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Posts posted by taff33

  1. Exoticpits: you don't drink very much,so if you don't have a session on the local beer how do you know that you don't like it ?.One or two are no good get out and have a skinfull and get back on here and tell us what you think of the local beer.

    • Like 2
  2. Anyone (Red or Yellow) who fails to attend court following a summons is in contempt of court. They should be arrested and held in custody until the case is heard in court which could take many more months.

    Agree 100%

    Unfortunately there is a man in Dubai who seems to have set a trend.

    All great leaders lead from the front,all the rest follow.
    • Like 1
  3. There is no chance that discos and clubs will no longer serve between midnight and 2 am,

    anymore than there are no longer large establishments that serve between 2 am and 5 am.

    or that there will no longer be sidewalk bars with food on Sukhumvit after midnight.

    The only ones that will truly be effected are the hotels and restaurants in visible area.

    And they will now start screaming bloddy murder.

    This will be a short harassment period, with higher fines, and some high profile example cases,

    and then a a slow down to a steady feeder of teamoney up the police chain to the bosses.

    Because as a few above noted, the changing of the law means nothing when the enforcement can be bribed off.

    This is one reason Thaksin has had the police behind him for many years, he knows how the

    'Police Control and Pension Mechanism' works, and makes laws regularly to feed it to his best advantage.

    This is yet another installment of Thaksin feeds the police more tea money and keeps his power.

    How in the world did Thaksin come in to this.
    • Like 1
  4. It saddens me to say that this government is so corrupt and one sided and one agenda to bring back their corrupt Evil Leader.... TS....

    Ts is the one who should be standing trille for murder and All the other crimes he has committed.... When will justest ever come to?

    Thailand Needs a new government that will truly care for it's people and not to just line pockets with Money from the Thai people....

    All goverments are corrupt,not only in this country.

    sent from the jungle using my I pad drum kit

  5. If I was in a job that paid me 100b and just down the road there was a same job that paid me 200b what do you think I should do?,may be if the poor under paid workers (no matter what job they are doing) move to the higher paid job, the owner of the lower paid job might start to think may be I should start paying more to my staff,and not let their wages be reimbursed by tips.And by this I mean not for the owner to rake off to much proffit.

  6. In all my working life I have never been given a tip for the job that I have done, why in my retierment should I give a tip to others. If you want to call me a C.C.,I don't really care, the money that is in my pocket is what I earned and that (as far as tips ) is where it will stay.

  7. here ya go : ) ... and the old bell



    Ehm.. An ATM and Currency Exchange booth?

    Or is there an in-crowd joke I'm not getting?

    If you get to go to the Thai Visa party you will soon know where it is.coffee1.gif
  8. I tried to have my GS put down the vet would not do it,now this dog was dieing, bleeding heavy from from the back end and could not walk at all,all that the vet would give me is the means to put the dog down my self,not a very nice thing to do to a pet that you have had from a pup.

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