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Posts posted by taff33

  1. Another victim of the pointless, counter-productive 'war on drugs'. We continue to punish people harshly for what is essentially a consumer choice. And yet it goes on, listlessly cheerlead by complacent bovine brainfarts from unthinking beer-swilling hypocrites.

    Do yourself and your country a favour: think.

    <deleted> are you on about wa**er you a user or what ?. you are just :sick: :sick: :sick:

  2. Get yourself a sheep. Next time she comes around open the door with a stonking hard-on and the sheep spread-eagled on the bed. That might put her off.

    where can y find a sheep in thailand baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D

    I've got a blow up one he can borrow,all it needs is a good wash out. :whistling:

  3. "also he needs translation done Swiss/German to Thai"

    I wasn't aware that there was a language known as Swiss.

    The Swiss always have a contact somewhere, maybe not an Embassy or Consulate but there will be a rep even in the most remote parts of practically every country. They have operated that way for close to 100 years. Contact the Swiss Embassy in Bangkok and they will give you a contact.

    The reason I said Swiss/German is because he has a Swiss passport and speaks German.

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