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Posts posted by taff33

  1. Prayuth could use good ole Chalerm as his poster boy for this campaign. Too much booze will turn you into a pathetic scumbag like this.

    I wonder if a plan to have off-duty cops wearing balaclavas and driving round Thailand on motorbikes executing on sight anybody drinking or suspected to be drinking alcohol would have the Thaksinites crying Hallelujah as they did during his war on drugs? Double standards, much?

    When I read garbage like the above its small wonder that General Prayuth declined the offer from Aliens to participate in the reform process. Its a Thai problem and only Thais can resolve it I believe he was quoted as saying.

    Hopefully the NCPO does not read the TV news section, the topic & comments on Thaksin's birthday alone shows you what type of farangs we have over here.

    If only the Shinawatra cabal were still the entrenched establishment your comments might have some merit. Alas, Thaksin is not the eternal dear leader he so dearly wanted to be, he is just a criminal on the run. As such, and like other criminals on the run from justice, he attracts derision from neutral readers. I think the NCPO would be unsurprised to see 99% of the Thai visa posts scorning the serial liar, violent terrorist and convicted fraudster, but they might raise an eyebrow at posts like yours that display profound distress at losing the Shin amart.

    As part of growing up, self esteem ought to increase. When this happens you might feel the urge to make a comment on a political forum. Don't be so timid, you opinion is just as valuable as anybody else.

    I take it that you are not a fan of the Shinawatra family.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. The tickets will increase to 100 baht or more on the 15th and 16th. The vendors overcharge because the buyers are willing to pay any price to get that special lucky dream number.

    Blame the buyers because if they stopped buying then the vendors would be forced to sell at the correct price.[/quote

    90 Baht in Lampang, she said it cost her 84 baht to by it.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  3. Work, masturbate.

    Masturbate???? I thought that was only for frustrated people.

    You misunderstood him.

    He meant work for Master Bates.

    and what work would that be?


    Rocket polisher.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. A Phillipino lady in my village is married to a Thai ( the husband is working in Korea at the moment ),has to get a new visa,she went to Chiangmai immigration and they gave her sixteen days extension,I don't know what type of visa she has possibly a 60x2.For her to get a multi o visa will she have to go back to her home country if so what documents will she need to take with her. Another question, can she get Thai citizenship,I seem to remember a female farang married to Thai can do it ( I could be wrong about it )

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  5. You'd get a bit of a shock if you rounded the corner at speed and that appeared in front of you.

    Not much different than the shock of coming face to face with the usual tourbus/minibus/dump truck/pickup/SUV or whatever on the wrong side of the road.....

    btw that photo is damage from the original quake, not today's mini tremors.[/quot

    It does say on the photo 'archive'.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  6. just sack them, plenty of decent hard working people willing to take their jobs.

    You're on a roll;

    Today you want to sack all state enterprise workers for exercising their democratic right to protest. So that's one democratic principle down the drain.

    You wanted to sack all civil servants yesterday because they have a different belief than the PTP. That is another democratic principle down the drain.

    The other day you wanted to sack all the NACC and CC judges because you did not agree with their rulings. That is another democratic principle down the drain.

    So you will disrespect 14 democratic principles to push for 1 (elections)

    Suthep is disrespecting 1 to push for 14.

    That makes him more democratic than you Moonao unless of course you think elections are the only principle of democracy?

    The below have disagreed with the PTP as well. Can we line them all up and sack them as well and replace them with PTP friendly people?

    The Thai beauty patent judges, the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, the Environmentalists, the corn farmer, rubber farmers, rice farmers, medical association, rural teachers, academics, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll.

    What a load of you spout.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And your inability to rebut it speaks volumes.

    Thank for highlighting that the UDD and PTP attract inarticulate supporters.

    If I knew what those big words meant and had principles I might take notice of you.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  7. just sack them, plenty of decent hard working people willing to take their jobs.

    You're on a roll;

    Today you want to sack all state enterprise workers for exercising their democratic right to protest. So that's one democratic principle down the drain.

    You wanted to sack all civil servants yesterday because they have a different belief than the PTP. That is another democratic principle down the drain.

    The other day you wanted to sack all the NACC and CC judges because you did not agree with their rulings. That is another democratic principle down the drain.

    So you will disrespect 14 democratic principles to push for 1 (elections)

    Suthep is disrespecting 1 to push for 14.

    That makes him more democratic than you Moonao unless of course you think elections are the only principle of democracy?

    The below have disagreed with the PTP as well. Can we line them all up and sack them as well and replace them with PTP friendly people?

    The Thai beauty patent judges, the World bank, Moody's, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, the Environmentalists, the corn farmer, rubber farmers, rice farmers, medical association, rural teachers, academics, Supa, global economists, IMF, private banks, GSB, the EC, AoT, the courts, military, bangkok middle class, business owner, state enterprise staff, Buddhist monks, civil servants, labor unions, Green Politics group, Thai Constitution Protection Association, The Thai press, NIDA poll, Bangkok Poll.

    What a load of <deleted> you spout.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  8. Vote buying happens in the south too it's not just on red areas and has also been going on a lot longer than Thaksins have been in power.

    Sorry Fat Haggis I have to pull you up on this one mate.

    How do you know about this? Are you privvy to the information on vote buying in the South or are you taking someone else's words as face value?

    Have you got the facts at hand to back up your claims or are you just talking speculation and guessing??

    I want evidence from the EC this has happened, statements from the police and DSI investigation reports. I want the trends before and after Thaksin was in power (Well not after, he is still in power) All original documents please lest you fabricate the evidence.

    It's fine if you're not able to provide this evidence, it's as I suspect it's just another opinion here on TVF that is one of many that mean diddly squat wink.png

    This is a reasonable request of evidence since you have asked the same of me here.

    Grow up you are acting like a child.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Ok that's interesting. So the uneven burden of proof only applies to supporters of 15 principles of democracy. When Haggis requests an overwhelming burden of proof it is acceptable and my fact is dismissed until I show the proof. When I ask for exactly the same proof from a 1 principle supporter and in fact used exactly the same wording as Haggis I am a child told to grow up and his facts are proof without having to show any proof of it.

    That my friend is PTP logic right there.

    Notice I was not condescending towards you or belittling you because I could articulate a valid rebuttal.

    Did you have 'A'level in English.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  9. Vote buying happens in the south too it's not just on red areas and has also been going on a lot longer than Thaksins have been in power.

    Sorry Fat Haggis I have to pull you up on this one mate.

    How do you know about this? Are you privvy to the information on vote buying in the South or are you taking someone else's words as face value?

    Have you got the facts at hand to back up your claims or are you just talking speculation and guessing??

    I want evidence from the EC this has happened, statements from the police and DSI investigation reports. I want the trends before and after Thaksin was in power (Well not after, he is still in power) All original documents please lest you fabricate the evidence.

    It's fine if you're not able to provide this evidence, it's as I suspect it's just another opinion here on TVF that is one of many that mean diddly squat wink.png

    This is a reasonable request of evidence since you have asked the same of me here.

    Grow up you are acting like a child.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  10. Oh shut up for crying out loud.

    If Suthep wanted to he can have millions... you can just get a few thousand.

    Stop embarrassing yourself and the red shirts once again you complete loser.

    Nattawut's only motivation is that he can get more deaths and injuries per grenade when people are more closely packed together. We all know what's on your mind you horrible little runt.

    Just drop dead already.

    He rattled your cage didn't he,spoilt looser that you are.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  11. Haven't read the article, but cannot think of a single civilised country that has "village headmen". I can think of quite a few sub-saharan countries that do though. Thailand also compares better with those countries on an evolutionary scale.

    If you lived here and showed even the slightest interest in the culture you would realise just how ignorant you come across as.

    I don't know where you live, so can't say if I live "here", but the part of Thailand I live in does not seem to use village headmen much if at all. Instead it has governors and mayors, and uses a variety of government offices to take care of various matters between the public and the government.

    Do you have shamans, medicine men and fortune tellers where you live too?

    Anyway, it may be "culture" when a guy in a village realise he is slightly smarter than the average village idiot, and thereby manage to convince everyone that not only should they give him x percent of all the action, but they should also wai him when doing so, but it is not a good thing, hence I oppose and ridicule it.

    Not to mention that he gets paid to "convince" the village idiots who to vote for, but that is a separate matter already discussed elsewhere.

    If village headmen were such a good thing, then how come every single culture and society in the world that has them is a century or two behind everyone else?

    Honour killings and forced marriage is also a big part of certain cultures, yet I neither accept nor respect such practises, and reserve the right to oppose and ridicule such "culture" at all times.

    Do you fill in the balloons for the comic books,if not you should take up the occupation your missing out on a nice little earner.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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