of 2010. Talk of hunting down the families, siblings and children of cabinet ministers. Hmm. I think many of his supporters quietly embarrassed by his words. It will be interesting to see if the government has drawn a line in the sand as to how long they will allow this disruption to go on. I beleive that most of your average Bangkok residents are fed up with the disruption to their lives. I know I am.

    Whilst I agree it has gone a little over the top, his rhetoric has not even come close to 'murder our opponents' and 'burn the city to the ground' as the reds did. When it gets that far I will join you in your condemnation of his speeches...

    I think you are a little 'over the top',a fire in a 'hi-so owners' shop.

  2. The one thing that the Shinawatras know better than populism is the use of political violence and intimidation. In almost every case, opposition to them or their government has led to violent repercussions, grenades launched at the PAD and multi-colours, pop-up and run shootings, fire bombings, blood-pouring. A few RPGs at a temple, fuel tanks, and a hotel kept the people of BKk on edge. And if you are brave enough to stand up and make your voice heard, don't be surprised if your home and family is targeted.

    Rice farmers threatening to block roads should remember what happened to the homes of southern rubber farmers who did the same.

    Indeed this is truly the case. Thaksin had, according to Amnesty International, 18 cases of human rights violations that could be leveled at him. When people are this desperate for total control they will sink to anything. You have seen this with control of the media, regular lies about the protest in the red controlled (ie government) media, men in black, the unexplained killing of Sae Dang who seemed to have upset his masters above, the continual twisting of events away from their real causes and off course the current use of Agent Provacateurs. It would not be too far fetched to say that the policeman that was recently shot was shot by his own side at the behest of Thaksin. The evidence shows that the bullets came from High Ground, an area to whch the protestors had no access. Nevertheless Thai Government propaganda tells a different story and it is these type of stories and lies that keep the police firmly in Thaksin's pocket. Those farang posters here who do not understand the depths of te Thaksin/Red manipulation should do some research and then perhaps they'll understand that Thaksin is still walking towards a dictatorship whilst the seemingly inept Suthep is the only person in the country with balls large enough to oppose the Thaksin monster.

    Suthup may have the balls large enough to fill his trousers but it's a pity that he hasn't the brains large enough to fill his head.

  3. Inflation has been on a tear in Thailand these last 3 or 4 years with an extremely strong baht.

    5 years ago, 3 large chang classic with a bucket of ice was 129bht.

    Today it's 139bht ........ not much inflation there.

    Diesel 30bht, same now.

    Gas cylinder 300bht, 320bht last week.

    I'm not seeing this inflation, where are you guys shopping?

    Pork 80 Baht kg now 130

    Rice 27 Baht now 40

    Chicken 85 now 130

    Tin tuna 19.50 now 32

    Loaf bread 24 now 37....the list is endless of 50% increases over the past 5 years.

    Easy answer move to the sticks with your girl friend/boy friend 5555555555

  4. what freezes at 14C???

    apart from drunk thai people?

    E2A - <15C is officially a disaster zone now...

    how many millions can the syphon from the disaster relief funds before 'winter' ends in like 4 more days?

    oh and what happened to the 'emergency blankets' that got handed out during previous years 'disasters'

    BTW - the lunatics are running this asylum

    I take it you have never seen these 'emergency blankets' they are absolutly usless hold them up to light and you can see right through them,just the thing to keep you warm on a summers night,at one time they did give a type of quilt these where better.And before you ask they for the in laws not for me.

  5. Keep going Suthep, I like to see more baht to the dollar, good work.....postpone the election, bring in the military, set up a powerless group to be the political 'face' of the country, and let the money men get on with controlling the country and their own well being, as it has always been.....in short.....no change for Thailand but more change in the pocket for me smile.png win all around

    As well as collecting the subsidy for your wife's rice? It doesn't take much to keep some happy.

    If a decent / fair price was given to the rice farmers no subsidy would be needed.

  6. "The caretaker justice minister said the authorities would arrest Mr Suthep on insurrection charges if they could approach him."

    "If they could approach him?" He's a goddamned terrorist. What is the problem? would this happen in any other country. they need to take however many police it requires, go arrest the bastard and throw his sorry ass into jail. Seems simple enough to me.

    All those criminals that took over the airport a few years ago are still running free, too.

    If I stand at Victory Monument and smoke a joint, will I get away with it as long as I say I am doing it in protest of the government?

    Yes go and try smoking your joint and let us know what happens.

  7. Sheryl /NancyL

    Can you help me I live in amphur Meatha Lampang,will / does the local hospital issue the card.I have used the hospital and have been given an ID number,(I was biten by a dog so needed anti rabies injections).I know that Lampang isn't Chiang Mai but it is the nearest forum to me.I was going to say that I will buy you a drink at the next party at the Old Belle but it will have to be a different place now.

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